But the best part was seeing you leave this section for two weeks while you healed your wounds. Now that was a nice dose of REALITY |
Is it a case of "once in the gutter ... always in the gutter"? Yeah ... probably is. |
That'll give you an additional opportunity to fantasize about "winning" arguments. Don't miss it. |
In fact ... there are rumors that some people actually know where it is ... and ... that a U.S. State Department bureaucrat may have once written a memo about it 40 years ago ... which no one ever paid attention to ... ... but ... those are just rumors. You're really wired in to what makes the world tick ... and we're all grateful for it. |
Maybe you can cut and paste something for us. It seems to work better for you that way. |
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060803...n_060803184155 I stand by my earlier post. |
Israel has never started a war.This one was started because of 2 soldiers being kidnapped by Hezbollah,not to mention the one kidnapped by the Palestinians.The Muslim population accounts for 20% of the worlds population.To this day they have 7 Nobel prize winners.The jews account for 0.02 % of the worlds population and have over 100 Nobel prize winners,and lets not get into the other contribution to society.After the holocaust one of the darkest times our world has seen did the Jews go and blame the whole world,start yelling for revenge,teach there children to become suicide bombers,dance in the streets at catastrophes (WTC),hijack planes,kill olympic athletes.Did they have the type of money that oil is now producing?If a certain part of this world adopting a more standard form of education like,math,physics and medicine instead of blaming someone else for there plight in life maybe there lives would be better also.
I find a lot to agree with in what you say. My quest has been to find peaceful solutions to the problems that cause hatred. Here's something you might find interesting. http://www.jesusforjews.org/files/je..._jews_book.pdf Shalom, DTS |
Way too much pro-Israeli righteous indignation still going on.
It's truly debateable that the 2 IDF soldiers were kidnapped from Israel. Much, if not most, of the world believes the Lebanese police who say otherwise. Think or believe what you wish. But remember, just because you think it does not make it so. I prefer to have an open mind when viewing the world. I find it is much better to develop my own opinions instead of blindly believing what people say and write. http://english.bna.bh/?ID=47348 |
Do arabs have a righteous beef as far as blaming other for the plight of some of their citizens? Perhaps you should read your history books before you answer. Beyond any of that, why should we "choose" if we are going to side with Jew or Arab? I dont side with either. My point is that US policy has been unfair toward Arabs and has been a little too Pro Israel. But that doesnt mean im "anti israel" and it doesnt mean im "pro arab". Why do we have to be labeled for having an opinion? |
... amazing ... isn't it ... how you pick-and-choose the most comfy little nooks from which to toss sand in the air ... with nonsensical diversions about ... of all places on Earth ... the Congo! What a complete loser. |
As for Congo, you still havent answered to whether you are a LIAR or uninformed. |
Here's a little clue for you ... there can't be moral equivalence ... because the terrorists are toally amoral. Your lame attempts to spin your abiding hatred ... are both pathetic and transparent. |
... you're not being a bit thin-skinned are you ... Mr. Sand Thrower? And when are you going to respond to Post #22? |
ok, BB is off track again. The topic, of course, is whether the actions of Israel kidnapping the Lebanese grocer were dumb, cruel or whatever.
All we've gotten from this "raving radical" is that terrorism is bad. Well, this is not 3rd grade and yes, terrorism is bad. Why is it that anyone who questions the Israeli government the "cut and run" Bold Brook already wants out of office has to be a Jew Hater and Terrorist supporter in need of a refresher course on the Holocoust? We all know about it as well as the Armenian genocide. Rational people have the common skill of discourse and at least staying on topic. This ranting, raving radical apparently lacks this skill, among many others. But, Bold Brook, that's ok. There are many like you out there, though dwindling in numbers. You're safe in the cocoon for now. But be careful about what you read. You may actually learn something. |
I don't misguide my energies (at least not as much as my wife says). I guess it's good that you figured out the work thing. It's no fun being in a bad position at a bad company. Hell, I know what that's like too. I live in a south Florida neighborhood with lots of Jewish neighbors. They're all good people for the most part. Sure there's some that look at me sideways, but that's true of any nationality. I actually get along far better with the more senior neighbors as I find the stories of the "old country" always interesting whatever the heritage of the person telling the tale. The wives you mention are surely victims. So are my realatives still in Baghdad. However, neither really has more importance than the other in how I see the world. I'm not a fan of the current Israeli politics and I see the world different than you. If that's a sin, then by all means string me up. |