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Old 06-11-2009, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
LOL. You are questioning WHY the press is so in love with Obama and I told you. Is what I said here true, ridiculous or not?

It seems this forum is almost a microcosm of the way the press handles obama. Half of the people on here love him and he can do no wrong. The other half, yourself included, would rather spend your time smearing his minister then actually talking about the issues.

For the record, one wasnt even an article. It was a blog.
I have never bothered smearing his Minister (though the minister seems to do enough smearing on his own) because i believe Obama to be a religious as myself, aka- not very. The Press is in love with Obama because they are mostly left leaning as he is. That is hard to debate. Are newspaper circulations and liberally slanted tv and radio programs rising because of all this is what the people want to hear theories? I disagree with most of his policies and agenda and the double talk and untruths that he propagates yet is given a pass for.

The blog contained a piece written by an AP writer and I posted another link to the same story afterwards. Wasnt the actual plan written by the administrations economists enough for you?
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Obama AND co would imply Obama said it. No getting out of this one Chuckgirvan. Just admit that there is not ONE quote you can find of him saying that or simply find a link to it. Its okay to be wrong.

Please spare me your ridiclousness. Please open the link, look who wrote the paper and look at the chart on page 5. You see the little line that never rises above 8%???

The problem with so many of you apologists is that you want to get caught up in minutia instead of the topic at hand. Once again...
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Old 06-12-2009, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
Reagan and East Germany is like that cowboy who won the lotto...dumb luck..
Reagan deserves about as much credit for events that transpired in Berlin and Moscow during his administration as Rutherford B. Hayes deserves for the fact that the light bulb happened to be invented during his administration.
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Old 06-12-2009, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
Only when Nancy saw the Cancer moon rising into the Gemini sky.

Overated and a buffoon who spoke well
Originally Posted by miraja2
Reagan deserves about as much credit for events that transpired in Berlin and Moscow during his administration as Rutherford B. Hayes deserves for the fact that the light bulb happened to be invented during his administration.
I thought I was all alone.
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Old 06-12-2009, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
The press ISNT being objective!!! That is the point of the columns! Both articles were referring to the lack of objectivity in the press especially compared to previous administrations including both Democrats and Republicans. They are simply giving him a pass, even when he contradicts himself. The GOP's status has nothing to do with the posted links.

THis is just not true and you have proven it.
There are plenty of articles questioning the stimulus
package, health care, you name it. I know you have
read them. Even the great devil, the NY Times, "prints"

NPR has a guest almost everyday the past week
voicing concern, and pointing out details of why
the stimulus plan will not work.

People are extremely skeptical about this administration's
fiscal methods. Even his own party has already started
to cut the meat out of the Carbon emissions plan, so much
so that the Democrats are alienating the environmental lobby.

The reason he is being given a "pass" is that there is
NO UNIFIED alternative. The Republicans have done
a horrible job of presenting their own coherent recipe
for recovery. They just know what won't work.
Republicans basically have no idea what will work.
And thats understandable, we are in a very difficult mess.

Obama has used this financial crisis as an opening to
try some extremely bold moves. He obviously thinks there
are some things the government should take on, and
some things that the government can do well, all of which
makes Republicans are very nervous because the government
clearly does nothing well. And should just stay the hell
out of everything. The country can run itself...

Somalia has done such a dandy job
without a government.
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Old 06-12-2009, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
THis is just not true and you have proven it.
There are plenty of articles questioning the stimulus
package, health care, you name it. I know you have
read them. Even the great devil, the NY Times, "prints"

NPR has a guest almost everyday the past week
voicing concern, and pointing out details of why
the stimulus plan will not work.

People are extremely skeptical about this administration's
fiscal methods. Even his own party has already started
to cut the meat out of the Carbon emissions plan, so much
so that the Democrats are alienating the environmental lobby.

