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Old 07-04-2006, 12:42 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SentToStud
Do you think the Palestinians have any legitimate grievances? Yes or No?
Yes ... they most certainly do.

Their "leaders" have been suppressing their freedom and stealing their meagre resources for centuries. I hope some day the decent folk among the Palestinians are able to unburden themselves from these murderers and thieves ... and able to enjoy the life and liberty that all humans deserve.
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Old 07-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by irishtrekker
DTS, amen to that! Not sure why constructively criticizing America is always equated with hating it...Seems like certain people have so little security in their beliefs that they can't actually reflect on any idea that dares challenge them because they have to be right! I think it's quite patriotic to love a country despite its flaws, and to commit yourself to doing something about them.

Check out this editorial today, which I think sums it up quite well:

Happy Fourth, all.
Thanks for the article. Worth reading for all that have their take on "patriotism".
As our nation celebrates her 230th, it remains that she becomes what she was inspired to become. The path was charted, the destination not yet realized.
Those that seek to quiet voices of patriots deny any and all possibilities, as they calmly wrap themselves in a flag that they hold so dear, and forget the words of freedom that it represents.
Happy 4th!
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Old 07-04-2006, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
You say you want to dispute the policies of this administration ... yet all you've talked about are the Spanish conquistadors and the colonial slave traders of centuries yore.

Neither you nor your ideological comrades have come up with a single instance of "stripping away of liberty" despite having had ample opportunity to do so.

When you have a cogent thought of your own ... we'll all be glad to hear it. But rote regurgitation of leftist agitprop is a complete bore.
I'm an Arab-American. Here's a couple for you...

1. I have taken about 30 plane flights since 9/11. I have never gone through security without "additional processing.

2. My bookie got busted. Small time guy that about 10 of my friends, including Jews, Christians and even a freaking Bhuddist bet with. I a the smallest bettor of all of us. I am also the only one of the 10 of us to get a knock on my door.

3. My mother's telephone has been bugged and debugged three times.

I'm sure you'll concoct some solid as sh1t draped in (both) flag(s) explanation for this worthy of 30 seconds on Geraldo's or Ollie North's shows.

By the way, you never answered my very very simple question.... Do you believe the Palestinians have any valid grievances? Yes or No?
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Old 07-04-2006, 12:53 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by irishtrekker
DTS, amen to that! Not sure why constructively criticizing America is always equated with hating it...Seems like certain people have so little security in their beliefs that they can't actually reflect on any idea that dares challenge them because they have to be right! I think it's quite patriotic to love a country despite its flaws, and to commit yourself to doing something about them.

Check out this editorial today, which I think sums it up quite well:

Happy Fourth, all.
My advice to pgardn was to rid himself of America-hating leftist associations ... and I'll offer the same advice to you.

When you were a youngster ... your parents undoubtedly warned you about getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. As an adult ... you haven't followed that advice ... you've given your mind over to ultraleftist propagandists ... who also happen to be the world's biggest losers.

For the sake of your own future success and happiness ... you should rid yourself of these losers whose philosophy has been relegated to the garbage can of history.

By the way ... the article you cited is not an "editorial" ... it's an opinion column by the very type of leftist loser you should be shunning. If you want to learn more about history, economics, and politics ... try reading the opinion columns of Thomas Sowell ... whose archives can be found at

Good luck.
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Old 07-04-2006, 12:57 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SentToStud
I'm an Arab-American. Here's a couple for you...

1. I have taken about 30 plane flights since 9/11. I have never gone through security without "additional processing.

2. My bookie got busted. Small time guy that about 10 of my friends, including Jews, Christians and even a freaking Bhuddist bet with. I a the smallest bettor of all of us. I am also the only one of the 10 of us to get a knock on my door.

3. My mother's telephone has been bugged and debugged three times.

I'm sure you'll concoct some solid as sh1t draped in (both) flag(s) explanation for this worthy of 30 seconds on Geraldo's or Ollie North's shows.

By the way, you never answered my very very simple question.... Do you believe the Palestinians have any valid grievances? Yes or No?
I answered your question on this thread at 12:42pm.

