I was looking at it for an hour looking at the patterns and checking out the corresponding days as far as weekday/weekend stuff went. Thank you very much. |
I see people arguing the most vehemently over races and the like that i know they haven't watched or seen by the very eneral context with which they speak about them. I'm willing to bet that staunchest of polytrack advocates on here haven't seen more than a few races, if that, on the stuff and they are telling us all about it. Its frustrating. |
Last I heard,this filly(Rutledge Ballado) walked into the ambulance on her own.
Seems to me that a certain someone didnt watch the race and heard a horse was vanned off. That certain person then assumed the race was on Poly and posted a thread without getting all the facts. Then that certain someone was caught and then tried to backtrack.
I rest my case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
You gotta give me credit on that one. |
Oracle you crack me up. You say on here that you cannot stand when people comment on a race without watching the race which is a very good and valid point. And I agree with you 100%. However, you comment on PolyTrack all the time without ever seeing it, walking it, touching it or even seeing horses train and race on it in person. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.
I wish there was a sarcastic face on the left we could click on to signify that we are being sarcastic. It doesn't really come through properly most of the time. And your posts amuse me, as do Pillow Pants and that prick Titan Sooner's posts.(being sarcastic here Titan) |
I think that qualifies me to have an opinion. I don't need to smell or touch horse**** live to know what it is, a pile of it on tv looks the same(being sarcastic and ironic here drawing a comparison between horse**** and races on poly) |
a pointless thread.
And whats been your take on the rail, and running style of the winners? |