Awe goodbye to the good ole days when we used to drop nuclear bombs to end wars. When we didn't think twice about a mass invasion of a jungle country halfway around the world, where we lost 60K soldiers, all in the name of fighting communism.
The Great Depression was overstated you know with the free soup lines and apples, times were so good back then the FBI's most wanted man provided much of the soup in Chicago.
Oh and everyone throughout the 'American' century had a good paying job and healthcare, even the coal minors with their black lung disease and all. While we're on disease let us not forget tuberculosis who may be making a comeback thru the welcome all amigos program'e' and good ole polio. Damn you progress.
The thing we can all agree with that the author of the above article misses, is the men and women who lived thru and thrived the previous century are gone or will be and looking at their replacements, 70% of whom would be ineligible for military service, the future looks bleak.