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Old 07-11-2006, 04:20 PM
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The problem can be solved. But here is what it will take.

The true recognition that Israel has a right to exist by all Arab Nations. Most of the Palestinians are now being used to shed their blood in order to punish Israel. This part is very simple. The Palestinians have so many other countries with their favorite little terrorist groups (ex Syria-Hamas) that they keep supplying weapons and saying fight on brother while not one of them die. Money keeps pouring in to these Nations who want to create a constant state of fear and chaos for the Israelis. The Palestinians are the Pawns.

When is the last time a protest took place in an Arab nation protesting the deaths of innocent Jews in Israel by rocket attacks? Now take the other side. There are a huge number of groups in Israel who defend the everyday Palestinians sometimes horrific treatment by Israel. They are totally being drowned out now though.

This is the major difference. A strong democracy in the middle east with what I deem to be of superior moral character that comes from basic Judeo-Christian ideals; these beliefs, that are incorporated into so many secular governments (including our own)...Basic individual rights, the right to worship as you please, the rule of law, the freedom to criticize your own government; all of these are basic Judeo-Christian ideals adopted by many other groups because they are extraordinarily humane.
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Old 07-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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What you say makes a lot of sense.
As of now, Israel is playing with a heavy hand (fist).
My sympathies are with the thirsty children, old people, and innocents.
Words just might solve the problem, but as of now, fresh water would suffice.
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Old 07-11-2006, 07:09 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Dixie Porter

Obviously you have a poor memory or are totally ignorant of the recent happenings in the Middle East.

I can safely assume that Syria would take LESS than 6 days this time around.
See the "Six Day War" and their gallant defense of the Golan Heights. Not to mention the comical air war which was a TOTAL embarassment. At least in 1967 a healthy Assad struggled to keep that bunch of clowns on thier toes.
Today the "eye doctor" has surrended leadership to some Arab thug who is less than a moron.
I can see it all now ... the Six-Minute War. Please let me know when it starts ... so I can time my boiled eggs.

The last time I looked ...

... Israel consisted of about one-zilllionth of all the land currently occupied by Arabs ... from the west coast of Africa ... all the way to Mesopotamia ... who conquered most of it with bloody swords.

Just the Arab homeland of Arabia ... is hundreds of times the size of Israel. Surely the Arab homeland of Arabia is big enough ... and wealthy enough ... to squeeze in a few million of their beloved Palestinian brethren ... isn't it?
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Old 07-11-2006, 07:22 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I can see it all now ... the Six-Minute War. Please let me know when it starts ... so I can time my boiled eggs.

The last time I looked ...

... Israel consisted of about one-zilllionth of all the land currently occupied by Arabs ... from the west coast of Africa ... all the way to Mesopotamia ... who conquered most of it with bloody swords.

Just the Arab homeland of Arabia ... is hundreds of times the size of Israel. Surely the Arab homeland of Arabia is big enough ... and wealthy enough ... to squeeze in a few million of their beloved Palestinian brethren ... isn't it?
Watch out folks!
This thread will quickly go back to Xerses and Nebuchanezzer so that Bold Bk'ln can again show his command of "current events".
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Old 07-11-2006, 08:14 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Watch out folks!
This thread will quickly go back to Xerses and Nebuchanezzer so that Bold Bk'ln can again show his command of "current events".
Is this another example of my "stalking" you ... from the front?

You're a glutton for self-humiliation. Did someone tell you a story about the flagellants ... and get you all riled up for self-abuse?
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
What you say makes a lot of sense.
As of now, Israel is playing with a heavy hand (fist).
My sympathies are with the thirsty children, old people, and innocents.
Words just might solve the problem, but as of now, fresh water would suffice.
I feel very bad for the Palestinian farmers just trying to make a living. Or the merchant... let me sell my goods and dont hurt my family. But the working Palestinians do not have weapons supplied by other governments, and then many get brainwashed after the Israelis knock their houses down. I guess I would to. And many of the people causing trouble in Gaza and the West Bank are not Palestinians. They are completely dependent on Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, some Egyptian groups... it is terribly sad. But the Palestinian that wants to live in peace will have to make their voices heard. The outside influences and generations of bad blood is gonna have to stop because Israel is around for the long term. Israel is not going anywhere. They have to see this. They can try to make the Israelis live as painfully as possible, but they are never going to live the absolutely horrid lives many Palestinians have to endure. It does not have to be this way.
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Old 07-12-2006, 04:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I can see it all now ... the Six-Minute War. Please let me know when it starts ... so I can time my boiled eggs.

The last time I looked ...

... Israel consisted of about one-zilllionth of all the land currently occupied by Arabs ... from the west coast of Africa ... all the way to Mesopotamia ... who conquered most of it with bloody swords.

