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Old 09-08-2010, 08:37 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
Well, you do this every couple days or so on here. Lets get something straight here. The guy who started this "religion" did it with massive force. He terrorized people into joining. He was a butcher. Now, if you want to believe something said by the followers of a butcher, then, that's you. I'm not gunna believe anything the followers of a butcher have to say. Moral people aren't interested in following the teachings of a butcher. Period. Excuse us for not believing the followers of a damn butcher...Good grief.
i have read your take on muslims a million times scuds. but not all muslims subscribe to all that mohammed said, or bin laden and his fellow wahabi followers. that probably explains why there are variations of the religion...just like all catholics don't avoid birth control, all baptists don't avoid alcohol and dancing, etc, etc, not all muslims believe in all the things that the wahabbis do. or the sufi..or the shiite, the sunni...
i see the rantings and ravings, the 'they're all bad' articles...unlike you, i actually consider more than one point of view. personally, i don't know why anyone follows any certain religion, but that's just me.
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Old 09-08-2010, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i have read your take on muslims a million times scuds. but not all muslims subscribe to all that mohammed said, or bin laden and his fellow wahabi followers. that probably explains why there are variations of the religion...just like all catholics don't avoid birth control, all baptists don't avoid alcohol and dancing, etc, etc, not all muslims believe in all the things that the wahabbis do. or the sufi..or the shiite, the sunni...
i see the rantings and ravings, the 'they're all bad' articles...unlike you, i actually consider more than one point of view. personally, i don't know why anyone follows any certain religion, but that's just me.
He was a butcher. How ya getting by that? He had sex with a girl still playing with her dolls. At some point, you've got to be a little suspect of people that follow someone like this. Their version of God involves someone of this sort? At some point, it comes down to morals, and they're following the teachings of an immoral person. So, I really don't know how you can trust anything you hear or read from people that follow someone like this. Not all Muslims subscribe to what he said? You ever hear them say he's was wrong?

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-08-2010 at 09:04 PM.
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Old 09-08-2010, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
He was a butcher. How ya getting by that? He had sex with a girl still playing with her dolls. At some point, you've got to be a little suspect of people that follow someone like this. Their version of God involves someone of this sort? At some point, it comes down to morals, and they're following the teachings of an immoral person. So, I really don't know how you can trust anything you hear or read from people that follow someone like this. Not all Muslims subscribe to what he said? You ever hear them say he's was wrong?
scuds, several threads contain quotes from a variety of muslims who spoke out against 9-11, against violence, who preach and believe in being a modern religions, without the violence. yet, you and others who want only to hate an entire group based on the actions of a few have completely refused to even acknowledge that.

you say how can i get by that? how do mormons get by some of what their book contains? gems, the garden of eden in missouri..the bible, with talking snakes, guys living in fish for days, and people walking on water while the spirit gets a virgin knocked up....people don't focus on the unbelievable, or the violence-you stone anyone for growing more than one crop in a field lately? yet you're only focusing on the violence in the quran, koran, however it's spelled. i think it's an oversimplification.
i was just as horrified as anyone when 9-11 occurred. it would be easy to say kill them all, or to demand revenge. that takes a lot less thought and rationalization, doesn't it? it almost makes one sound very much like that which one has come to hate. we need rational thought, not emotion, not knee-jerk reactions. you refuse to believe that every muslim doesn't engage in violence, doesn't believe in strapping on a bomb, stonings, mutilations, acid attacks, etc. you see the guy throwing the acid, without considering the thought process of the man who allows his daughters to go to school, or to work, or to drive, or to marry the man they chose. it's a man who has come to understand that backward thinking won't work. multiply that man times a hundred, a thousand. those are the people, who happen to be muslim, that we should be supporting. you're lumping them all together, which is unfair to the many muslims who want modernity, peace, understanding. they exist-i just think it's a shame that only the few monsters get all the talk, the attention, and are thought to be the only representatives of the muslim world.
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Old 09-08-2010, 09:29 PM
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on second thought scuds, i just wasted my time. don't read any of the above, it's pointless. i'd hate to waste your time along with mine.
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Old 09-08-2010, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
on second thought scuds, i just wasted my time. don't read any of the above, it's pointless. i'd hate to waste your time along with mine.

