and yeah, live by the sword, die by the sword--fits here... as for the war in iraq, i don't see the comparison--and if memory serves, congress backed up the original decision. of course a lot of people want us to forget that they voted in favor of that decision, now that things are looking bleak. |
I agree with most of what you said. I don't agree that congress made an "informed decision". They were fed deceptive information about wmd's by a CIA and other "intelligence" agencies to substantiate a decision that had already been made. Note Powell's presentation to the uN and Bush's "State of the Union Address". Lies bite back. As it is written, "All things will be revealed". |
No, I don't think you create the news and I don't think any of us do. That was my point. I think a news story is a news story. Whereas you and Genuine Risk seem to think that any story that you don't like was created by some right-wing conspiracy. |
He did. You did. Jesus said, "You will know the tree by its fruits". Correct me if I'm wrong, did Haggart have weekly access to the White House and speak with George W Bush on a frequent basis? That's newsworthy. Nice try. Last edited by Downthestretch55 : 11-03-2006 at 07:34 PM. |
Hey DTS, What are you going to rant about once a democrat gets back in the White House? I think a democrat will win the White House in either 2008 or 2012. Once that happens, you will have nothing to talk about. What did you complain about in the 1990s?
and it was funny to me that the same intelligence agencies that were being blamed for the lack of wmd's were suddenly being praised a few weeks back by those same critics when they came out with info that put the war and it's affects in a bad light. i guess NOW the CIA and others are correct, but were wrong before.... |
I'll have to do a search for the NIE report. It's worth the read. If authorization for going to war was based on false information, the blame is not on the ones that voted, but on those that provided the "information" on which it was based. |
You're really reaching on this one. How in HELL do you know I would never have posted the article? Do you speak with Miss Cleo on a frequent basis? Or do you have telepathic powers to read my mind? |
huffington:although it goes without saying that we can be legitimately outraged at the administration that took us to war--that i blame the president goes without saying--i'm equally ourtaged at the democratic leadership for allowing the president to take us to war... playboy:...was there any reason for you to think the opposition would oppose, at least at the time? huffington: yes, because it was a matter of going to war. and remember, we were actually in the majority in the senate in 2002, if only for a moment. you can forgive politicians for going along on umimortant issues, but to allown an adminstration to take us into an unnecessary war? nothing is more immoral. playboy: but who in congress knew it was unnecessary? ti took years for accustaion that the administration manipulated and ignored intelligence to surface. continued... |
Also, Polytrack! It's really hard to sort through the junk in the news or what seems to be passing for news these days, especially during election season. I vote based on issues instead of any straight ticket. It's actually very tough work to get a firm understanding of candidate positions. I thnk it's real unfortunate politicians are getting brought down by what anyone reasonable would term a personal matter. But that's the way it is. You can count on two things. First, negative campaigning stinks, but works. And the other is that Americans hate wars. I read that in the election following Pearl Harbor, FDR's party lost 45 seats in Congress. That amazed me. |
I can't get through to Dionne Warwick! ... congrats on your son's accomplishments! attaboy ... way to go ... keep up the good work ... |
huffington: the late democratic senator from minnesota paul wellstone voted against the war in 2002. i've had off the recrod conversations with many democratic leaders who knew better and did not act on that knowledge. i believe the the democrats lacked courageous leadership, lacked a willingness to stand up for what they believed in, for what is right--even if they lost. there is a special blame and a special place in dante's inferno for them.
playboy: so why did they do it? huffington: democrats are fools and enablers. their spineless leaders went along with the war purely for political reasons: reelectability. they assumed if they opposed the war they would be seen as weak. ---this all supports my belief that congress KNEW exactly what they cia told them at the time of their vote--that only when they felt that things were going poorly in iraq that it was time to trot out the whole 'they lied to us about wmd's' bs excuse. that way they could claim innocence, we voted for a just war, not this--but i think they knew THEN what they claim to have learned much later. |
Would you have posted the article if it was about a Muslim Imam who was caught in a homosexual relationship? I highly doubt it. |
Your words: "I don't think anyone really cares about the stuff that DTS brings up". Seems to me that you've spent a bit of time today discussing same. So, are you creating a lie about me, denying what you've said, or do you have some other excuse for avoiding the truth of which I speak? I await your response. DTS |