Just the Arab homeland of Arabia ... is hundreds of times the size of Israel. Surely the Arab homeland of Arabia is big enough ... and wealthy enough ... to squeeze in a few million of their beloved Palestinian brethren ... isn't it?
Sure it's big enough you ****ing moron.

That's not the point.

At least these people have the stones to stand and fight (albeit with sticks and sling-shots) for what is theirs.

You will never see cowardice from the Palestinians. Just love and a sense of honor. Ain't never going to see then "march on out" like you know who. They will stay and they WILL prevail. Next year, next decade, next century.

And the Israels' will NEVER screw with the Syrians.

The rest of the world stood idly by many years ago when those you follow destroyed the most beautiful city in the world...Beirut.

The world is a far different place now. Ain't gonna happen. All that will happen is the Israeli government will fear-monger its own people ad infinitum as it has for the last half-century.

You and Grandpa Dixie wish me harm. That's as obvious as it is expected.

I'll send you a PM with ny name, address, phone number and picture. I'm not hard to find. Just ask.

go on, ya cowardly needle, ask. I dare you. I double dare you.

Why, I'll fight you with one hand tied behind my back. I'll fight you standing on one foot. I'll fight you with my eyes closed. Why, I oughta....
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Old 07-12-2006, 05:42 AM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
The last time I looked ...

... Israel consisted of about one-zilllionth of all the land currently occupied by Arabs ... from the west coast of Africa ... all the way to Mesopotamia ... who conquered most of it with bloody swords.

Yeah, 'cause, you know, compared to the Crusades, Napoleon, the Roman Empire, William of Orange, et al, our way of conquering was *much* more peaceful.
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Old 07-12-2006, 07:08 AM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I can see it all now ... the Six-Minute War. Please let me know when it starts ... so I can time my boiled eggs.

The last time I looked ...

... Israel consisted of about one-zilllionth of all the land currently occupied by Arabs ... from the west coast of Africa ... all the way to Mesopotamia ... who conquered most of it with bloody swords.

Just the Arab homeland of Arabia ... is hundreds of times the size of Israel. Surely the Arab homeland of Arabia is big enough ... and wealthy enough ... to squeeze in a few million of their beloved Palestinian brethren ... isn't it?
I agree with you 100%. The Arabs have 99% of the land in the Middle East. Israel has less than 1%, yet people say Israel has too much land and should give some of their land to Arabs(Palestinians). It's a joke. Can you imagine if the situation was reversed? Can you imagine a hypothetical where the situation was revesed and the Jews had the entire Middle East and there was a tiny Muslim state called Israel? In my hypothetical, do you think that any of these Israel bashers would be demanding that this tiny Muslim state give much of their land to the Jews? Of course not.
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Old 07-12-2006, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I agree with you 100%. The Arabs have 99% of the land in the Middle East. Israel has less than 1%, yet people say Israel has too much land and should give some of their land to Arabs(Palestinians). It's a joke. Can you imagine if the situation was reversed? Can you imagine a hypothetical where the situation was revesed and the Jews had the entire Middle East and there was a tiny Muslim state called Israel? In my hypothetical, do you think that any of these Israel bashers would be demanding that this tiny Muslim state give much of their land to the Jews? Of course not.
Can you imagine?....

What if the Israelis didn't treat the 1967 negotiated borders as if they did not exist? Well, if you can, you can imagine peace (it's easy if you try).

Can you imagine ? ...

Israel and Palestinians working hard to make the agreed to "Roadmap To Peace" (which yes, surprise, required Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian land) work instead of making a mockery of ir? Well, if you can, you can imagine peace (it's easy if you try).

The world is not flat. The world is not make believe. Real issues require real work. Imagine that!
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Old 07-12-2006, 10:12 AM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I agree with you 100%. The Arabs have 99% of the land in the Middle East. Israel has less than 1%, yet people say Israel has too much land and should give some of their land to Arabs(Palestinians). It's a joke. Can you imagine if the situation was reversed? Can you imagine a hypothetical where the situation was revesed and the Jews had the entire Middle East and there was a tiny Muslim state called Israel? In my hypothetical, do you think that any of these Israel bashers would be demanding that this tiny Muslim state give much of their land to the Jews? Of course not.
The ironic part is that even the name "Palestinian" is not a genuine description of who these people are. The area was always known as Judea until the Romans renamed it Syria Palestina.

The "Palestinians" are just Arabs who lived in Judea instead of their homeland of Arabia.

And speaking of the Arabian homeland ... why is it called "Saudi" Arabia? Why is this the only country on the planet which is named after a single family?

When are the Judean Arabs going to demand a return to their homeland in Arabia ... and demand that the Saud family relinquish their dictatorial and rapacious control of Arabia?

