I predict a cookie will be in your future.
not tonight , i just eat the last one
i want my cookie too. |
was i right or wrong about housing , did it make sense to buy a house in 05 or 06 ?
think about it , we have a community organizer as president , now i have nothing against community organizers , but, they just don't leap forward to become president
we are in far worse shape today than we were back in jan '08 |
You couldn't get me to believe that one.
did you sell your own property in 2005-2006 or ride it out? that would be a hell of a confident call if so. |
There are a lot of bursting bubbles here.
I prefer to stay on the fringe....away from the action. So as to observe things on my own. ^^^^ Next signature for the hourde. |
some people did very well in housing from 99 to 06 , some people never have to work again because they got out , the majority of americans weren't that lucky though |
community orgainzer vs guy that made lazarus rise from the dead , i'll take my chances
if i can't get jesus where the heck are the clintons , they wouldn't have blown it this bad if this keeps up jeb bush will roll to the white house in '12 last name or not |
I don't bet Poly and better yet no Cali racing. Don't bet places that raise takeout. Starve the beast.
blown what? unable raise an economy from the dead?
George Anderson helped him with that trick. Oh....George said Lazarus said not to worry about him. |
Clyde, this thread is a bit above your pay grade.
Oh really? I find your replies the funniest. Boothy is feeding you,isn't he? |
i think the quality of the debate here is right in his sweet spot.