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Old 09-05-2008, 12:34 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
He should go to the football threads instead of telling people to shut up about politics.
i didnt take it personally.

What did you think about the speech?
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:36 AM
Coach Pants
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And learn a foreign language while you're shutting the everliving f.uck up. Or perhaps volunteer at an orphanage in Bangladesh and adopt a hideously ugly child. Do what the elite partisan hacks do.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
You should go to one of the thousand dodger threads you make and bitch about them instead of sticking to one talking point and getting owned repeatedly in a political discussion.

Quite frankly there is nothing to discuss with her utterly retarded comment about McCain looking like he's near death. It's just another mindless partisan joke and she's quite good, as are you, at spewing them.

What's funny about democrats and republicans is that they rarely, if ever, talk about the faults of their respective parties. It's always who sucks more. This thread is a classic example of that.

And that's why you should all shut the everliving f.uck up.
I dont think there was anything retarded about the comment and if there was nothing to dicuss, why discuss it? Doesnt that make you the retard?

And its interesing that you speak of being "partisan" when NOT ONE TIME in this spread have you said anything positive about anything democrat but you continue to make your little show of support for all things republican.

Why hide behind this bipartisan veil of libertarianism? Your support is obviously partisan...its just the run, duck and hide version. And you struck me as being bigger than that.

McCain is 73 years old and he looks it and sounds it. If you agreee, great.

If not? STFU you stupid partisan moron. And slurp your ass.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:47 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
I dont think there was anything retarded about the comment and if there was nothing to dicuss, why discuss it? Doesnt that make you the retard?
You left an s out, ******.

I can smell the panic with a statement like that. In the back of your mind you're hoping he dies. It's sickening.
Originally Posted by dalakhani
And its interesing that you speak of being "partisan" when NOT ONE TIME in this spread have you said anything positive about anything democrat but you continue to make your little show of support for all things republican.
I'm a libertarian...of course I'm not going to say anything positive about the majority of democrats in office. They're spineless.

Originally Posted by dalakhani
Why hide behind this bipartisan veil of libertarianism? Your support is obviously partisan...its just the run, duck and hide version. And you struck me as being bigger than that.
Because I'm a libertarian, retard? Run, Duck and Hide?

Ok. I've got 5 grand that says McCain lives through the presidency...even if Obama wins. Come on, oh brave one.

Originally Posted by dalakhani
McCain is 73 years old and he looks it and sounds it. If you agreee, great.

If not? STFU you stupid partisan moron. And slurp your ass.
He's 72, ******.

You really should lurk more and post less. Do us all a favor.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
You left an s out, ******.

I can smell the panic with a statement like that. In the back of your mind you're hoping he dies. It's sickening.

S where, idiot? No panic. I dont hope anyone dies...except YOU right NOW.

I'm a libertarian...of course I'm not going to say anything positive about the majority of democrats in office. They're spineless.

And that makes you? Spineless is a F U C K head like you that is too scared to vote so you pick a party that is INSIGNIFICANT that supports losers like Ron Paul.

Because I'm a libertarian, retard? Run, Duck and Hide?

Ok. I've got 5 grand that says McCain lives through the presidency...even if Obama wins. Come on, oh brave one.

So now you are a doctor? If i thought i could collect from your broke ass, i would make that bet. But we are on the internet so you can pretend like you have 5k to bet.

He's 72, ******.

As if that is a difference numb nutz.

You really should lurk more and post less. Do us all a favor.
Nah, i will post more...sorry coach, can't bully me. So do yourself a favor and stop trying.

i am now expecting the silly avatars and internet cut and pastes.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:05 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Nah, i will post more...sorry coach, can't bully me. So do yourself a favor and stop trying.

i am now expecting the silly avatars and internet cut and pastes.
Reading posts from idiots such as yourself has me wishing that I would spontaneously combust.

So no on the bet? If Reagan lived through 2 terms, McCain is a virtual lock for 1. He's got two bad arms and skin cancer. Whoopity doo with the dramatics, ******.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Reading posts from idiots such as yourself has me wishing that I would spontaneously combust.

So no on the bet? If Reagan lived through 2 terms, McCain is a virtual lock for 1. He's got two bad arms and skin cancer. Whoopity doo with the dramatics, ******.
okay lets bet then. you wanna bet the election while we are at it you jobless f u c k?
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:13 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
okay lets bet then. you wanna bet the election while we are at it you jobless f u c k?
Ok 5 grand it is.

Why would I want to bet who wins the election? Again...I'm a libertarian. Are you having hot flashes?
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Ok 5 grand it is.

Why would I want to bet who wins the election? Again...I'm a libertarian. Are you having hot flashes?
Yes, you are giving them to me big boy. Its that sexy, romantic talk like "u slurp my large ass" that really gets me going.