Take a look.
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:05 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
You say you want to dispute the policies of this administration ... yet all you've talked about are the Spanish conquistadors and the colonial slave traders of centuries yore.

Neither you nor your ideological comrades have come up with a single instance of "stripping away of liberty" despite having had ample opportunity to do so.

When you have a cogent thought of your own ... we'll all be glad to hear it. But rote regurgitation of leftist agitprop is a complete bore.
Bold Brooklynite,
As you go back and read through the ENTIRE thread, realize that I only talked about slavery or historical "facts" that you got wrong and needed correction. It wasn't the British that brought slavery to the Americas.
You have repeatedly taken this thread off topic.
I suggest that you go back to the very beginning of this thread, that I started. Read the article.
ALA means American Library Association (not ACLU).

Pay very careful attention to the words of Thomas Paine, "Ye that dare not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth!"

If you label those words as "pinko" or "leftist", you must have studied at the Spiro Agnew School of Right-Speak. Label the opposition all you want.
Make up names, but somehow, no matter how loudly you yell, your words do not gain veracity with their volume.

Have a nice 4th. Freedom for ALL!

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Old 07-04-2006, 01:22 PM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
My advice to pgardn was to rid himself of America-hating leftist associations ... and I'll offer the same advice to you.

When you were a youngster ... your parents undoubtedly warned you about getting mixed up with the wrong crowd. As an adult ... you haven't followed that advice ... you've given your mind over to ultraleftist propagandists ... who also happen to be the world's biggest losers.

For the sake of your own future success and happiness ... you should rid yourself of these losers whose philosophy has been relegated to the garbage can of history.

By the way ... the article you cited is not an "editorial" ... it's an opinion column by the very type of leftist loser you should be shunning. If you want to learn more about history, economics, and politics ... try reading the opinion columns of Thomas Sowell ... whose archives can be found at

Good luck.
Sorry, BB. My parents are the losers of whom you speak. You know what I like about them? They would never, EVER refer to another person that way, no matter the color of their political stripes.

I'm quite happy with my life now. I'm glad I can see the good and the bad in my country. Sure, most of my friends are liberals (I'm guessing most of yours are conservatives, and that's fine - like attracts like for all of us), but I do have good friends who are conservatives, and sometimes they help me appreciate issues in a way I wouldn't have seen before. Sometimes, they don't. I think I do the same for them, and I prefer engaging in that kind of conversation than in the name-calling you've resorted to. Do you really think anyone follows your advice when you use such condescension?

Oh, and I used to write opinion pieces for my city paper. Sorry about the mixup in terminology.
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I answered your question on this thread at 12:42pm.

Take a look.
The he11 you did.

Again, do think the Palestinians have any valid grievances? Yes or no?
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:27 PM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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Posts: 248

Originally Posted by SentToStud
I'm an Arab-American. Here's a couple for you...

1. I have taken about 30 plane flights since 9/11. I have never gone through security without "additional processing.

2. My bookie got busted. Small time guy that about 10 of my friends, including Jews, Christians and even a freaking Bhuddist bet with. I a the smallest bettor of all of us. I am also the only one of the 10 of us to get a knock on my door.

3. My mother's telephone has been bugged and debugged three times.

I'm sure you'll concoct some solid as sh1t draped in (both) flag(s) explanation for this worthy of 30 seconds on Geraldo's or Ollie North's shows.

By the way, you never answered my very very simple question.... Do you believe the Palestinians have any valid grievances? Yes or No?

S2S: my answer is Yes.

Sorry about everything your family's been through. I know an apology means nada, but it just sucks.
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:27 PM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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Posts: 248

Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Thanks for the article. Worth reading for all that have their take on "patriotism".
As our nation celebrates her 230th, it remains that she becomes what she was inspired to become. The path was charted, the destination not yet realized.
Those that seek to quiet voices of patriots deny any and all possibilities, as they calmly wrap themselves in a flag that they hold so dear, and forget the words of freedom that it represents.
Happy 4th!
Happy 4th, DTS!
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Old 07-04-2006, 01:40 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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And also to you, Irish!
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Old 07-04-2006, 02:10 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Sad that you and yours have been singled out.
If you read the following article, you might see that "freedom" has different meanings to different people.
Don't expect honest answers from those that attach a different meaning.
Labels and insults, yes. Truth...unfortunately, no.
Their "freedom" allows theirs as much as it does ours.