All Jews are welcome in Israel ... and all Arabs should be welcome in Arabia ... which is a huge and wealthy land. I hope and pray that some day the Judean Arabs will be able to return to a free and democratic Republic of Arabia.

Arabia for all Arabs ... not just the Saud family !!!
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Old 07-12-2006, 12:24 PM
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OK so now Hezbollah has decided to get into the kidnapping act. Now into to Lebanon. More innocent people to be toyed with. The groups and countries that support the terrorists know what the Israeli response will be. Then know innocent Lebanese will get caught in the middle. So they terrorize both the Arab people just trying to survive (because they are not paid for jihad) and Israelis. Wonderful.
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Old 07-12-2006, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
The ironic part is that even the name "Palestinian" is not a genuine description of who these people are. The area was always known as Judea until the Romans renamed it Syria Palestina.

The "Palestinians" are just Arabs who lived in Judea instead of their homeland of Arabia.

And speaking of the Arabian homeland ... why is it called "Saudi" Arabia? Why is this the only country on the planet which is named after a single family?

When are the Judean Arabs going to demand a return to their homeland in Arabia ... and demand that the Saud family relinquish their dictatorial and rapacious control of Arabia?

All Jews are welcome in Israel ... and all Arabs should be welcome in Arabia ... which is a huge and wealthy land. I hope and pray that some day the Judean Arabs will be able to return to a free and democratic Republic of Arabia.

Arabia for all Arabs ... not just the Saud family !!!
THis is the kind of arguement that goes nowhere. Each group will pick a particular time in history of "greatest signficance" and claim that it is their land. This is a dead end way to solve the present crisis. Anytime the diff. sides get together and the talks degenerate into who rightfully "owns" the land, both sides immediately retreat into their own version based on God said it was ours and I will prove it with my chronology.
Heck the state I live in could be claimed by 100 different groups based on history. How far shall we go back...
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Old 07-12-2006, 12:45 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Bold Brooklynite,
I don't mean to cause continued controversy. And I really don't have anything against Jewish people.
I simply ask if your claim that the land was "given" to Israel is based on Genesis 35:10-12?
The question was already asked.
Seems that "claims" will always be justified in "their own minds".

As you stated, "wonderful".

This AM, I wasn't quite awake (still working on my second cup of coffee), but didn't the Israeli ambassador to the UN declare war this morning?


btw, I look forward to Bold B's response to current events with evidence to the Romans. LOL!
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Old 07-12-2006, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55

This AM, I wasn't quite awake (still working on my second cup of coffee), but didn't the Israeli ambassador to the UN declare war this morning?
I have not watched the news. Just went over headlines in various papers. I read nothing about this. So it could have been on the news.
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Old 07-12-2006, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
I have not watched the news. Just went over headlines in various papers. I read nothing about this. So it could have been on the news.
As I said, I was still a bit cloudy...but I think I heard this. "Act of war"...
It should be all over the news soon enough.
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Old 07-12-2006, 01:36 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by pgardn
THis is the kind of arguement that goes nowhere. Each group will pick a particular time in history of "greatest signficance" and claim that it is their land. This is a dead end way to solve the present crisis. Anytime the diff. sides get together and the talks degenerate into who rightfully "owns" the land, both sides immediately retreat into their own version based on God said it was ours and I will prove it with my chronology.
Heck the state I live in could be claimed by 100 different groups based on history. How far shall we go back...
But shouldn't the Jews get 1/10 of 1% of the Middle East as their homeland?

What's to be disputed once that's agreed to? And why wouldn't anyone agree to them having their own measly share ... unless they're motivated by pure hatred?

The Arabs have no excuses whatsoever for denying the Jews their tiny, tiny piece of the pie.

They have their own homeland ... it's even named after them ... it's called Arabia ... and it's very large and very wealthy. Let all Arabs go there and live in peace and freedom.

Last edited by Bold Brooklynite : 07-12-2006 at 01:42 PM.
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Old 07-12-2006, 01:40 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
I look forward to Bold B's response to current events with evidence to the Romans. LOL!
Once again you seem obsessed with responding to my posts. Please do your mental health a favor by putting me on your Ignore List.
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Old 07-12-2006, 01:58 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Once again you seem obsessed with responding to my posts. Please do your mental health a favor by putting me on your Ignore List.
I was having a diologue with Pgardn. How do YOU think you are involved?
Put me on your ignore if you don't want to hear the truth about your stupidity.
You are very mentally ill. Get help.
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Old 07-13-2006, 08:30 AM
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Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead
this will never end till the total invasion of palistine by the i have a feeling they are close...the other arabs have their own problems..they wont care imo if the humas terror govt is gone..
well the siege of lebenon and the bombing of the airport..looks like its on....w said they are a terrorist suprise there..
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