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Old 11-12-2012, 10:31 AM
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GenuineRisk GenuineRisk is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Default Oh, history... why you so fallible?

So FDR might not have had polio after all! Interesting article, though we'll never know for sure. In the end, it wouldn't have made any difference to him, though, as is pointed out, it did make a difference to thousands of people who were afflicted by polio:

I'm reading Traitor to His Class, a bio of FDR, and it talks about how him getting afflicted at age 40, after a youth of being very active, and then being treated at a facility in the South, in the throes of the extreme poverty there, really shaped his outlook, enabling this man to, on some level, understand the suffering of people not born to the kind of privilege he was.
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Old 11-12-2012, 03:20 PM
cal828 cal828 is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
So FDR might not have had polio after all! Interesting article, though we'll never know for sure. In the end, it wouldn't have made any difference to him, though, as is pointed out, it did make a difference to thousands of people who were afflicted by polio:

I'm reading Traitor to His Class, a bio of FDR, and it talks about how him getting afflicted at age 40, after a youth of being very active, and then being treated at a facility in the South, in the throes of the extreme poverty there, really shaped his outlook, enabling this man to, on some level, understand the suffering of people not born to the kind of privilege he was.
Interesting title to that book. I was thinking in those exact terms, when it looked like Romney might win and I was trying to put the best face on his victory. I was saying to myself, maybe he will turn out to be one of those presidents that is a traitor to his class (pretty dumb idea, I admit) or maybe he will turn out to be like one of those "conservative" Supreme Court Justices
that never seem to be quite as conservative as those that appoint them. I think we might have had several presidents that were traitors to their class. I think that both Roosevelts were, JFK, LBJ, and Eisenhower. There are probably more, but you'd have to be a real history nut to know much about some of the earlier ones.

Last edited by cal828 : 11-12-2012 at 03:56 PM.
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