Funny that you'd link me to Algore...I always agreed with Rush's view on that intellectual cripple. Actually, it's the brave, hard-working men and women of our much-berated intelligence community who deserve the credit! They had an almost impossible task of infiltrating terrorist cells throughout the world yet, as you say, here we are, years later, without another major event on US soil...a tribute to our best and brightest...but not to Bush, Clinton or any of the other figureheads of the rich and powerful who inhabit the White House. |
... let's tell the story of my "banishment" ... to those who can stay awake ... Prior to the Kentucky Derby ... I predicted that Barbaro wouldn't make it through the Triple Crown races. After his Derby victory ... the shortsighted among that forum's members heaped scorn and derision on me. After Barbaro broke down in the Preakness ... and there was great wailing and hair-pulling among the "pretty-horsie" crowd ... I posted that it was OK to cry ... but foolish to be surprised ... since I had predicted Barbaro wouldn't make it. Well !!! You wouldn't believe the hysteria !!! "How dare you be so insensitive? People are hurting ... people are shocked ... people are crying ... people are traumatized ... and you're ... you're ... you're gloating !!! You can't gloat when people are traumatized ... you're BANNED !!!" Yes ... it's true ... if you didn't cry when Barbaro broke down .. if you pointed out that you had correctly predicted it would happen ... you were BANNED !!! Yup ... that's a real bunch of mature adults over there. That's why it's so comforting to be here ... no one cries when horses break down or someone is critical of what they wrote. They stand up ... and speak out ... like grownups ... instead of hyperventilating like hysterical adolescent girls ... and that includes many of the "males" over there. |
You know darn well that if there were any additional attacks ... large, medium, or small ... it wouldn't take a nanosecond for leftists to be screaming, "It's Bush's fault! It's Bush's fault!" So ... if it would be his "fault" if there were attacks ... shouldn't it be to his credit that there haven't been any? Honestly ... don't you think that's the case? |
It wasn't enough that people were devastated... it wasn't enough that you were joyful... you went on and on and on, saying things that i'd never want to repeat. Stop trying to be the martyr, playing the victim. You're a sadist. |
I agree that credit should be given where due. Lots of very brave people have done a great job. I also think that there has been a lot of luck involved. Seems to me that 80% of east coast imports come through Port Elizabeth, NJ, and only between 2% and 3% are inspected. Certain "security issues, after five years and 9/11 commission recommendations, remain to be addressed. Plenty lucky, in my humble opinion. DTS |
Nice job editing out the main character and his actions..... I'm done with this thread. |
Six weeks have gone by ... and you're still hysterical about Barbaro's broken ankle ... and my alleged "gloating." See, folks ... what I said here was really true. You do get banned from there for not crying when a horse breaks an ankle ... and for "gloating." Hey, Sunday ... are all the people over there still "devastated" because a really rich guy's race horse broke an ankle? Do they get "devastated" every time a race horse breaks an ankle? Or only when I predict it will happen ... and then it does? By the way ... you have access to my posts on that other forum. Why don't you copy the original one ... you know, the one from about two hours after the Preakness ... where I said there was reason to cry, but no reason to be surprised ... and paste it here. In fact ... why don't you create a new thread ... and paste all of my posts about Barbaro's injury ... so that the still-awake members of this forum can judge them for themselves? |
It really kills you ... to give this guy any credit at all ... doesn't it? Do you really think that five years without terrorist attacks here ... while they're continually occuring around the world ... and are regularly being foiled here ... are strictly a matter of luck? |
Hey ... c'mon ... what are you a-scared of? Put my posts out there so that everyone can see them for themselves. |
Got the gist. Is this part of a "study"? |
Quote: Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite There is not now ... nor has there ever been ... such a link at townhall.com. It's a site for serious economic and political commentary. Lying leftists will say anything to denigrate those who disagee with and disprove their sophomoric contentions. ================================================== ======= Well, here is Bold Brooklynite's BIG LIE,,,, Where he called me a lying leftist. By now all have been able to see him for what he is. No need to repeat it. As for Sowell. He has his place. BUT, he had advantages far greater than many. While growing up in a family of very modest means, his mother was a tremendously positive influence through his early teen years. The advantage Sowell had others did not was that his obvious talents were noticed and nurtured. Education was stressed in his home, unlike many other children of poverty, who do not have ANY positive role models and are more likely to be shot ten times than be nurtured once. Somehow, someway, Sowell's abilities were seen and nurtured and he had the good fortune to attend one of NYC's very best and exceedingly selective high schools.... Stuyvesant. You do not get into that school without serious ability. I've read a few of Sowell's works. I managed my way through his critique of Marxism and it was just ok to me. Then