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Old 07-04-2006, 04:20 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Bold Brooklynite,
As you go back and read through the ENTIRE thread, realize that I only talked about slavery or historical "facts" that you got wrong and needed correction. It wasn't the British that brought slavery to the Americas.
You have repeatedly taken this thread off topic.
I suggest that you go back to the very beginning of this thread, that I started. Read the article.
ALA means American Library Association (not ACLU).

Pay very careful attention to the words of Thomas Paine, "Ye that dare not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth!"

If you label those words as "pinko" or "leftist", you must have studied at the Spiro Agnew School of Right-Speak. Label the opposition all you want.
Make up names, but somehow, no matter how loudly you yell, your words do not gain veracity with their volume.

Have a nice 4th. Freedom for ALL!

Nice try ... but it was you who brought up the subject of slavery ... and ...

... and I never said that the British brought slavery to the Americas ... I said that the United States inherited slavery from the British colonialists ... since all 13 colonies were under British control at the time we declared our independence.

I really hope you'll follow my advice and spend some time reading Thomas Sowell. All of his opinion columns are archived at Pick any ten at random and read them through.

Your horizon will be expanded ... and your mind will be opened to a different way of viewing the world ... and you'll be on your way to a more satisfying life. You may then want to read a few of the dozens of books he has written.

And while you're at ... read a few of their other dozens of columnists. You'll be enlightened and inspired ... and you'll never fall sway to leftist agitprop again.

Good luck ... and happy 4th.
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Old 07-04-2006, 04:26 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SentToStud
The he11 you did.

Again, do think the Palestinians have any valid grievances? Yes or no?
That's the very question I answered.

You may not like the answer ... but there you have it.

You'll be a much happier person if you stop wallowing in self-pity ... and stop attributing your misfortunes to others.

No one has ever rolled out the red carpet for any immigrants who have come to this country ... including my grandparents ... nor should they have. It's up to you to make a satisfying life for yourself and the ones you love ... make the most of it ... because there never has been a better time or place to do so than in the United States in 2006.

Good luck ... and happy 4th.
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Old 07-04-2006, 04:27 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Nice try ... but it was you who brought up the subject of slavery ... and ...

... and I never said that the British brought slavery to the Americas ... I said that the United States inherited slavery from the British colonialists ... since all 13 colonies were under British control at the time we declared our independence.

I really hope you'll follow my advice and spend some time reading Thomas Sowell. All of his opinion columns are archived at Pick any ten at random and read them through.

Your horizon will be expanded ... and your mind will be opened to a different way of viewing the world ... and you'll be on your way to a more satisfying life. You may then want to read a few of the dozens of books he has written.

And while you're at ... read a few of their other dozens of columnists. You'll be enlightened and inspired ... and you'll never fall sway to leftist agitprop again.

Good luck ... and happy 4th.
I will certainly go to as per your advice.
I'm always looking to expand and understand. My mind remains open to differing views.
Have a great 4th.

May I ask, where did I make mention of slavery? I thought I was talking about librarians.

Last edited by Downthestretch55 : 07-04-2006 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 07-04-2006, 04:53 PM
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SentToStud SentToStud is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
That's the very question I answered.

You may not like the answer ... but there you have it.

You'll be a much happier person if you stop wallowing in self-pity ... and stop attributing your misfortunes to others.

No one has ever rolled out the red carpet for any immigrants who have come to this country ... including my grandparents ... nor should they have. It's up to you to make a satisfying life for yourself and the ones you love ... make the most of it ... because there never has been a better time or place to do so than in the United States in 2006.

Good luck ... and happy 4th.
Yeah, right. Quite an response.

You're a coward and a fool and a shame to your people.

My life is well made as is that of my family.

You just spout off that right -wing trash.

Next question....What will happen now with Arafat gone? No longer does the myth of "No Partner For Peace" exist.

