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Old 09-10-2008, 02:51 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
how did the good ole boys get Obama to use a dumb punchline that referenced a pig with lipstick and and old rotting fish when talking about what he claims are the stale policies of his opponents Palin and McCain? why would a presidential candidate use a line like that? even if you buy into the fact that it was an innocent oversight and no double entendre was to be inferred (which I don't buy for a minute because they are certainly not that stupid), isn't there a better way to make your point and not have that point totally lost in the clamor over the remark?

secondly, do you think for one minute that the first time Palin makes a mistake or gaffe, innocent or not, that it won't be pounced on within minutes by team Obama, in an effort to score points? if you don't then I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.

Hey I'm with you on the conservative side... but what Obama said was not a big deal.. he took it from McCain actually, who has used the phrase twice while relating it to Liberal Policies.

Also.. the whole "my muslim faith" comment was taken greatly out of context if you read the transcript.. I could see how he said it accidently. The dude is a Christian.. and his wacky church and Palins wacky church should cross each other out!

But hey.. if it helps McCain win the election then Take it out of Context!!
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:52 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
You can put lipstick on a dog's a$$hole - but it's still an ArlJim political post.

You can wrap a dead buzzard in paper - but it still stinks like an ArlJim political post that was submitted by Balletto's taint.
do you write for the Obama team? if not I'd give them a call. you've got some real talent there.
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I have nothing else that funny. I did change gardeners recently to a Black dude, and he said to make the check out to "MOWTOWN." That's no lie. I spelled it front of him, and he said "that's right."
Can't make that stuff up..that is classic....a marketing genius for sure.

My guy is Mexican..his name is don't think??? Naaa couldn't be
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:04 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Hey I'm with you on the conservative side... but what Obama said was not a big deal.. he took it from McCain actually, who has used the phrase twice while relating it to Liberal Policies.

Also.. the whole "my muslim faith" comment was taken greatly out of context if you read the transcript.. I could see how he said it accidently. The dude is a Christian.. and his wacky church and Palins wacky church should cross each other out!

But hey.. if it helps McCain win the election then Take it out of Context!!
it wasn't a big deal, it will only cost Obama about 48 hours in the news cycle. if thats no big deal to him fine. what people don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter how it was intended, it was simply poor judgement to have said it and shows that he and his team are incompetent.
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:07 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
it wasn't a big deal, it will only cost Obama about 48 hours in the news cycle. if thats no big deal to him fine. what people don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter how it was intended, it was simply poor judgement to have said it and shows that he and his team are incompetent.

hey I would like for Obama to stick his foot in his mouth every week if it helps McCain... I was just saying that what he said wasnt a big deal and sounds different if you just hear those few words, compared to his whole speech.
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:10 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
hey I would like for Obama to stick his foot in his mouth every week if it helps McCain... I was just saying that what he said wasnt a big deal and sounds different if you just hear those few words, compared to his whole speech.
the theme of the rest of his speech was lifted from a Tom Toles cartoon.
i posted it previously.

they better get him back on the teleprompter real quick.
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:30 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
it wasn't a big deal, it will only cost Obama about 48 hours in the news cycle. if thats no big deal to him fine. what people don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter how it was intended, it was simply poor judgement to have said it and shows that he and his team are incompetent.
Incompetent nothing. They ran a great primary campaign, and are doing the right thing by calling the Republicans out on their fabricate controversy by any means to distract from the issues tactics. Al Gore and John Kerry's respective campaigns tried to take the high road by not responding to the Republicans filthy tactics.. Didn't work, now the Obama camp is saying 'Stop this bullshit right now'.. Will it stop? I doubt it, since McCain/Palin have absolutely no platform to run on, but it's good to point out **** so people don't step in it.
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Old 09-10-2008, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
it wasn't a big deal, it will only cost Obama about 48 hours in the news cycle. if thats no big deal to him fine. what people don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter how it was intended, it was simply poor judgement to have said it and shows that he and his team are incompetent.