I have nothing to grade.

Just thayin'.
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
scuds, several threads contain quotes from a variety of muslims who spoke out against 9-11, against violence, who preach and believe in being a modern religions, without the violence. yet, you and others who want only to hate an entire group based on the actions of a few have completely refused to even acknowledge that.
I explained why this is. All Muslims follow the teachings of this butcher. They won't say that he was wrong. He told them they could lie to non-Muslims (if it helped Islam.) There are areas of the Koran where their butcher says these things your pointing out(violence for self-defense etc.) problem is that he was a hypocrite. He wrote stuff that encouraged violence against non-Muslims. He beheaded 600-900 non Muslims that surrendered to him. The very people you quote (peaceful words) will not say this guy was wrong to do n' say these violent things. Will they even call Hamas a terrorist group? Was he wrong to tell them to kill Muslims that try to leave the faith? See, if his followers won't say he was wrong about this stuff, then why would you believe their claims to be non-violent? Their allegiance is to that butcher. Not to you, or any other non-Muslims. I'm not gunna believe anyone who follows the teachings of a butcher. Just doesn't add up. They want peace, but love the teachings of a butcher who told them to kill those trying to leave the faith? Come on. Think. You're a parent. This is the same level of bullshyt kids probably tried to feed you when they wanted to deceive you. They say they are against violence, but like to follow a butcher...hmmmmm. Doesn't add up, but if you say so.
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:12 AM
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Zig, when Mormons start killing people (for not being Mormon,) they'll have the same dislike come their way. Muslims often do act on their butcher's violent words. So, you've got a religion where the designer was violent. Many of his followers are violent. The rest of his followers want to follow a butcher's teachings, but not be considered violent. Well, too bad. Pick a less violent religion. Follow a butcher, and people will be wary of your motivations. Period. Especially, if ya refuse to say the butcher was wrong. That's bullshyt, and these people are mainly bullshyters. He told them to lie to you. Look it up. There are reasons we are talking about people from this religion, and not talking about people from other religions. It's a violent religion. Always will be. Long after we're dead, people from this religion will be terrorizing non-believers, but you believe your fkn fairy tales. I want them to know that many Americans don't believe their bullshyt. Long as they know they can't snow us, things will be tolerable. Don't give them an inch. They don't deserve it. They chose to follow a butcher. So, the Peace will be measured by actions (not by believing what comes out of a Muslim's mouth.) Followers of a butcher don't deserve trust (none, zero, zilch.)

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-09-2010 at 12:45 AM.
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:34 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
Zig, when Mormons start killing people (for not being Mormon,) they'll have the same dislike come their way. Muslims often do act on their butcher's violent words. So, you've got a religion where the designer was violent. Many of his followers are violent. The rest of his followers want to follow a butcher's teachings, but not be considered violent. Well, too bad. Pick a less violent religion. Follow a butcher, and people will be wary of your motivations. Period. Especially, if ya refuse to say the butcher was wrong. That's bullshyt, and these people are mainly bullshyters. He told them to lie to you. Look it up.

on second thought scuds, i just wasted my time. don't read any of the above, it's pointless. i'd hate to waste your time along with mine.
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Old 09-09-2010, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post

on second thought scuds, i just wasted my time. don't read any of the above, it's pointless. i'd hate to waste your time along with mine.
Well, you convinced me. Mormons want to cut on me.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
Well, you convinced me. Mormons want to cut on me.
they follow a leader implicated in a massacre. and only 140 years ago as opposed to 1400 years.