again, dull stuff to an extent. His criticism of "Judicial Activism" seemed empty to me especially during the Schiavo case, where the far right did everything possible to legislate from the bench, not to mention from the Florida Governors residence. Without taking a stance on the issue, I thought his work was not balanced. His piece criticizng the movement for national health care was dead-on. Then again, I earn a living as an employee benefit consultant specializing in health insurance. His piece critical of those wanting an increase to the minimum wage seemed, well, kind of dumb. Kids can get by on minimum wage. Adults cannot. Adult heads-of-families certainly cannot. On his work criticizing the liberal media bias, I thought this was straight from the OReilly hour and was unoriginal. Most of this criticism today relates to leaks of government surveillance of private citizens. Only the hardest core of the conservative base chooses not to disagree on this. I have not read any of his work on gay marraige or parial birth, but don't think it would or could influence what I believe. Someone I respect who is a Sowell devotee told me she hated his latest book, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals." Apparently he downplays the individualistic aspects of traditional black culture instead choosing to assert that southern black culture is a relic of dysfunctional southern redneck culture. His best-received work was about 30 years ago. "Race & Economics" is the "Bible" of Conservative Black American money and politics. I did read this book and while it was interesting, I thought his conclusions were self-proclaimed. Sowell is tremendously literate and skilled at turning a phrase. But too much of his work is just driving his reader to his pre-ordained conclusion, balance and sound reasoning be damned.! But Sowell would tell you that's ok in his "ends justify the means" world. Race & Economice... interesting. Against national health care.... me too! The rest? To me, just far -right zealous psycho babble. I'm sure Bold Brooklyn just copies and pastes straght from Sowell's pieces. Don't forget the link to "How To But A Semi-Automatic Handgun" on the towwnhall.com website. And do not be fooled by this guy rejecting me. So I called him a few bad words. Hell, if he's really from Brooklyn, he's heard it before. Do not be fooled. May of you exposed him . I exposed him. Then again, he just keeps exposing himself. |
Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Black families didn't need government "help" then ... or ever ... and the ones who didn't fall for it ... are the ones who live next door and up the street from me ... or are professors at Stanford. Thomas Sowell is a serious scholar and brilliant intellectual; Billow (Full of Hot Air) Reilly is an entertainer who interviews politicians and porn stars ... there is absolutely no commonality among them. My reply... So how come the black families "fell" for it in such large numbers compared other groups? Because of course Black Family income was right up there with white families in the 50's... snicker, snicker. The civil rights movement of the 60's was caused by the welfare of the 50's? Give me a break. Thomas Sowell is held close to the right because he is very bright and had no problem making things work. He is a very bright gadfly. I wonder how good things would have gone for him if he was an everyday joe. Its this little characteristic called empathy. A trait very unique to humans. Can one actually put themselves in another's shoes and know what they have gone through. Or do they even attempt such an exercise. There are some people that have never ever tried. Or find comfort by calling the failures lazy. Because that is the easy way out. So a large number of black people became lazy in the 50's and 60's because of handouts...Some people just blame others for failing without really trying to get to the heart of the problem. That is easy. Some people get screwed and call the whole system rotten because they personally got screwed. I have seen it all. I like the big picture, not the little ancedotal situations that are not representative of the whole story... people love to use their own little favorite stories to back their claims. So again: Black families of the 50's got duped into welfare... why did they fall for it and not others? and why were they offered welfare? Could it be they were not fairing so well in the wonderful 50's that lead to those placid 60's? A little help with the history please. |
Ez |
You may not be old enough to remember ... but the War On Poverty began as an effort ... ultimately a disatrous one ... to help the alleged poor starving masses of "Appalachia" ... once known as hillbillies ... of the states from Virginia to Tennessee ... nearly all of whom were "white" ... ... and spread thereafter to a more national and urban clientele. In any case ... the entire welfare state ... from handouts to housing to "jobs" programs to the abject surrender of personal liberty ... was ... and still is ... a complete disaster for anyone who partook of it. The Americans who shunned it ... became much more suuccessful and prosperous than the ones who embraced it. Now here's another question for you ... do you share my anti-war sentiments ... that is ... anit-war on poverty and anti-war on drugs? And if not .. can you explain what the "exit strategy" is for these two "wars"? |
When Dixie and Bold give you the old teabag, do you have a hard time seeing the gray pubes in your teeth? Just checking. |
Ez |
Now, as far as "bottom feeding"- i didnt know that was your particular fetish. Man, it must be pretty gross starfishing an eighty year old guy. |