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Old 10-14-2008, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
No, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of them comes to live with me someday. I want to talk to my dad, and he usually can't hear me. I don't want to talk to my mom, and she hears everything.
Too funny.

Maybe he has the hearing aid switched to
off around your mom. Probably decided the
world of silence was a pleasant one.

My mom (RIP) caused me to go deaf
on purpose in Elementary School.
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:53 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Read what she wrote about economics above. If you believe that, then you're a Republican. If you believe what she wrote, and you also think everyone should get their own damn fire department, then you're a Libertarian. I think it's economic views that really describe where people fall politically. The Social Values stuff (ABORTION etc, ) is secondary. I don't think many Democrats would believe what she wrote about economics, but many would be against abortion n' gay anything(a lot of Catholics are in this zone...actually the Catholic Church Teachings are that of a Democrat who is against abortion n' gay anything.)
well, instead of slapping a 'republican' label on what i wrote, tell me what's wrong about it? how does increasing the cost of business, which ultimately affects workers-both in lost jobs and price increases-mean it's a republican viewpoint? how does raising govt income help an employee? i'm asking in the hopes that you'll give an opposite view to what a wrote, rather than just dismiss it as a republican view. i'm using my POV, due to where i work, and where my husband works, as the basis for what i wrote. i know that over the years, my husbands company has laid off hundreds of folks-moreso when it was a publically held company, to help it's share price. now it's private, but there were still layoffs when the company was purchased. since companies have to maintain their bottom line, have to be profitable, how would my contention that increasing their cost of business would be harmful to the middle class employee mean i support the rich? what am i missing? or do you believe that the rich guys who own and manage the company are somehow going to take a pay cut to make up the difference?

edit~also, while i'm awaiting an answer, and not just an 'oh, you're a republican blah blah' also mentioned above that since i'm a gun owner, i must be a republican...could you also take the time to explain why exactly my exercise of that constitutional right is somehow incorrect, or to be treated with disdain? should we as americans only follow parts of the constitution, but not all of it? since some are exercising the right to free speech to encourage hate, should we all lose that right as well?
thanks in advance for what i'm sure will be a well-thought out response on that issue.
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Last edited by Danzig : 10-14-2008 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:21 PM
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well, now this is interesting....while i had the time, i did a search on corporate taxes. now, since i say that no corporate taxes should be raised i was told i'm a republican. that keeping corporate taxes low is a republican idea....and i found this:

"On the campaign trail, McCain portrays Obama as an eager supporter of higher taxes who is unwilling to buck his own party, while Obama often charges that McCain's policies would help the wealthy and strand blue-collar workers.

"Both of them would raise corporate taxes but not the rate," said Roberton Williams, a principal research associate at the Washington-based nonpartisan Tax Policy Institute.

"Both of them would raise taxes by closing some loopholes that allow corporations to reduce their taxable income," he told the Reuters Wealth Management Summit."

so, tell me again...mccain is a rep, but is also advocating raising corporate taxes. i also strongly disagree with his idea of taxing our insurance benefits. so, i'm a republican....but i disagree with the republican candidate. it's all becoming clearer.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:24 PM
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i have no idea what type of site the above is, but also found it worth looking over.
and i had no idea charles rangel was a republican.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
well, now this is interesting....while i had the time, i did a search on corporate taxes. now, since i say that no corporate taxes should be raised i was told i'm a republican. that keeping corporate taxes low is a republican idea....and i found this:

"On the campaign trail, McCain portrays Obama as an eager supporter of higher taxes who is unwilling to buck his own party, while Obama often charges that McCain's policies would help the wealthy and strand blue-collar workers.

"Both of them would raise corporate taxes but not the rate," said Roberton Williams, a principal research associate at the Washington-based nonpartisan Tax Policy Institute.

"Both of them would raise taxes by closing some loopholes that allow corporations to reduce their taxable income," he told the Reuters Wealth Management Summit."

so, tell me again...mccain is a rep, but is also advocating raising corporate taxes. i also strongly disagree with his idea of taxing our insurance benefits. so, i'm a republican....but i disagree with the republican candidate. it's all becoming clearer.
No, McCain is not a typical Republican. He has the pliability of Taffy. He believes in getting elected,and low income taxes. Everything else is up for grabs with this individual. He is a populist. The reason he is losing is because he changes his message constantly, and Independents aren't in the mood to put someone like that in charge in a serious economic time like this.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:30 PM
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and this was apparently run in the new york times:

a part of the above:

-Economists teach that corporations are often able to pass on much of their tax burden to employees and/or customers.

-Relatively high corporate tax rates incentivize corporations to find ways to run their profits through lower-tax jurisdictions
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Blue Dog Democrats don't believe what you wrote about economics. That's about all they disagree with Republicans on. They favor a 3 class society, and Republicans favor just a 2 class society.

why would anyone favor a three class society? that would mean we still had poor people.
about all i've read about blue dogs is that they favor 'paygo'. i'll have to do some further research on them.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:37 PM
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interesting stuff...

