Horseracing is doing fine in NY ,SoCal, So FLa,DFW and a few other localities. The success of the other sports is central control of the leagues with the expanding to more remote localities, Horseracing is concentrated in a few locals. The ntra needs to lead in development of the game in new locals. Look at the demise of Birmingham. This could have been a good place to expand but other venues offered no assistance to insure the success, LS and LaD are competing in stead of working ogether for the beterment of racing. The instances of selfishness of each track takes away form the best interest of the industry as a whole. Untill I was hooked on live racing Simocast had no appeal to me. I could have this all wrong but iI thuing the growth is Atlanta, Nashville, Kansas City, Denver,And Omaha just to name a few.
As a gambler, I'm looking forward to a wide open Belmont and a great undercard!!! Sure a lack of a derby or preakness winner will diminish the crowd/ratings a bit, but the overall handle should be fine, and real gamblers should love the fields and prices they will get. And those are the people the track's really want anyway.
Alcohol, the cause and solution to all of life's problems. -Homer Simpson |
That being said, the last few weeks have left some indelable marks on the sport. Wagering has not been hurt (to my knowledge) but it is unfortunate that the casual fan was exposed to the unfortunate side of the business in Barbaro's injury. I think when something goes terribly wrong, or a team goes on a long losing streak, you can look back and point to a moment in time where things "hit rock bottom". I think the Belmont will be rock bottom for the industry this weekend. Not for wagering or what have you, but for the sense of "what could have been". Thats what will dominate the news coverage, and while gambling likely wont suffer, that thought will permeate. I think attendence will be less than last year's Giacomo-Afleet Alex rematch. However, the sun will rise over Big Sandy Sunday morning and a group of claimers or allowance horses will spring from the gate at 100pm and all will be well, as the season dawns for the run up to the Breeders Cup, which will provide new stories and excitement and likely put the Barabro story off the front burner for good. And next May, we will all be full circle. There will 150,000+ at Churchill Downs and we will all have our sterling selections (some maybe will be sold ) and there will be a new stud race horse to admire. I think we are already all looking forward to it.
"Boston fans hate the Yankees, we hate the Canadiens and we hate the Lakers. It's in our DNA. It just is." - Bill Simmons |