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Old 06-19-2015, 11:42 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Default how to end hate

what will it take to get people to stop treating those different from them with hate?

hw do we get people to stop with racism, sexism, treating people differently because of their religion? where does it come from, why does it happen? are we no better than a virus in a petri dish, that will attack another virus?
even here, on this site, when discussing things...quite often it devolves into name calling or worse. why?

the shooter said he almost didn't go thru with the shooting, because the people he was about to kill were being nice to him...but then he did it anyway. how do we end this? the family a few weeks ago who got a letter from an anonymous coward neighbor, saying move to live with 'your kind'. wtf?

our govt in recent decades has used force to win their point...are we as a people doing the same?
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Old 06-19-2015, 12:02 PM
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Violence is a product of hatred which springs from fear. Since the beginning of time, folks have been taught to fear the unknown...folks who are perceived as "different" evoke fear, they don't fit in our perception of life and therefore we immediately project a level of "sinisterness" to them. To compensate for our fear we also dehumanize them, seeing them as inferior, more animalistic than us. This justifies our hatred and ultimately a violent response....this is something the rich and powerful have long prayed on...enabling them to maintain the status quo at the expense of women, black folks and other minorities.
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Old 06-19-2015, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
Violence is a product of hatred which springs from fear. Since the beginning of time, folks have been taught to fear the unknown...folks who are perceived as "different" evoke fear, they don't fit in our perception of life and therefore we immediately project a level of "sinisterness" to them. To compensate for our fear we also dehumanize them, seeing them as inferior, more animalistic than us. This justifies our hatred and ultimately a violent response....this is something the rich and powerful have long prayed on...enabling them to maintain the status quo at the expense of women, black folks and other minorities.
And not the expense of any white men?

You're indoctrinated to the core, dude.

You really believe what you just typed?

You think women and minorities can't be extremely, if not more violent, than the rich white men?

And knowing blows your whole f.ucking theory out of the water.

All people can be hateful. It's not limited to white men.

Look at the crime statistics.

Use facts, not wild assumptions.
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Old 06-19-2015, 12:56 PM
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End hate? It can't be done. There will always be good and evil.
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Old 06-19-2015, 01:22 PM
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Hate is a word that is overused and thus loses its meaning.

For example many religious folk are against gay marriage. That certainly doesn't mean they hate gay people. Just as many are against religion without hating those that are religious. That said there are those that hate and some of those are willing to act out their hate. Thank God they are a small minority.

I agree with little to nothing that several here post on a almost daily basis and most likely it's vice versa, but that doesn't mean I hate them and hope they don't hate me.

This country has gotten to the point that many times feelings mean more than facts even when said feelings are irrational and that's sad fact we have to live with.
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Old 06-19-2015, 01:25 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
End hate? It can't be done. There will always be good and evil.
of course there will.
but we can do as much as possible. and hate takes so many forms...look at the laws being passed here in the last few months, legalizing discrimination. it's just one example of a group trying to be special, more equal if you wish to use animal farm jargon. how can they supersede the constitutions guarantee of equal protection under the law by doing that? one state just the other day passed a law that their magistrates can refuse to marry a couple. how can that be allowed?
i doubt james madison intended his bill of rights to be twisted for such things.

back to the subject....what is necessary to get people to understand that altho someone may be 'different', that doesn't equal evil?
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Old 06-20-2015, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
And not the expense of any white men?

You're indoctrinated to the core, dude.

You really believe what you just typed?

You think women and minorities can't be extremely, if not more violent, than the rich white men?

And knowing blows your whole f.ucking theory out of the water.

All people can be hateful. It's not limited to white men.

Look at the crime statistics.

Use facts, not wild assumptions.
Coach you are good at putting words in the mouths of others...where did I say that women and minorities can't be violent? Within every group of folks there are those who resort to violence, that has nothing to due with the fact that the rich and powerful use knowledge of human behavior to control the masses...hell, the powerful seldom resort to violence, they simply brainwash the rest of us to do their bidding. The general doesn't get his hands bloody, he sits back and watches his troops do the fighting, the rich southern landowner didn't don a white sheet, he convinced poor white folks that blacks were responsible for their poverty....meanwhile he got rich off the backs of the poor. The rich and powerful learned long long ago that the secret to maintaining their status was to deflect blame...and while the gullible masses fought each other, they laughed all the way to the bank.
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Old 06-20-2015, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
Coach you are good at putting words in the mouths of others...where did I say that women and minorities can't be violent? Within every group of folks there are those who resort to violence, that has nothing to due with the fact that the rich and powerful use knowledge of human behavior to control the masses...hell, the powerful seldom resort to violence, they simply brainwash the rest of us to do their bidding. The general doesn't get his hands bloody, he sits back and watches his troops do the fighting, the rich southern landowner didn't don a white sheet, he convinced poor white folks that blacks were responsible for their poverty....meanwhile he got rich off the backs of the poor. The rich and powerful learned long long ago that the secret to maintaining their status was to deflect blame...and while the gullible masses fought each other, they laughed all the way to the bank.
That we know of. Remember that 'the powerful' typically don't have to answer to an authority figure since most of them are the authority.

