Time slips by so fast. I'm sorry the bell tolls for him too soon.
I'm so sorry about your boy. Just keep telling him how much you love him until you know it's time -- I'm sure he already knows how special he is and that he is truly loved. Some people in their lives live lonelier and harder existences than our beloved pets ever do -- the only comforting thing about a dog having a shorter life is that at least we can know that we and our love for them have been a constant throughout all of their years. While you will miss him terribly, I hope you realize that he's a lucky, happy boy who's lived a wonderful life, so there's no reason to be sad for him. You keep your chin up, ok?
I am truly sorry that you and your dog are going through this. I've been there...
Here's some advice, from experience. When my 15 year old Border Collie started to fail (hind legs failed and cancer) the vet said that as long as he could mitigate his pain, our dog was happy and content to be with us. For the last 6 weeks of his life I made him cheese omelets with protein and vitamin powders in them to try and keep up his nutrition. He had little interest in regular dog food but rallied when served people food. I also took him on "walks" in a kid's wagon. He enjoyed sniffing his usual bushes and could meet up with his old doggie friends. Not to get too graphic, I even "helped" him go to the bathroom by supporting his mid-section. He caught on to this right away and understood that I was their to hold him and he "did his thing" just fine. Do what you can for as long as you can. Cherish the opportunity to give back 100%. Thankfully, my border collie (the love of my life) died on his own terms. That was HIS final gift to me. |
Hate to hear that your pal is not doing so good. My friend has a dog that's doing so good also. I've known them both for 7 years. He's a beagle and he's not going to make another Michigan winter we both decided. His arthritis has goten so bad when it gets cold he won't even be able to move outside of the pole barn. When the family is away he digs because he's lonely. Then he has a hard time getting around after all of that digging. I told him I'll do the deed of the staying with him when they put him to sleep. He says he can't do it and I don't blame him for it either. I've got a cat who's going to out live me so I'll be alright with him.
sorry doc..
sorry doc,
for your pending lost. it hurts deeply, cause i lost to pits that help with with my kids. and it really hurt when we lost them. like it was family. hang in there and just remember the good times with shadow. |
Sorry Doc,
You'll know when it's time trust me and everyone else who has said it in this thread. I got a rough collie as a Christmas present when I was 2 years old and carried her into the vet when I was 19 to be put down, I stayed right there with her the whole time and carried her out. It's tough and you will feel it, but take comfort in the years of joy, the fact that he raised some wonderful children and know that his work is done.....hang in there...... |
i don't know what to say.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
This brings back some dark days.
I couldn't be there for Nick when he died. Long story - basically jerks at work. I've never got over it. Gretchen was special. I prepared all of her food in her twilight. She actually told me in her way - it was time. She walked up and gave me a kiss good-bye and she was not a kissie dog at all. I'm sorry you are going through this. There is no way around it.
I couldn't have said anything better or more eloquently than was quoted above by Withers...I am truly sorry for your friends tough times as well as yours...I'm sure all of us because of this thread appreciate more the special friends we have and the time and love we share together. I am showing this to my two teen boys tonight so they appreciate their best friend also! Storm
The decisions you make today...dictate the life you'll lead tomorrow! http://<b>http://www.facebook.com/pr...ef=profile</b> |
So very sorry, Doc.
Let me echo Unstable's eloquence: "The loss is never easy. The love remains with you always." |
So sorry about your friend. Mine always told me when it was time. It was in their eyes. Deb
I'm so sorry.
Always know that you helped to make his life better, happier, as he did yours and that you are as special to him as i know he is to you. Loss of any family member is difficult and the dark days before you know what's to come can make you feel helpless and alone. But... but..... as others have said, just make sure his remaining days are filled with love and some of your time. That's all any of us need, right? Love and attention. From you post, I know he receives both in unlimited quantity. Someday you'll think of him and smile again. It might take a long time, but someday will come. The very best to you and to your beautiful friend, now and always. |
When I lost someone close to me, a friend wrote this in a card (and it has stayed in my mind for over 20 years):
"We are, all of us, molded and remolded by those who have loved us. No one, no experience, can cross our path without leaving some mark upon us forever." Your best and loyal friend has helped to make you the man you are today and will be tomorrow. Your amazing dog will be with you forever... in your mind, your heart and in your children for a lifetime... what an amazing legacy to leave behind. You're in my thoughts tonight... please keep us all updated about Shadows progress.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. - Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping |
so sorry to hear this. with memories he will always be with you. take care and be easy on yourself. its hard. i have lost some also and it never gets easier. just hold him and hug him as long as you can. but when the time comes not only him but you to will know its time no matter how hard it is. thinking of you roger
They are so innocent. Unconditional love.
Im so sorry. Looking my Lab in the eye, crying like a baby when they put him down. Crushing. He was hurting. Just sat in my car at 3 am crying. Very draining. Take it easy... please. |
I wish I had something profound to say or add to this thread....I am terribly sorry to hear about Shadow. I've only been through it once with a dog...a mixed breed runt who had been rejected by his mother, I got him at age seven and said good bye at 21....there are no words, he was fabulous. I've done it too many times though with horses and each one leaves a scar on my heart that just never seems to heal....I'm so sorry.
Seek respect, not attention. |
I can tell you what really helped my dog's appetite. He didn't have a very good appetite after he got sick, so I started buying him rotisserie chickens from Whole Foods Market. I would hand-feed him chicken and would also mix it in with his regular food. It really did the trick. He loved that chicken. He loved it so much that his appetite remained very strong right up until his last couple of days. I think that Prednisone helped my dog too. The vet recommended my dog go on Prednisone after he was diagnosed with lymphoma. She said that it can really help dogs with lymphoma. It's not a cure but I think it can give them an extra month or so and it will make them more comfortable. Anyway, I really feel for you. It's a very hard thing to go through. You'll get through it, but it won't be easy. When you have had an animal for that long and you are that attached to them, it's a great loss when you lose them. It will take time to get over it. In the meantime, just give him all the love you can and enjoy the remaining time that you have left together. |
Shadow Magliaro 04/30/1995-06/03/2007
"All Dogs Go To Heaven" |