You know I can be objective about this stuff. He does make communication errors when he is tired, lazy, or his brain goes on slow( I agree the guy has some very unprofessional the Stephanopoulis lazy communication thing.) I just don't think this is one of those instances. Look, everyone knows she said the thing about lipstick separating soccer moms from female pitbulls. He did use that fact. He is basically saying honey, if you wanna know what's got lipstick on it, try looking at McCain's economic plan. That is a pig(economic plan for the last 8 years) with lipstick on it. It's still a pig. He simply used a line of hers(lipstick on something,) and used it in another folksy metaphor. If anybody could of been upset, it would of been the Soccer moms(in the 1st place.) She did make a joke about them being pitbull btches with lipstick. I mean somehow people understood that to be humor. I doubt they would take it the same if a man said it. If anything was questionable about this, it's her referring to a group of women as pitbulls with something on them. He called an economic plan a pig with something on it. If anything was out of line, it was the former. I guess he was making fun of her doing that.
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Old 09-10-2008, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
the theme of the rest of his speech was lifted from a Tom Toles cartoon.
i posted it previously.

they better get him back on the teleprompter real quick.
Why do you know so much about this guy's speeches? Shouldn't Conservatives be bored by him? I can't make it through 1 damn speech by McCAIN, but somehow you aren't put to sleep by Obama.
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Old 09-10-2008, 04:33 PM
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
You know I can be objective about this stuff. He does make communication errors when he is tired, lazy, or his brain goes on slow( I agree the guy has some very unprofessional the Stephanopoulis lazy communication thing.) I just don't think this is one of those instances. Look, everyone knows she said the thing about lipstick separating soccer moms from female pitbulls. He did use that fact. He is basically saying honey, if you wanna know what's got lipstick on it, try looking at McCain's economic plan. That is a pig(economic plan for the last 8 years) with lipstick on it. It's still a pig. He simply used a line of hers(lipstick on something,) and used it in another folksy metaphor. If anybody could of been upset, it would of been the Soccer moms(in the 1st place.) She did make a joke about them being pitbull btches with lipstick. I mean somehow people understood that to be humor. I doubt they would take it the same if a man said it. If anything was questionable about this, it's her referring to a group of women as pitbulls with something on them. He called an economic plan a pig with something on it. If anything was out of line, it was the former. I guess he was making fun of her doing that.
WTF is this lame ass doing running for POTUS for if he's physically and mentally tired by this campaign that he's running by himself? That's just a microcosm of the whole problem with this candidate! 19 months?...and he wants to run the country for 8 YEARS???? Give me an F'ing break.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid
McCain/Palin have absolutely no platform to run on, but it's good to point out **** so people don't step in it.
It they had no platform people would not be so vehemently opposed.
McCain has made it clear he will see Iraq through. Did you miss this?

McCain basically does not want to touch health care, Obama does.

I am sure you can add to this short list of important issues.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
WTF is this lame ass doing running for POTUS for if he's physically and mentally tired by this campaign that he's running by himself? That's just a microcosm of the whole problem with this candidate! 19 months?...and he wants to run the country for 8 YEARS???? Give me an F'ing break.
And where will McCain be in eight years? If he is even alive, he will be wearing a diaper and forgetting where he lives.

Yeah, I can imagine the g8 summit in 2015 when Putin asks if President McCain has crapped himself...again.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
It they had no platform people would not be so vehemently opposed.
McCain has made it clear he will see Iraq through. Did you miss this?

McCain basically does not want to touch health care, Obama does.

I am sure you can add to this short list of important issues.
I'll start with the latter....Obamas'(and Hillarys') would cost about 15% of the National budget, and while everybody bitches about the war cost, should we just bail out in midstream like 'Nam?? I'd rather not...
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
And where will McCain be in eight years? If he is even alive, he will be wearing a diaper and forgetting where he lives.

Yeah, I can imagine the g8 summit in 2015 when Putin asks if President McCain has crapped himself...again.
you projecting again?...or been talkin to Karnak again? That's a fear tactic that you boys love to bring up.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
you projecting again?...or been talkin to Karnak again? That's a fear tactic that you boys love to bring up.
A republican talking about FEAR TACTICS? LOL

Say, timmi, whats the terror code alert today? Is it red, blue, orange or purple?

I live 20 mins from DC and I havent seen a "terror alert" since...the last election.

Go figure.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
you projecting again?...or been talkin to Karnak again? That's a fear tactic that you boys love to bring up.
At age 72 and 4x cancer going back 15 years, his life expectancy is about 4-6 years. Good guy; too bad he didn't get it in 2000.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:28 PM
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uummm...must be workin then,huh?
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by GPK
Mike, misspoke? Come on...honestly? How does a Christian accidently forget what faith he is and label himself a Muslim?
LMFAO ... I you.
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
It they had no platform people would not be so vehemently opposed.
McCain has made it clear he will see Iraq through. Did you miss this?

McCain basically does not want to touch health care, Obama does.

I am sure you can add to this short list of important issues.
So you had however long to think of the platform McCain's running on, and you came up with.. Stay in Iraq indefinitely. Sweet..
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