Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
You haven't been following abortion rights, or lack of them, in state legislatures, then. Abortion is already, for all intents and purposes, illegal in some states, because of restrictions passed on clinics' operations. And yet women's rights groups aren't pursuing cases against them- not because they don't feel the laws are violating Roe v. Wade, but because they are terrified of Roe v. Wade being overturned. In addition, several states have already passed laws that would make abortion immediately illegal in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned, so they've already prepared for it.
And of course, it's not really about abortion; it's about women's freedom, as the fight over whether a company has more religious rights than an individual when it comes to women's contraception, shows. Women who do not have control over their reproductive lives are not free. They aren't. I had a wanted pregnancy, and it still takes over your life and body, and, in my case, was in danger of killing me at the end- I had to be induced early because my blood pressure hit seizure levels and I was at risk of stroke. A friend of mine did have a stroke after having a baby. Another died last year on the operating table delivering twins. Pregnancy and childbirth are f*cking dangerous.
And these were all wanted pregnancies, and, in the case of my friends, everything was fine, right up until delivery, so there was no sense that their lives or health were at risk. The GOP proposes forcing women to risk their lives and health, in fact, give them up, for pregnancies they don't want. And that will leave thousands of children without mothers, because the majority of women seeking abortion ALREADY HAVE AT LEAST ONE CHILD. It's not all teenagers who didn't use condoms. One out of three women have an abortion before the age of 45. Most, if not all of us know someone who has had one.
This isn't a scare tactic; this is a genuine possibility and it's really scary. Women will die. And it's right there in the national GOP platform- no abortion under any circumstances. That's what they support. Look it up.
This is what happens when religious zealots get into government. Freedom goes away.
The Democrats are using this as a scare tactic because women should be scared.