Those who want to lablel Jones as public enemy # 1, lifelong cheater, I told you so, etc. -- very transparent. Those who don't want to face the reality that he got a clenbuterol positive -- guess what? Also, very transparent. However, your point is excellent in that it shows both origins of both problems. Well, different origin, same problem. Eric |
What some of these guys will do is keep slightly increasing the dose of a legal drug or a milkshake until they get hit with an overage. That way they pretty much know what they can give without getting a positive. The problem is that different horses metabolize at different rates, so if they try to cut it too close they may come back with a positive. That is probably how Doug O'Neil got that positive earlier this year. |
Unless it was already stated elsewhere... |
The "sport" cant necessarily just get rid of guys like the ones you named. It simply isnt that easy to do. Everybody wants to point fingers at this industry in regards to "throwing people out" yet they forget that baseball never "threw out" Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Steve Howe, or Doc Gooden. Basketball didn't "throw out" Latrell Spreewell or Ron Artest. They all come back. There are these dudes called lawyers and these things called rights and it simply isnt easy to get rid of people because the courts seemingly always give in. We all know that the media is shameless and will take advantage of any negative story it can. But that doesnt make them much different than Congress who will surely slip this little mishap into the next hearing. |
I dont think it is real hard to find clenbuterol |
I think Scott Lake had a clenbuterol positive in Delaware, too, not too long ago, by the way, not that that means the state isn't "liberal" like you said. |
and yeah, seems too often bad apples keep showing up-but look at pacman jones for example-he has been trying how long now to get back on the field? does football really need him? probably not. but in a way, it's like nascar-some people watch to see the wreck, not the racing. when i read not long ago that steve asmussen would one day be in the HOF, i was sickened and disgusted by that. if they can't put him out, that's one thing-but for him to be rewarded for his shady career...that's just crazy. i guess more than anything, i don't understand the mind set of owners who turn a blind eye-like jess jackson who is SO interested in things being open and honest( ), yet he chooses SA to train curlin. hypocrisy in action. these aren't horse racing fans who want to own, they're people who just want to win, regardless of how they get to the winners circle.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
and probably how o'neill got tagged last year as well...then there's the frankel/lasix issue-his horse (think it was intercontinental) got her shot way too close to post time, so the vet lied on the paperwork. but they got caught, purse money redistributed...pretty blatant stuff right there.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Maybe thats the only thing they test for? |
one of these days i'm going to put up a fence and have a retired racehorse in the pasture. maybe i'll have a horse like your hacker craft to feed for the rest of his life.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
Anyway, Did you get a look at that horse? How many were in on him? I didn't see the races or watch the replays yet, but I was puzzled by the horse Cody took. Eric |
I do believe that there should be a graduated penalty system so that the second violation is punished more severely than the first and so on. Maybe even a points system similar to a drivers license because there are some guys who seem to be serial offenders of fairly low level violations. But i still maintain that there are much more serious issues in regards to drugs than the stuff we know about and are testing for. The labs that are testing for these drugs have no idea if drug is effective or performance enhancing at all at the levels that they are testing for. The numbers ar usually pretty arbitrary. The real danger is the things that they arent testing for. Hell, if there is no test then you dont even have to worry about any levels.
Hackercraft aint done yet! |