Who will be Israel's deKlerk? Who will be the Palestinian's Mandela?

You seem to think people are weak and wallow in self-pty. You're a ****ing fool as well as a coward. Take that bull**** flag off your shoulders and get an original thought. Or at least, God willing, allow your children to think more freely than you.

Anyone disagrees with you, you label them as a hater of the Jewish people. Sad. Do not allow your children to grow up as you.
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Old 07-04-2006, 09:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
The main thing that has held back the economic progress of some African Americans is that they've bought into the concept of the Welfare State ... the idea that government will solve all their problems.

The African Americans who haven't bought into this ... who have been self-reliant ... and there are millions of them ... many of whom live right here on my upper class street ... have done spectacularly well.

And of course you completely overlook the amazing success of Asian immigrants in this country. The Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Indians, and Pakistanis are among the most successful and prosperous groups in this country.

You've made a foolish mistake by associating yourself with the hate-America leftist crowd. Get away from those losers ... and you'll be much happier and more successful yourself.

Think seriously about this ... and then act on it ... on this most appropriate day ... the day of Independence.
Me LEFT? Holy mackerel... First time I have been accused of that. Ever.

I will again ask you, right here, right now:

and the answer is .... male and caucasian.
If this is not the answer, what is the answer?

Female and of Asian descent..... uhmmm maybe Chinese? Dont make me laugh.
Kid yourself all you want. If you want the best chance of "succeeding" in this country, all other things being equal, its white male.

Oh yes. I do consider myself very successful. I have led the American dream thus far. However, my definition of success probably does not run parallel to yours Bold one.
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:04 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
I will certainly go to as per your advice.
I'm always looking to expand and understand. My mind remains open to differing views.
Have a great 4th.

May I ask, where did I make mention of slavery? I thought I was talking about librarians.
You are correct ... it was Somerfrost who first mentioned slavery ... but ...

... I've been taking on six other posters at once ... not that I mind ... I can handle the whole forum membership without blowing out a match ... so pardon me if I got some names and posts mixed up.

By the way ... I checked and they've completely revamped their website. I wasn't able to access individual columnists ... but hopefully this is a temporary condition while they update their site.

You'll love Tom Sowell ... I guarantee it ... if you ever get to read him.
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:11 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by pgardn
Me LEFT? Holy mackerel... First time I have been accused of that. Ever.

I will again ask you, right here, right now:

and the answer is .... male and caucasian.
If this is not the answer, what is the answer?

Female and of Asian descent..... uhmmm maybe Chinese? Dont make me laugh.
Kid yourself all you want. If you want the best chance of "succeeding" in this country, all other things being equal, its white male.

Oh yes. I do consider myself very successful. I have led the American dream thus far. However, my definition of success probably does not run parallel to yours Bold one.
What you say isn't correct ... far from it ... and it's also very condescending ... I seriously doubt that many males or females of African, Asian, or Native American descent would want to switch to whiteys if they were given the choice of doing so.

And even if it were true that white males somehow have an advantage ... let's hypothesize that it is ... so? So what? What profound conclusion are we supposed to draw from it?

P.S. I didn't say you were a leftist ... I just advised you not to intellectually associate with or be swayed by them.

Last edited by Bold Brooklynite : 07-04-2006 at 10:21 PM.
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:16 PM
Bold Brooklynite
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by SentToStud
Yeah, right. Quite an response.

You're a coward and a fool and a shame to your people.

My life is well made as is that of my family.

You just spout off that right -wing trash.

Next question....What will happen now with Arafat gone? No longer does the myth of "No Partner For Peace" exist.

Who will be Israel's deKlerk? Who will be the Palestinian's Mandela?

You seem to think people are weak and wallow in self-pty. You're a ****ing fool as well as a coward. Take that bull**** flag off your shoulders and get an original thought. Or at least, God willing, allow your children to think more freely than you.

Anyone disagrees with you, you label them as a hater of the Jewish people. Sad. Do not allow your children to grow up as you.
You're the only person on this thread who has resorted to personal insults and cursing against another member of this forum.

Everyone else has argued their positions like intelligent and respectful adults ... why can't you?
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