So Glass/Steagall enacted after the Great Depression so we wouldn't have another. It is repealed and low and behold within 10 years another depression.
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Hopefully the season will help with some more of these bartender and waiter/waitress jobs we have been racking up...
Yeah, european banks were going hogwild, so us banks wanted a level playing field. Tada. They got it, and look where it got us. And europe. |
Yup...They fought it for 65 years until Clinton finally got almost all of the language repealed. And then almost overnight Bush 41 and he walked arm and arm extolling the virtues of NAFTA which was the push off the cliff.
Rosss Perot basically handicapped this whole jobs situation in the early 90's. I needed that foresight at Saratoga. Clinton doesnt get the "credit" he deserves for getting the ball rolling in the wrong direction.
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Ross Perot and Ron Paul are both crazy. Just remember that when your wife is blowing a Hells Angel for a loaf of bread.
The early 1980's recession was worse than this one. Reagan pretty much did the opposite of Obama and the country experienced spectacular growth with large amounts of jobs created. So I am not buying the argument that there isn't much the government can do to create jobs.