It's bipartisan. Among people who have called either for a reduction in or elimination of corporate taxes are John McCain, Charlie Rangel, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, Lester Thurow.

Some 70 percent of the corporate tax burden is borne by workers in the form of lower wages and fewer high-paying jobs

An EU study of 50,000 companies found that a 1 percent increase in marginal corporate income tax rates leads to a 0.92 percent decrease in real wages.

It's a hidden tax: Even workers get hit by it, but they don't know it because they don't directly pay the tax.

For every dollar the government collects in revenue, the corporate tax may actually cost the government $1 in revenue through slower economic growth
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig

interesting stuff...

It's bipartisan. Among people who have called either for a reduction in or elimination of corporate taxes are John McCain, Charlie Rangel, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, Lester Thurow.

Some 70 percent of the corporate tax burden is borne by workers in the form of lower wages and fewer high-paying jobs

An EU study of 50,000 companies found that a 1 percent increase in marginal corporate income tax rates leads to a 0.92 percent decrease in real wages.

It's a hidden tax: Even workers get hit by it, but they don't know it because they don't directly pay the tax.

For every dollar the government collects in revenue, the corporate tax may actually cost the government $1 in revenue through slower economic growth
But some (Dala) will argue that these greedy corporations deserve to pay more because they havent passed enough down to the workers. That type of logic baffles me. Like it or not most companies dont exist to provide for workers, they are created and run to make money for the owners and or shareholders. The residual effect of creating jobs is just that. Higher taxes never helps an economy.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:03 PM
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i just want to know what i've got 'wrong' on all this. apparently it's because i own guns and (gasp) hunt. oh, i fish too. thought i'd throw that little tidbit of evil in there as well.

and in one of the above, it said japan (currently the highest corporate taxes in the world) may lower their rate, which would make the u.s. #1 in taxes in that respect.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
i just want to know what i've got 'wrong' on all this. apparently it's because i own guns and (gasp) hunt. oh, i fish too. thought i'd throw that little tidbit of evil in there as well.

and in one of the above, it said japan (currently the highest corporate taxes in the world) may lower their rate, which would make the u.s. #1 in taxes in that respect.
Yeah and people complain when companies send jobs and divisions overseas...

I suppose my biggest issue is that saying something to get elected and actually believing what you are saying are two different things. This tax plan that Obamas has floated has interestingly gone unchallenged by just about everyone save the "right wing publications" like the the Wall Street Journal. Not that McCains is very good either.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:18 PM
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What scares me is they now throw around $50, $100, $200 Billion like they were betting $2 exacta's...right after "try lower limit" "try lower limit" "try lower limit"
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
i just want to know what i've got 'wrong' on all this. apparently it's because i own guns and (gasp) hunt. oh, i fish too. thought i'd throw that little tidbit of evil in there as well.

and in one of the above, it said japan (currently the highest corporate taxes in the world) may lower their rate, which would make the u.s. #1 in taxes in that respect.

I've notified PETA on behalf of the deer and fish. They should be picketing you shortly you Bambi killer.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2
What scares me is they now throw around $50, $100, $200 Billion like they were betting $2 exacta's...right after "try lower limit" "try lower limit" "try lower limit"

trillion is the new billion.

get with it.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Rileyoriley
I've notified PETA on behalf of the deer and fish. They should be picketing you shortly you Bambi killer.
well, if they come on my lawn, i'll shoot them. it's the irresponsible gun toting thing to do.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
well, if they come on my lawn, i'll shoot them. it's the irresponsible gun toting thing to do.

I like your answer. Continue on........
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Yeah and people complain when companies send jobs and divisions overseas...

I suppose my biggest issue is that saying something to get elected and actually believing what you are saying are two different things. This tax plan that Obamas has floated has interestingly gone unchallenged by just about everyone save the "right wing publications" like the the Wall Street Journal. Not that McCains is very good either.
i don't like either plan. i don't like that the deficit will continue to grow, spending will increase...we can't afford what we're already doing, so we're going to add to the problem? how does that make sense?! it doesn't. we get lower taxes, while our employers see theirs go up-so they leave, and then we work where exactly? and then we all go on the dole, which makes the problem larger, the divide between rich and poor wider-because jobs leave, more people unemployed, but the rich will stay rich...but i'm the republican?!
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Rileyoriley
I like your answer. Continue on........
and, much like annie oakley, i don't miss.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
trillion is the new billion.

get with it.
Yeah after that $700 Billion everything looks like pocket change.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
trillion is the new billion.

get with it.
i remember when billion was a big number. it's crazy.
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