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Old 01-04-2015, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
Best of luck in the championship game.

I don't know what to tell interest in the game is minimal but if I were forced to choose a side it would be the Schmucks.

But I don't like them.

I'd rather the precocious Clydesdale lead the Graeter's Buckeyes to the ship.

From ~ Clyde

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Thanks so much again.

Had to look up Graeters and now get it;"the ship", a lot less.

I'm like you----I leave when Ohio State leaves.

I could take losing to Alabama,but not the Platypusi.

Sporty Fans!

Here's a little look at some of my detailed investigation for the 12th:

1.Woebegone's name is too stupid to be nat. title holders.

2.If you look closer at the FSU game,FSU went schizoid in the third quarter and just packed it in.Not that Woebegone should not have won....but not by that score.That is a little misleading.

3.Remember Walks Like a Duck? Did he beat Tiznow? See?

4.Galloway and more than one Ohio player commented how physical the Alabama game was....and nail biting.Woebegone fairly skated.Some think this hurts Ohio, but I think the opposite.

5.The game is in Texas.Ohio and Texas get along really,really well.

6.Woebegone is the Beaver state.Ohio is the Bucknuts state.Therefore;we shall **** them.

7.I really,really like #6.

8.Oh boy.

9.Anyways!----I am pretty shore Ohio is the home team and that they will go back to the really,really great arm stripes instead of that niki bullshit of just two white stripes.It downgraded Ohio to looking like Swissconsin and Nee-brasky.This style first came out sometime before the 1968 team called the super soph team.This team much resembles them in the freshman and sophomores playing.Ohio did win the nat. title in '68.

10.Ohio has to win because I don't have much time on this earth;maybe 6 months.The team is supposed to **** Woebegone....not me.

I think the points say Woebegone -7.

I can say now.....uh,no.

And I do think Ohio State wins.

More keen insights coming this week in support of that determination.
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Old 01-05-2015, 04:51 PM
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From ~ Clyde

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11.I can't even imagine ,"Roll Platypusi Roll!!"

12.Their defense gives up over 400 yards a game.I don't know that any nc team has ever been that defenseless.

13."Oregon",when pronounced as two sounds like a synthetic fabric.I don't know that any synthetic fabric ever won an nc.

14.Ohio State will the nc because Tressel needs to be shown the team doesn't need him to do so.

15.I caught some sour grapes from Nick'sKumquats:Ohio "stole" the game from State Penn.State Penn needs to steal an offense.Or maybe take the roller skates off their running backs so as to aid in pass blocking.This has nothing to do with the nc game, but I never paint myself in a corner.
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Old 01-07-2015, 12:58 PM
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An update from ~ Clyde

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I forgot what number I'm on in the nc game breakdown analysis.I'm going to guess.

Not the breakdown analysis.

The number.

178. nike, the john giving big money to the HO's,has decided the Platypusi shall wear white jerseys and silver pants.They will not wear their colors.This is pretty much sacrilegious,but it helps them as their colors are barf awful.In fact, they will look a lot like Ohio State's away uniforms.That's even a bigger plus for them.

179.The Bucknuts have Evan Spencer.Just as athletic as any receiver,but he doesn't cry when he's not getting a ton of throws his way.All he does is go all out every play and block and run decoy routes.He had a horrible Alabama game in which he was only the guy who sprang EE with a killer block taking out 2 defenders,only the guy who made the quintessential perfect throw to Thomas for a td,only the guy who made a possible game saving and great catch of Alabama's onside kick...and only the guy who tied for catch of the game only to get hosed by the refs.

And he didn't complain.

You can have the Lebron James';I'll take the Evan Spencer's every time.

I hate false idol worship.

180.I also hate halls of fame and mvp's.

181.The game is in Texas.Texas will not allow anyone to beat the Bucknuts.

182.Arletta,a Texan, loves the Bucknuts.

Oh my God.

Wait a minute.

182.The Texan,Arletta, loves Ohio State.

183.Mark May DESPISES Ohio State.ALWAYS a good sign.

184.Urban Meyers son,Suburban,may or may not be on the sidelines .(unshore of this point....if their is one....I guess I just wanted a reason to use"suburban")

185.That's it for today.

186.Stop that rude applauding!
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Old 01-08-2015, 01:08 PM
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Fine work, Morty.

I've changed my mind. The Buckeyes win. I don't like Nike. Phil Knight doesn't deserve a 'ship.

The slowly evolving sports story of 2015 is LeBron and the Cavs. If he bounces they might burn the city down.
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Old 01-08-2015, 07:36 PM
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A reply from ~ Clyde

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And I FINALLY get what "ship" means.

That was a puzzler.

Knight most likely is the reason for Oregon significance.I hate nike and all they represent.

Yes,interesting doings with the Queen.Really don't follow the team close because of interest lack.I know enough to realize the owner let her sucker him....again.When "The Alibi" leaves this time,his full page ad will make the last look like a "tsk tsk".This second one....he won't leave "****" out.The Cavaliers are much more a true dysfunctional than the Brownies because the Brownies are in constant regime change whereas the Cavaliers have had only the one owner for a while.The Browns are simply dysfunctional due to constant change;the Cavaliers stick to a precise plan of dysfunction.

The remote controlled fans of this LePhony guy is the most entertaining part of the whole mess.


Three more reasons Ohio State will beat Oregon.
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Old 01-08-2015, 09:29 PM
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I don't see Ohio State losing control like FSU.

FSU deserved to get humiliated. Gumbo Wisher should be selling used rv's in Bacon Gawgah.
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Old 01-09-2015, 03:43 PM
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From Clyde

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"Gumbo Wisher", "Bacon Gawgah"....highly complex thoughts! I llllike 'em!

Winnebego Man pops into my head.

