Here's the salon.com article. And it actually relates to the title of this thread, flag-burning!
Swift-boat this Fourteen Senate Democrats got in line with the GOP and voted in favor of a constitutional amendment on flag burning this week. More Democrats, including Dick Durbin and Hillary Clinton, tried to kind of, sort of, get on board by backing a bill that would have outlawed some flag burning without amending the Constitution. There is another way. As we reported yesterday, the campaign for Republican Sen. George Allen of Virginia has gone on the attack against Democratic challenger Jim Webb for saying that he would have voted against the constitutional amendment. But rather than taking it quietly in the mode of John Kerry in 2004, Webb's campaign is giving Allen -- and a lot of timid Democrats -- a lesson in how you fight back. The Allen campaign said that Webb's position on flag burning exposed him as "liberal" and put him in the same camp as "John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer." Those are fighting words in the Commonwealth, and Webb isn't taking them sitting down. Returning fire, Webb's camp said Wednesday that "George Felix Allen Jr. and his bush-league lapdog, [campaign manager] Dick Wadhams, have not earned the right to challenge Jim Webb's position on free speech and flag burning." They noted that Webb, the secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan, served in Vietnam and "fought for our flag and what it stands for," while "George Felix Allen Jr. chose to cut and run." Allen turned 18 in 1970, but he did not serve in Vietnam, staying in college and spending summers at what the Webb campaign calls a "dude ranch in Nevada." "When he and his disrespectful campaign puppets attack Jim Webb they are attacking every man and woman who served," the Webb campaign press release continued. "Their comments are nothing more than weak-kneed attacks by cowards." The Allen campaign responded by saying that it never meant to question Webb's patriotism. Webb's approach was plainly designed to get under Allen's skin. Among other things, the senator is said to hate his middle name; apparently, "Felix" doesn't really fit the cowboy-boots-and-Confederate-flag style Allen has adopted for himself. But as the National Journal's Hotline explains, the blowback may have been a preemptive strike against further attacks on Webb's patriotism or military service. Allen strategist Chris Lacivita served as a media advisor for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. |
This article isn't about "flag burning"...it's about the NY Times.
It came up today, while GDubbya and the Japanese Prime Minister were visiting Graceland, singing songs for the photo op, looking for wmd's in the jungle room. Enjoy: http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0630-31.htm "I'm a uniter, not a divider." - guess who |
And yet another good read about "Old Glory". Enjoy the 4th!
http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0702-20.htm |
Commondreams is basically a bunch of communists. Zero credibility on anything.
Thanks for your insight. As far a zero credibility.... |
Did you even read the "Old Glory" article? Try it...then comment....and not ME!!!! |
You know, I'm getting pretty tired of being called a communist. Been throwin' that label around since the 1950s at least...Can't you guys come up with anything better?
We'll never agree, but just one little quibble. In another thread, you refer to people as "a cesspool of commie-pinko-leftist-America-hating traitors."
I use the words "my ass." You're calling *me* sophomoric? |
What I always find funny is "Godless Commie." The communist motto, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is taken from the Bible. No kidding. Look it up. Acts, I think it is? Or James? I can't remember. |
From Acts. Marx is commonly believed to have co-opted it from two verses:
All that believed were together, and had all things in common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. (Acts 2:44-45) ... There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. (Acts 4:34-35) |