you might want to avoid bringing up his christian minister in the same breath, though. did b. wayne hughes give you the b.o. insight? or is that your own contribution to thoughtful political dialogue? well done in either case. i could feel my i.q. drop as i read it. i'm now tempted to watch fox. |
If I have to look at any of them or their spouses for the next 4 years, I pick Todd.
Oh wait! I thought this was the Beulah Thread. Never mind. |
when did this happen? if true, why would it matter? i know you have to be 35 and born in the country to be president, i wasn't aware tho that there were religious requirements as well.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
i'm now tempted to watch fox.
Didn't you mean ''foxi?" |
It happened when Stephonopolouse(sp) interviewed him , the interviewer said and I quote " Senator McCain has never questioned your religious faith and Obama answered you are right he has never questioned my Muslim faith and the interviewer said you mean your Christain faith and Obama replied oh yes my Christain faith." LOL I think I saw it on MSNBC the morning after the interview , but believe me you will be hell bent to find it now , in fact a few hours after MSNBA was running it that part of the interview went POOF. You may have to look on YOUTUBE. The guy is a farce , there are no two ways about it , and it does matter and it should matter to you .
Horses are like strawberries....they can go bad overnight. Charlie Whittingham |
Honu's posts have made me reconsider my beliefs..
In natural selection. |
i was still feeling a little slow. |
I don't care if Obama is Muslim. He's obviously a smart man with the right credentials to lead this country. Why would it matter what religion he is? He could be atheist for all I care.
It's like saying that if you're a Muslim President, you're automatically going to become friends with terrorists, which is not true. |
On Obama's association with Ayers:
CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the volunteer projects in which the two men were involved. Ayers is now a college professor in Illisnois and the two(Obama and he) happened to both be involved in a mutual fundraiser for the community |
gene pool so dont worry yourself about the future. Morton is still very capable of a substantial contribution. So we got that going for us... |
Jealous of my Deb-O-Deb ,Arletta,Franny,Uncly,Thebby,Dannie and Sighty-poo Bed Buddies.....plus countless others. Good. MEEP-MEEP!! =:> |
a future contribution. |
This is a hideous distortion of fact and context. Here it is in full context unedited: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFzTff0FA_s&NR=1 |
what makes you think anyone's interested in fact and context? it's red meat time, baby. obama hangs with terrorists! he's a muslim! holy christ i think he might be black! |
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Oh goodie.... now I feel better
We've Gone Delirious |
Rather than come back with that pathetic response, why don't you show us any evidence to substantiate that they were "palling around"? |
I am very secure in his choice of a spiritual mentor..make that recently canned spiritual mentor.
I know I select mine based on their level of insanity. |