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Old 10-02-2008, 01:01 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by pgardn
Senate passes it 74-25.

Back to the House.
Its a bit diff. but not signficantly imo.
Um yeah it is. They are extending Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy! I was on the fence to begin with but to spend $700 billion and then cut taxes is absolute idiocy. If we are going to bailout the wealthy then we should tax them to help pay for it. This reckless spending while cutting tax revenue is just going to continue to weaken the dollar.
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Old 10-02-2008, 02:56 PM
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I was talking today with B Wayne Hughes about the bailout deal , I just thought his views would be very interesting considering his wealth . He is livid that the government is going to bail these banks and investment firms out , he thinks we are just about one step away from Scocialism. He was also saying that our dollar is going to be worth about 50 cents here soon because we are borrowing this money from the Chinese who's crap products we buy and throw away a year later is keeping our dollar out of our country. He was also stating how our government just gave 2 car companies a boat load of money to bail them out because we cant seem to be able to build a affordable quality car in this country and that it just seems a little stupid considering we invented the damn thing . Anyway I wish I would have had more time to talk to him on the subject but alas I had to work at work lol.
In closing he suggested anyone who has extra money to invest it in houses before the dollar takes a downturn , he said you may have to wait 5 or ten years to see a real return but that the investment right now will be a smart choice because the prices will be right.

Horses are like strawberries....they can go bad overnight. Charlie Whittingham
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Old 10-02-2008, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
Um yeah it is. They are extending Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy! I was on the fence to begin with but to spend $700 billion and then cut taxes is absolute idiocy. If we are going to bailout the wealthy then we should tax them to help pay for it. This reckless spending while cutting tax revenue is just going to continue to weaken the dollar.
So why did Obama vote for it?
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Old 10-02-2008, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
So why did Obama vote for it?

I wonder about this, too. Ron Paul is against the "bailout", "rescue" plan. I never took Economics, and can't pretend to understand the issue at hand. But, my sense is(and the view of many others) is that this system that has caused this is either broken or corrupt(or both). To try to solve the problem staying with this system(Wall Street) is fundamentally wrong.

Apparently, this $7 billion could be put into a different fund for creditors:

Once again, we have been shown just how ineffective and useless our federal government has become.

The founding fathers set up our present system with the thought that our legislature would be a citizen legislature, comprised of ordinary citizens who would take some time out of their jobs to come to Washington, legislate and then go home again.

Unfortunately what we have has become a separate class of professional politicians. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on them (offices), a rottenness begins in his conduct." And what we have is 535 rotten apples running our country.

Anyone who has paid any attention to anything that is going on cannot help but to become aware that politicians on all levels, particularly on the federal level, once elected, devote virtually all of their time and efforts on getting reelected. And why not? They get great pay, the best medical plan in existence, and a retirement plan that's obscene. This has led to a system that is broken down.

Take Medicare, for instance. All indications are that it will be bankrupt in less than 10 years. Have our "representatives" done anything about it? What about Social Security, which will be bankrupt in 30 to 40 years? Will anything be done about it?

The answer to both the questions is a big no. Why? Because our lily-livered professional politicians are afraid to
offend any of their constituents in the short term, disregarding the fact that in the long term they are dooming us and our descendants. Instead they will do the same thing they are doing now during the financial crush. They will wait until the last moment and try to jerry-rig some nonsensical plan which, once again, may work in the short term, but not for the long haul.

So what's the answer? Well, term limits might be an idea, but these jokers will figure out some ways around this.

I think it's time we think about what I have been talking up for years. We need a revolution. Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

Now I'm not necessarily talking about taking to the streets and spilling blood, but it might come to that. There are, however, less violent ways to change things. Personally, I think the easiest and best solution is to change our form of government to a parliamentary system. That way multiple parties could be represented, coalitions could be formed, and when the government screws-up like it always does, there could be a no-confidence vote and we could throw the rascals out and bring in a new bunch of rascals.

But, there is little to no doubt in my mind that continuing along our present course will bring us nothing but disaster after disaster.

Bob Fagelson,

Brattleboro, Oct. 1

Truth and reconciliation
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Old 10-02-2008, 08:10 PM
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Tax the poor, pay the rich

Wednesday, October 1
Editor of the Reformer:

G. W. Bush suddenly resurfaced to urgently address the financial crisis -- the one we've watched these 18 months. Never mind that last spring he told people losing their homes that there would be no help for them. Now he offers us the most impressive tax increase ever (home-losers included). In the 11th hour of his presidency (coincidence? I think not), Bush is taking a final swipe at the middle class by asking for, essentially, an unprecedented hike in our taxes to bail out the super rich. But wait, there's more. He is not asking the investment industry to give anything back. Rather, I suspect a good portion of this $700 billion would fill the black holes left by golden parachutes. And neither Bush nor McCain are proposing a change in the tax cuts to those super wealthy. Utter disbelief is appropriate here. This is without precedent, immoral, and as bad as it sounds. Tax the poor, pay the rich.

There is an obvious solution. Let these companies fail like we let poor people fail every day. Meanwhile, now that this crazy sum of money is on the table, let's use it to start a taxpayer's bank -- countries in Europe are doing it as we speak. Bush and Paulson claim the reason for the bailout is to maintain a flow of credit in this country. Who says it needs to be from Wall Street? Forget Wall Street. We can borrow from ourselves, and get the interest back. Maybe we can even get this country
back to where we were 8 years ago -- in the black.

Rebecca Jones, MD,

Brattleboro, Sept. 29
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:22 PM
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Finally You Fools Are Getting It!!!!
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:22 PM
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Fix The Godammity Typing Machine In Here...Steeeeve!!!!
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:04 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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voting should begin in about half an hour on the bailout. but isn't this deal more expensive than the one shot down on monday??
and why the accusations towards pelosi that her speech on monday was too partisan, and that was why the bill was defeated? why should it matter if it's partisan or not, if it's the right thing to do, how utterly stupid to delay what could potentially jump start our economy. and congress wonders why their approval rating is so damned low.
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:37 PM
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What A Bunch Of Goosi!!!!
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:38 PM
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Sunnybi!tch!Fix This...Steeeeve!!!!
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:58 PM
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We need to talk about your TPS reports
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 10-03-2008, 01:03 PM
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Get outa heah ,Lumberg!
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Old 10-03-2008, 02:55 PM
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YEA.......we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into storage B
We've Gone Delirious
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