But seriously though, libertarian or not, surely you have an opinion on a side because Ron Paul certainly aint gettin it.

Come on, dont be chicken s h i t. Put up or shut up. I will bet you a 1000 on Obama right now.

Are you game? Or are you just a loud mouth that can make "hypothetical" wagers and not real ones?

I admit, you do the hypotheticals really well. But the real ones? Lets see.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:21 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Yes, you are giving them to me big boy. Its that sexy, romantic talk like "u slurp my large ass" that really gets me going.

But seriously though, libertarian or not, surely you have an opinion on a side because Ron Paul certainly aint gettin it.

Come on, dont be chicken s h i t. Put up or shut up. I will bet you a 1000 on Obama right now.

Are you game? Or are you just a loud mouth that can make "hypothetical" wagers and not real ones?

I admit, you do the hypotheticals really well. But the real ones? Lets see.
Bob Barr, not Ron Paul.

I'm not betting on the presidential election at even odds. If I wanted to take McCain I would take the odds on a betting exchange.

Now if you want to give...say 5 percentage points at even odds I'll take that for $1000. And really if the democrats don't win by more than 5 points after 8 years of coke head then they should cancel the inauguration and let him go in quietly.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Bob Barr, not Ron Paul.

I'm not betting on the presidential election at even odds. If I wanted to take McCain I would take the odds on a betting exchange.

Now if you want to give...say 5 percentage points at even odds I'll take that for $1000. And really if the democrats don't win by more than 5 points after 8 years of coke head then they should cancel the inauguration and let him go in quietly.
That a built in cop out. If the republicans win you can say "the dems suck. they should have won". and if the dems win "they should have won by more".

5 percentage points? LOL

How about electoral spread?
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:28 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
That a built in cop out. If the republicans win you can say "the dems suck. they should have won". and if the dems win "they should have won by more".

5 percentage points? LOL

How about electoral spread?
5 percentage points is nothing considering the majority of polls have Obama ahead by much more.

Plus when you look at America today all you see are emasculated men and hopeless women that are looking for someone to come in on a purple horse with pink wings and save them. And Obama is their man. They watch what he says on the boob tube and let out grunts of approval and claps smearing the orange-stained fingers over each other.

I'm an edge player. F.uck your candidate at even odds.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:34 AM
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From some random internet article dated 9/3...

We know the pollsters and pundits all have their predictions and opinions but when you want to know the real odds on the election you always want to check with the sports books. For some reason the "bookies" are usually right! As of today Barack Obama is a significant favorite.

Of course betting on elections is illegal in the United States but just for entertainment purposes here are the latest odds on McCain vs. Obama.

John McCain is 3-2 (For every $200 wagered you'd win $300)

Barack Obama is 1-2 (For every $200 wagered you'd win $100)
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
5 percentage points is nothing considering the majority of polls have Obama ahead by much more.

Plus when you look at America today all you see are emasculated men and hopeless women that are looking for someone to come in on a purple horse with pink wings and save them. And Obama is their man. They watch what he says on the boob tube and let out grunts of approval and claps smearing the orange-stained fingers over each other.

I'm an edge player. F.uck your candidate at even odds.
I think its both sides. Look at all of the morons on here that saw this mayor of alaska and decided that she was the best thing since wheat bread. Look at the dorks like arljim78 (i will bet you 2-1 that he is a virgin!) that think she is the female Reagan reincarnated and if that were so it would be a good thing.

We need the cokehead out of office. I am not saying Obama is the next FDR but it is something different. mccain is the same damn thing.

We will find something else to wager on.

Goodnight Coach. Slurp your ass...and give me the blog link.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
You should go to one of the thousand dodger threads you make and bitch about them instead of sticking to one talking point and getting owned repeatedly in a political discussion.

Quite frankly there is nothing to discuss with her utterly retarded comment about McCain looking like he's near death. It's just another mindless partisan joke and she's quite good, as are you, at spewing them.

What's funny about democrats and republicans is that they rarely, if ever, talk about the faults of their respective parties. It's always who sucks more. This thread is a classic example of that.

And that's why you should all shut the everliving f.uck up.
I never get owned on any discussion about policy. People simply start name calling etc., or more often, they change to another issue(such as you just did with the Dodger thread stuff.) What you call "getting owned" is almost always somebody changing the topic of discussion. It's clever etc., and I usually go ahead and let people do it. The fact is people run, turn a handle, or steer away from the topic.

1)Dodger threads(evading the topic at hand.)

2)Getting owned etc.( a claim with zero evidence)

3) You claim that the concern about the McCaine's health is a joke. You've attempted to make fun of somebody who has an excellent point. Men die from 72-76 a lot. So, this is a huge issue, and his V.P. pick is not the small issue people think it is.

