Originally Posted by FGFan
This would be the same Jackson and Sharpeton that disrupted a small town when 6 black boys beat the crap out of a white boy. The main perpetrator being a black boy that has a significant history of criminal violent behavior including beating a girl. On top of it they preferred to march rather than bail the black boy out and use him as a martyr for their "cause".
If 6 white boys had beat up a black boy, one white boy having a long history of violent criminal behavior, jackson and sharpton would be screaming hate crime.
They, Jackson and Sharpton, are themselves racists, they just get to hide behind their skin color. Can't scream for racial equality and then not understand it goes both ways.
Truth is the truth, call me a racist if you want, but I think Fagers post was valid.
[Applauding]....Exactly true. I hope this does not sound racist but Sharpton and Jackson totally pull out that race card at every opportunity when their actions/ words get questioned by "white folk". They feel they can go around saying anything they want but let a white person or God forbid one of us hispanics try to say the same thing we get bashed all over the place....