if nothing has changed in the last 1400 years, i'm not sure how much they could have in the last 140.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:30 AM
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Far as burning the Koran goes, Muslims have only themselves to blame. They do this sort of stuff constantly. If they don't like it, then, they can take it like any other people do. They aren't special. They just follow a violent thug, and think they can push people around. It's no longer true. They just don't get it yet. They need to. They knocked on this door real hard. Not everyone wants to just act like they aren't home.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:33 AM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post
they follow a leader implicated in a massacre. and only 140 years ago as opposed to 1400 years.

if nothing has changed in the last 1400 years, i'm not sure how much they could have in the last 140.
When they start terrorizing people for being non-Mormons, then they'll get theirs.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:37 AM
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ABC news report:

"200 Qurans to be burned on 9/11." And they protested the burning overseas by burning our flag and an effigy of Jones.
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Old 09-09-2010, 10:30 AM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
ABC news report:

"200 Qurans to be burned on 9/11." And they protested the burning overseas by burning our flag and an effigy of Jones.
yeah, but your thread misses the whole point. for one, we are supposed to be the civilized ones. two, now i know why churches are a farce...any religion. they preach one thing and do another......i'm sure jesus would be out there burning holy books , beheading people and bombing cities. as soon as man tried to define God, its been nothing but war....thats the bottom line. all these ridiculous , stupid religions sound really peaceful and loving...until you stand back and look around. if there is a God...hes turned his back on this pathetic behavior centuries i'm not taking sides because the blame goes around the board...mankind is basically a loser. even when they believe in God, they do everything that God would so all you church goers....keep going, give them your money...see what it gets you i guess "live by the sword, die by it" means nothing or "turn the other cheek"...thats the part that gets shoved to the side....i'm sure God will overlook that if you give the church enough religion....its a joke on this planet.
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by johnny pinwheel View Post
yeah, but your thread misses the whole point. for one, we are supposed to be the civilized ones. two, now i know why churches are a farce...any religion. they preach one thing and do another......i'm sure jesus would be out there burning holy books , beheading people and bombing cities. as soon as man tried to define God, its been nothing but war....thats the bottom line. all these ridiculous , stupid religions sound really peaceful and loving...until you stand back and look around. if there is a God...hes turned his back on this pathetic behavior centuries i'm not taking sides because the blame goes around the board...mankind is basically a loser. even when they believe in God, they do everything that God would so all you church goers....keep going, give them your money...see what it gets you i guess "live by the sword, die by it" means nothing or "turn the other cheek"...thats the part that gets shoved to the side....i'm sure God will overlook that if you give the church enough religion....its a joke on this planet.
So, for being the "civilized ones" we get to be constantly on defense only, which will be read as weakness, and allow the uncivilized ones to perpetually attack. This in spite of our superior armament and technology. Then maybe, someday, we'll get another 9/11 or much worse.

Just like if I go up and punch Mike Tyson, I shouldn't expect to be killed by blunt force trauma -- namely the fists of the ex-champ, right?
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:13 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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All im going to say is that people from other countries have no problems burning our flag.
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:25 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
So, for being the "civilized ones" we get to be constantly on defense only, which will be read as weakness, and allow the uncivilized ones to perpetually attack. This in spite of our superior armament and technology. Then maybe, someday, we'll get another 9/11 or much worse.

Just like if I go up and punch Mike Tyson, I shouldn't expect to be killed by blunt force trauma -- namely the fists of the ex-champ, right?
how does burning the koran show our strength? how does engaging in poor behavior show we aren't to be messed with?
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
All im going to say is that people from other countries have no problems burning our flag.
sounds as tho u don't think thats proper behavior....but you think we should reply in kind? what will that accomplish?
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Old 09-09-2010, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
sounds as tho u don't think thats proper behavior....but you think we should reply in kind? what will that accomplish?
Why do you even bother?
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Old 09-09-2010, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
how does burning the koran show our strength? how does engaging in poor behavior show we aren't to be messed with?
It will be effective in revealing the true number of radicals, which is deliberately underreported.
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