Slave ownership is closely tied to the 1%. Ok so they were the 2.2% back then.

The conditioning now is to blame the corporations and gloss over the banking system. And to delude ourselves into believing we're currently under a true capitalist setting when it is anything but.
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Old 06-20-2015, 11:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
That we know of. Remember that 'the powerful' typically don't have to answer to an authority figure since most of them are the authority.

Slave ownership is closely tied to the 1%. Ok so they were the 2.2% back then.

The conditioning now is to blame the corporations and gloss over the banking system. And to delude ourselves into believing we're currently under a true capitalist setting when it is anything but.
People confuse Capitalism with Democracy when in fact Public companies operate quite like a Communist Country. Those on top reward themselves and leave the scraps for those to fight for underneath.
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Old 06-20-2015, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
People confuse Capitalism with Democracy when in fact Public companies operate quite like a Communist Country. Those on top reward themselves and leave the scraps for those to fight for underneath.
well put Jim
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Old 06-20-2015, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
People confuse Capitalism with Democracy when in fact Public companies operate quite like a Communist Country. Those on top reward themselves and leave the scraps for those to fight for underneath.

and this country is no democracy. we've deluded ourselves for a while that it is.

what's that line about voting to make it feel like we have a say? but we're just picking which tyrant...
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Old 06-20-2015, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
That we know of. Remember that 'the powerful' typically don't have to answer to an authority figure since most of them are the authority.

Slave ownership is closely tied to the 1%. Ok so they were the 2.2% back then.

The conditioning now is to blame the corporations and gloss over the banking system. And to delude ourselves into believing we're currently under a true capitalist setting when it is anything but.
Good point....hard to quantify the degree of their violence when they are the ones in authority. Dylan decried the hypocrisy of privilege in his "Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll".
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Old 06-22-2015, 06:16 AM
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"Stop The Hate" - Real Racism is supported by lies.
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Old 06-22-2015, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
"Stop The Hate" - Real Racism is supported by lies.
well, i'll be. thanks so much for this, now i can sleep at night knowing racism actually doesn't exist at all.
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Old 06-22-2015, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
well, i'll be. thanks so much for this, now i can sleep at night knowing racism actually doesn't exist at all.
Condescension is really no different than racism.

It's no mistake that the people trying to demonize others and take their true last line of defense are hateful, borderline psychotic, control-freak, hypocrites.

It's never going to happen, bigun.
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Old 06-22-2015, 12:54 PM
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Chuck Todd goes fishing. Gets skunked.

Grace. These folks have it. Maybe that's the secret.
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Old 06-22-2015, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Chuck Todd goes fishing. Gets skunked.

Grace. These folks have it. Maybe that's the secret.
i would never meet with the press. they are snakes.
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Old 06-23-2015, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
End hate? It can't be done. There will always be good and evil.
Very true OD

This went viral a couple months back. Imagine if the roles were reversed in this video. It got maybe 30 seconds on the local news. However, if it were a white on black thing, then it would have been all over the media for a lot longer than 30 seconds.

Most that see this want to beat the ever living crap out of her or worse.
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Old 06-23-2015, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post

and this country is no democracy. we've deluded ourselves for a while that it is.

what's that line about voting to make it feel like we have a say? but we're just picking which tyrant...
Technically, it was never meant to be a democracy, but a constitutionally federated republic. But I get your meaning - the "two party system" which was never codified into law but is still the de facto status quo prevents representation on a lot of issues.

And the voting system is virtually destroyed once we don't check identification to actually verify that everyone gets one (and only one) vote.
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Old 06-24-2015, 07:49 AM
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'A spokesman for the CCC, looking to deflect responsibility for Roof’s murderous rampage, said it was “a big mistake” to say the group’s racist beliefs “inspired” Roof—rather, they “informed” him.'

that's one hell of an exercise in semantics.
that group should not have tax exempt status. hopefully that will be rectified asap.
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