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Old 09-10-2008, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Furthermore you are acting as if that was some kind of polarizng argument. Was that even a contest? Clinton crushed him.


i'm not acting as if it was anything, i'm just saying in every contest you have each side pointing the same fingers, using the same arguments, as in the past. clinton had no military experience, and dole did. then you had bush with only national guard experience, and kerry who served in vietnam.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
clinton was mentioned as having commander in chief experience since he was head of the arkansas national guard. and dole was a military hero. it's a similar situation, as was clinton being accused of being too young, not having enough foreign policy experience, etc. the parallels are there. and clinton for the most part did just fine, so i'd say that the lack of military experience itself is not a really good argument as to whether you could be a good president or not. certainly didn't make grant a good president.
Im sorry i think you misunderstood the point.

Rove's tactics attempted to discredit the bravery and patriotism of a guy that had served in combat and prop up Bush as some sort of defender of the country even though he dodged the draft.

How did that have anything to do with Clinton's tactics vs. Dole? I fail to see the connection.
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig

i'm not acting as if it was anything, i'm just saying in every contest you have each side pointing the same fingers, using the same arguments, as in the past. clinton had no military experience, and dole did. then you had bush with only national guard experience, and kerry who served in vietnam.

Clinton left it off of the table though. Rove tactics brings it to the front and turns it.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
This is the swift boat stuff Part Deux.

It's dirty, it was expected, but like McCain's choice of Palin, stinks of desperation. Amateur hour is acting and making this a big deal. So now that we've resorted to yet another election like this, I can only imagine what else the good ol' boys have up their sleeve.
Bring out the dates with White Women. That's gunna be what they use if they starting getting behind, and need a miracle.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
karl Rove is going to go down some day as the greatest spin doctor of all time. The fact that he could sell Bush as some sort of military leader against a guy who actually served in combat is amazing. Now, they are actually selling McCain as some sort of "agent of change" LOL. Amazing.

And this forum is proof that there are people out there that actually bite on it.

Rove's confidence in the average man's supidity is justified i would say.
The only people that are gunna "bite on it" are people who already like or dislike the parties involved. Nobody that's "undecided" is gunna give a damn about this folksy metaphor. It's annoying to them(that people try to pick words apart etc.,) but, in the end, it doesn't make any difference. It only makes a difference to those looking to sway the undecided. Like ARLJIM. He seemed to feel good about it, but I don't think the undecided care about this stuff. They might care about the fact somebody has phoney outrage etc., but I doubt that, too. Now, if they bring out dates with white women, then that may work.
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:59 PM
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Obama's response was beautiful:

“Enough! I don’t care what they say about me. But I love this country too much to let them (Republicans) take over another election with lies and phony outrage and Swift Boat politics. Enough is enough.”

“What their campaign has done this morning is the same game that has made people sick and tired of politics in this country,” Obama said on Wednesday. “They seize on an innocent remark, try to take it out of context, throw up an outrageous ad, because they know that it’s catnip to the news media.”

“These are serious times. And they call for a serious debate about where we need to take the nation.”

“So spare me the phony outrage,” Obama said. “We have real problems in this country right now. And the American people are looking to us for answers, not distractions, not diversions, not manipulations. They want real answers to the real problems that we are facing. That’s the kind of debate that I intend to have, because that’s the kind of debate that the American people deserve.”
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
I'm just surprised that seemingly intelligent people not only view this as something important, but also don't see it for what it really is.
It's late in the process. They are starting to really pick at each other now. Just be glad that EX-SENATOR GEORGE guy isn't involved. That guy did some weird stuff in the 70's. I can't believe somebody knew he did that stuff, and waited that many years to cough it up.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
The only people that are gunna "bite on it" are people who already like or dislike the parties involved. Nobody that's "undecided" is gunna give a damn about this folksy metaphor. It's annoying to them(that people try to pick words apart etc.,) but, in the end, it doesn't make any difference. It only makes a difference to those looking to sway the undecided. Like ARLJIM. He seemed to feel good about it, but I don't think the undecided care about this stuff. They might care about the fact somebody has phoney outrage etc., but I doubt that, too. Now, if they bring out dates with white women, then that may work.
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid
Obama's response was beautiful:
He can be good. I think this guy can communicate very well when he is really interested enough in doing so. I just think he gets lazy with his communication.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:11 PM
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There goes Obama barking orders to the media. A true leader.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
I'm just surprised that seemingly intelligent people not only view this as something important, but also don't see it for what it really is.
operative word
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
There goes Obama barking orders to the media. A true leader.
Definitely not a leader like Bob Barr. Maybe he can campaign against Roe V wade and then pay for his wife to have an abortion.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2
LOL..Mel Brooks is crazy huh? Remember that movie where that Kahn lady(or whoever it was) was glancing down at "members" saying " yes, yes, no, yes, yes, YEESSSS!!

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-10-2008 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:29 PM
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER

We've Gone Delirious
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:59 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
This is the swift boat stuff Part Deux.

It's dirty, it was expected, but like McCain's choice of Palin, stinks of desperation. Amateur hour is acting like and making it a big deal. So now that we've resorted to yet another election like this, I can only imagine what else the good ol' boys have up their sleeve.
how did the good ole boys get Obama to use a dumb punchline that referenced a pig with lipstick and and old rotting fish when talking about what he claims are the stale policies of his opponents Palin and McCain? why would a presidential candidate use a line like that? even if you buy into the fact that it was an innocent oversight and no double entendre was to be inferred (which I don't buy for a minute because they are certainly not that stupid), isn't there a better way to make your point and not have that point totally lost in the clamor over the remark?

secondly, do you think for one minute that the first time Palin makes a mistake or gaffe, innocent or not, that it won't be pounced on within minutes by team Obama, in an effort to score points? if you don't then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
how did the good ole boys get Obama to use a dumb punchline that referenced a pig with lipstick and and old rotting fish when talking about what he claims are the stale policies of his opponents Palin and McCain? why would a presidential candidate use a line like that? even if you buy into the fact that it was an innocent oversight and no double entendre was to be inferred (which I don't buy for a minute because they are certainly not that stupid), isn't there a better way to make your point and not have that point totally lost in the clamor over the remark?

secondly, do you think for one minute that the first time Palin makes a mistake or gaffe, innocent or not, that it won't be pounced on within minutes by team Obama, in an effort to score points? if you don't then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.
This was not a mistake, or "innocent oversight." He actually was communicating perfectly here. That's what he thinks about McCain's Economic plan. He thinks it's a slightly enhanced version of the last 8 years(Pig with Lipstick.)
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2
I have nothing else that funny. I did change gardeners recently to a Black dude, and he said to make the check out to "MOWTOWN." That's no lie. I spelled it front of him, and he said "that's right."
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
how did the good ole boys get Obama to use a dumb punchline that referenced a pig with lipstick and and old rotting fish
You can put lipstick on a dog's a$$hole - but it's still an ArlJim political post.

You can wrap a dead buzzard in paper - but it still stinks like an ArlJim political post that was submitted by Balletto's taint.
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:50 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
This was not a mistake, or "innocent oversight." He actually was communicating perfectly here. That's what he thinks about McCain's Economic plan. He thinks it's a slightly enhanced version of the last 8 years(Pig with Lipstick.)
yeah I get that, but if he was smart he wouldn't have used the line in the current context because Palin has been using the lipstick on a pitbull line on a daily basis for over a week and it invited an immediate comparison. you don't win elections by making so many unforced errors.

actually he is now using cartoon writers for his material. he stole the previous line, the one before his lipstick on a pig line, from a cartoon.
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