You need to get on the Kucinich bandwagon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRyKgGGIywI |
Hank maybe... |
Are you sure you are thinking with your own mind? |
His budget will not get through as is. I think the Obama administration and the article make this clear. This process has been, and probably always we be the beginning of deal making. So whats new... |
out from under your worldview chair? We are all in this together. I dont want it to fail. You think it will fail. (I dont know, but I am very worried). Some want it to fail because everything they believe in will be turned on its head, and they cant handle that. |
The thing worries me is politicians have gotten very good at disguising agendas and manipulating the publics view. The entire teleprompter deal while it seems like a minor detail shows that Obama as a politician wants to carefully craft a message instead of talking plainly and explaining his position and th reasoning behind it. The democrats have a clear agenda to use the economic problems to further their socialistic views. They are hardly even trying to hide it but some people are so caught up with the Celebrity in Chief and his perfect speech patterns that they are believing what they are hearing instead of what is happening. Maybe a lot of people believe in a more socialist system though I find that hard to believe. The hardline being sold to the general public is that they are being screwed by the rich and the Democrats are going to punish them for doing so. The public doesnt realize that in doing so many of our traditional values are going to be trampled on. The world is a tough place. Peace, love and happiness cant be legislated by Congress. But they are selling it as such. And too many people are still buying it. |
It is dangerous imo. |