4) You say r and d rarely if ever talk about the faults of their own parties. Well, of course they are going to talk about the faults of the party that stands for policies they despise.Those are the concerns they most have. I have said I disagree with the Democratic Party about immigration. It's a huge fault, but the Republicans aren't doing anything to stop it either. I want Mobil Exxon to stop getting tax credits while making 10 bil a quarter year. Republicans want to keep giving them that. I'm voting against them doing that. There is nothing incredibly special (to me) about the Democratic Party. I'm only concerned with stopping the implementation of the policies of the Republican Party. Any non-Republican candidate has a chance to get my vote. They've smoked 4k American Lives in Iraq(with not much of a return on those Americans lost...certainly not enough for me.) Those are 2 very big issues. Sorry, but the parties are far apart on them. I don't have a choice. There is only one party that can stop them. You call it partisan. I call it voting for people who share my own views on important topics. It's not like these 2 parties are close on their views. That's a myth perpetuated by people who don't know the views of each party. I will say something about the 2 people running on the Republican side. They are far,far,far better Americans than the 2 now in there. I will not feel nearly as bad about these 2 getting elected.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-05-2008 at 01:54 AM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 07:44 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
I think its both sides. Look at all of the morons on here that saw this mayor of alaska and decided that she was the best thing since wheat bread. Look at the dorks like arljim78 (i will bet you 2-1 that he is a virgin!) that think she is the female Reagan reincarnated and if that were so it would be a good thing.

We need the cokehead out of office. I am not saying Obama is the next FDR but it is something different. mccain is the same damn thing.

We will find something else to wager on.

Goodnight Coach. Slurp your ass...and give me the blog link.
isn't she the governor of alaska? agree or disagree with palins policy, i don't understand why some (sally quinn for one) are attacking her as being a young mom, so why is she running? the sexism right now is amazing. did anyone question why jfk was running? or obama now? it's ridiculous.

as someone who has voted for both democrats and republicans, i can say it's not easy to choose in this election. you have mccain, who is shunned by many ultra-conservatives (which imo is a good thing) and obama who hasn't got much of a track record to truly get a feel for him-but based on what voting record he has, is considered more of a liberal. since i consider myself middle of the road, i usually sway more towards middle of the road candidates.

but both candidates support parts of the constitution, while rejecting others. both agree with things i agree with, and both disagree with others. it's a difficult choice.

many vote based only on the abortion issue. i personally don't think roe v wade will be overturned regardless, so it's a non issue for me.

i still haven't decided who i will vote for, and am waiting for the debates. i didn't watch a moment of either convention, as it teaches you nothing. both sides are there with only their supporters, and would have made speeches designed to rev up their base, and produce talking points. they're meaningless.

but regardless of who wins, we'll all be just fine. since congress ultimately makes all laws, produces all budgets, it's in their court to steer this country. all the president can do on the domestic front in this respects is sign or veto legislation. he doesn't write one damn bit of it, so to suggest that a prez balanced a budget or did away with a deficit is laughable.

the cokehead will be out of office soon regardless of who wins the election.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:03 AM
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I gotta' let the late great Reverend George Carlin be my political guide. If you have never seen him on Bill Maher's HBO show(or the old Politically InCorrect), check him out on YOUTUBE. It may offend some here who might have liked him otherwise(atheist liberal that he was). He would get very, very angry with the conservative guests on, and he let them know in no uncertain terms

Politicians hide behind God, guns and children, he would say
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig

but regardless of who wins, we'll all be just fine. since congress ultimately makes all laws, produces all budgets, it's in their court to steer this country. all the president can do on the domestic front in this respects is sign or veto legislation. he doesn't write one damn bit of it, so to suggest that a prez balanced a budget or did away with a deficit is laughable.
Danzig has a huge point here...if you really want to make a out the Congress people who are do nothing and there are a sh^t load of them. Vote out those that aren't willing to work together to find solutions - enough of pointing the finger at the other guy/girl and blaming them. ..For if you are pointing - you are the problem.
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:45 AM
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Everybody hates congress overall but loves their guy.

The incumbent wins virtually everytime - often in a landslide.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:48 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by geeker2
Danzig has a huge point here...if you really want to make a out the Congress people who are do nothing and there are a sh^t load of them. Vote out those that aren't willing to work together to find solutions - enough of pointing the finger at the other guy/girl and blaming them. ..For if you are pointing - you are the problem.
many of those who rousted out their incumbents in the last election are now facing an approval rating in the single digits. and many of those voted in ran on a platform of change. yet we're worse off than a year ago.
it angers me that a growing majority of the population wants to drill here at home-yet the speaker of the house won't allow a vote. this is NOT a dictatorship, and one person should not have the right to bar a vote. whether allowing drilling and more off shore would pass or not, i don't know-but at least allow discussion and a vote!
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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