And I was just yakking about dysfunction,SportyFans.The Browns o.c. has requested a get of jail card free-----he got it.Another new o.c. is coming.AAAAND!!----qb coach be gone ,too.He got canned.This team goes through so many h.c's,gm's,o.c.'s,d.c.'s, qb coaches.....ALL kinds of coaches and prez's, v.p.'s....whew!!

They're not quite as good as the Cavaliers though.It seems the Cavaliers have turned over almost the entire roster since the end of last year....twice.

It would seem to me ,Oregon is very suspect on run defense.Especially between the tackles.Their busy bee offense is a concern, but if Ohio can churn he clock.....that would be good.They do have to score at the end of the churn, of course.ButOregon's defense just does not look sa hot to me.

I do hope my good friend Horsey for the Coursey is OK.I know he mentioned of a medical problem and do hope it's just that I bore him to death and not that malady.

LePhony is touring the country while injured.It's reported Miami was his first stop.He was asked by CLYDE&CLYDE field reporters if he was going to fucl< Cleveland for the second time.He replied:

"Not 2,not 3, not 4, not,5 not 6, not 7....."

At that pint D.Wade was laughing at him and hushed the Queen up.

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Old 01-12-2015, 12:36 PM
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A Game Day message from #1 Buckeye fan ~ Clyde

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Welcome to the final edition of the CLYDE&CLYDE fine program.There will be no future broadcasts....ever.This is it.

Hour prediction for tonight is:

Ohio State...56


It's right;or it's wrong. Could be off by a little;or a lot.

It's OK if they lose.Been a fun season and they're a good,happy bunch.Whoever wins deserves it and hope they are no injuries on either team.

I don't pay much attention to the rabid fans.Everywhere I go today even strangers are yelling,"O-H!!"I just look at them ,puzzled.... and say,"God I KNOW this!" I can't remember.They get mad and scream,"I-O!!!!" Then I point approvingly at them and make a raspberry sound.

They hate me.

Maybe some day far into the future,someone will go way back into the sporty room here....probably page 209....and find this thread.

They will remark,"SAY! This guy was good!"

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Old 01-13-2015, 05:53 AM
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Old 01-13-2015, 06:02 AM
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Old 01-13-2015, 06:19 AM
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Congrats Clyde!
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Old 01-13-2015, 06:24 AM
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I went to bed after Disney Sports put up the graphic for Oregon injuries/suspensions. Surely the smart degenerates that were partaking in stimulants rode the live betting to the promised land.

Congrats Clyde.
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Old 01-13-2015, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
I went to bed after Disney Sports put up the graphic for Oregon injuries/suspensions. Surely the smart degenerates that were partaking in stimulants rode the live betting to the promised land.

Congrats Clyde.
It was profitable Coach.....even though OHS gave the Ducks plenty of opportunities to take control of the game

Congrats Clydey
"Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something" - Plato
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Old 01-15-2015, 10:35 AM
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A final update from ~ Clyde

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I want to thank Arletta for her remarkable and beautiful attachments.

Sometimes it's best to just move on.

CP....admirable work and thanks so much.Also a too kind to BeefHerky and Haspy.Nick'sKumquats;looks like Ohio State stole another won.Don't ya just hate 'em?

NK;this one's fer YEW!
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Old 01-15-2015, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A final update from ~ Clyde

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I want to thank Arletta for her remarkable and beautiful attachments.

Sometimes it's best to just move on.

CP....admirable work and thanks so much.Also a too kind to BeefHerky and Haspy.Nick'sKumquats;looks like Ohio State stole another won.Don't ya just hate 'em?

NK;this one's fer YEW!
How many final updates do we get and yes clydeee Ohio State did well in the playoff but still didn't deserve that Penn State win
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Old 01-15-2015, 02:48 PM
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I have to save all of my sports-related hate for All Barn Tires and Tonsilitis Volunteers.

And a little bit of hate for the chaps at Old Toilet.
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Old 01-15-2015, 07:05 PM
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One more from ~ Clyde

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Ya well I am not updating;I am being a good head and thanking those for their congratulatory posts,as I thank you for yours.

Now,well let me award CP 10 for that fine play of "All Barn Tires."----!!OOOOOOOOOO!!

All Right.First,if you want to file theft charges you should file them on the officials.Ohio had nothing to do with making two bad ref decisions....and they were bad.But to say that took the win away from State Penn is a little over the top because what you are saying is Ohio State would then have lost 7 on the no interception and lost 3 on time running out on that field goal and assuming 5 yards back would have been enough to miss the next f.g. try:This, you stretch into saying everything else would have gone exactly the same way and State Penn wins 17-7 in regulation.

But fb games are not like that because life isn't like that.Every change ,changes things.Unless you are a seer....I think you would lose the theft case in court.

To keep it real;you were in fact up 24-17 in the first possession of overtime.The excuse for losing that game in front of your home field racist crowd is now -----what?

But if you're comfortable with saying Ohio State stole that game from State Penn, then that's swell.Consider upgrading your home protection devices/services.
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Old 01-21-2015, 05:53 PM
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Still Alive ~ Clyde

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Need more time there do ya, Mr. Kumquats?
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Old 02-04-2015, 11:56 AM
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A comment from ~ Clyde

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Uhm....I saw the Remarkable Interception for the first time yesterday.

Now, I am not saying anything other than this:The most Remarkable thing I saw was pass interference.

This is all I am saying.

I am not claiming anyone stole anything nor inferring anyone was bought,but I did seem to see Remarkable Pass Interference.....which I find----Remarkable.
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Old 02-12-2015, 08:22 AM
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Nincompoops are dropping like homeless yankee boxers in Russia.



I didn't make a fuss when taco smell removed the xxxl nachos from the menu. No RIP thread from me going on about how great the xxxl nachos was.
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