I'll tell you what a friend is.
A friend is of good,strong God fearing character. An Ohio State fan...ya might say. Somone who will be well infromed of your darkest secrets.....yer cluttered closet items.......and such. But when you forget that and decide to vaporize this friend en masse.......just because it's fun...I guess......... ...well this friend will not take out a full page ,25 biggest newspapers across the country ad and ruin the neighborhood. This is what a friend is. Someone who will take a stoning...a lynching....a vaporization from his friends.... .....and merely move on not seeking revenge. A vengeful friend is no friend at all. |
And they go on about their business........doing as they please.....as they wish.
Anytime they want to. |
Wounded though they may be.....
...they simply continue to do so. Realizing one is a throwaway friend is the first step to incomplete recovery. Which is why I do as I please...as I wish....anytime I want to. I shan't be stopped by anyone. No one shall interfer with my fine work.....because I deem it so. |
Excuse now...I have to have the dressings changed on the 77 arrow wounds in my back.
Oh I'm fine....not to worry. It only hurts when I breathe. The doctor told me..."Well....don't breathe then." |
Say...what is a boo-boo ( or HORRIBLE THING) anyways?
I guess if friends decided to attack with phasers on "kill".....you( the attackee) might say... ..."Say....what did I do?" And they ( the attackERS)might say...... ."..DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT BONEHEADED,PURPOSEFUL AND VIRULENT SWINE STUNT HAS DONE...ANY VAGUE IDEA OF THE DAMAGE YOU HAVE CAUSED???" God. But you ,the attackee, might say........"Well no." "What exactly did I do wrong and what damage was caused???????" The attackers...................."Well............we don't know. ....but you still are a beast.,,,and we hate you....you are a pig." See what ahm sayin' ?? |
This is not a THREAD... it's a MONOLOGUE.
Actually Mort should have his own CATEGORY... In fact I would call it MORTIMER AT LARGE!!!
@wire2wirewin Turf Economist since 1974 |
Hey..call it what you will.
I call it "stuff"....that's square with me. Maybe you should have ERNIEBERT AT SMALL. |
In an unrelated incident...the same friend felt the sting of another friend.
Someone should clean out their pm box so as to understand there was an evil misunderstading. I'm still doing as I please. |
I shall continue to do so with no fear whatsoever of reprimand.
Anytime I want to.
http://www.facebook.com/cajungator26 |
GOOD ONE! Perfect. A picture is worth .....how many words? I forgot. But more than a few. |
So that explains why I'm not feeling quite myself today. I've been possessed ( or perhaps repossessed? Can't recall paying that bill....) |
I've been possessed ( or perhaps repossessed? Can't recall paying that bill....)
Oh..that one was funny. So that explains why I'm not feeling quite myself today. |
Accoding to Shelley:
"It is a sweet thing, friendship, a dear balm, A happy and auspicious bird of calm..." Oh REALLY??? |
Why the man's coo-coo.
Yes...we can accept it that way. He's crazy. Everything is now explained away. It's soooo easy. Why it wasn't hard at all. Simple....rubber room case. And so the circle game continues after a slight and irritating interruption. |
What does a crazy person look like?
Like this? Or this? Is it this? Is this fellow crazy or does he have a twitching problem? Or do the guilty wear the look of the insane? |
I vote for they guy in your photo. |
This is a female crazy person
I can put a name next to it.....but not at this time as it does not please me to do so. Maybe soon. Maybe not. |