The reason he is being given a "pass" is that there is
NO UNIFIED alternative. The Republicans have done
a horrible job of presenting their own coherent recipe
for recovery. They just know what won't work.
Republicans basically have no idea what will work.
And thats understandable, we are in a very difficult mess.

Obama has used this financial crisis as an opening to
try some extremely bold moves. He obviously thinks there
are some things the government should take on, and
some things that the government can do well, all of which
makes Republicans are very nervous because the government
clearly does nothing well. And should just stay the hell
out of everything. The country can run itself...

Somalia has done such a dandy job
without a government.
The NYT and NPR are the voices of dissent? You are delusional.
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Old 06-12-2009, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Reagan deserves about as much credit for events that transpired in Berlin and Moscow during his administration as Rutherford B. Hayes deserves for the fact that the light bulb happened to be invented during his administration.
Thats a great line!
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Old 06-12-2009, 09:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
The NYT and NPR are the voices of dissent? You are delusional.
Where did I say they were the voices of dissent?

Of course they are not your beloved FOX news.
But take a look at the articles and listen.
They present some very good articles/guests that
present highly critical views with coherent explainations.

Last edited by pgardn : 06-12-2009 at 10:04 AM.
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Old 06-12-2009, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Reagan deserves about as much credit for events that transpired in Berlin and Moscow during his administration as Rutherford B. Hayes deserves for the fact that the light bulb happened to be invented during his administration.
OK, I'll bite. The Soviet Union and Eastern bloc just collapsed on its own?
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by pgiaco
OK, I'll bite. The Soviet Union and Eastern bloc just collapsed on its own?
No of course not.

Their economic systems worked so well
that Reagan had to drive them to bankruptcy
with the Star War program...

This is clearly the reason Communists countries
have a difficult time. If they stay with the tried
an true ecomonic methods (not the Chinese version
of Capitalism) they will survive forever. It takes
a man like Reagan to force these strong systems
into finacial ruin.

Look what Bush and Cheney have done to North
Korea. North Korea was never in trouble until Bush/Cheney.
The people were oh so healthy and happy until Bush
forced their hand.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
Where did I say they were the voices of dissent?

Of course they are not your beloved FOX news.
But take a look at the articles and listen.
They present some very good articles/guests that
present highly critical views with coherent explainations.
THis is just not true and you have proven it.
There are plenty of articles questioning the stimulus
package, health care, you name it. I know you have
read them. Even the great devil, the NY Times, "prints"

NPR has a guest almost everyday the past week
voicing concern, and pointing out details of why
the stimulus plan will not work.

Uh here? The press has been overwhelmingly supportive of Obama despite obvious occasions that they would have jumped all over had someone else been in charge. Why anyone disputes this especially with the results of the recent Pew study on the subject is beyond me. And the Fox news thing is so overdone that it is just stupid. Is that the only thing that you can fire back at a Conservative? It is telling that people are unwilling to examine the issues without resorting to the same old tired crap.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by pgiaco
OK, I'll bite. The Soviet Union and Eastern bloc just collapsed on its own?
Somehow or another Reagan is now a bad guy who did nothing. Riot has yet to respond how exactly Carter "got it" in terms of the middle east.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:25 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Somehow or another Reagan is now a bad guy who did nothing. Riot has yet to respond how exactly Carter "got it" in terms of the middle east.
carter "got it" alright chuck ----------by getting shipped back to the peanut farm
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Somehow or another Reagan is now a bad guy who did nothing. Riot has yet to respond how exactly Carter "got it" in terms of the middle east.
Yes, the Camp David Accords were a complete failure. Read his current book about the middle east, then we can talk about it.
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Yes, the Camp David Accords were a complete failure. Read his current book about the middle east, then we can talk about it.
yeah tell those hostages that he "got it". The middle East became far more dangerous on his watch.
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
yeah tell those hostages that he "got it". The middle East became far more dangerous on his watch.
Okay. You win.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Okay. You win.
So the Iran hostage situation wasnt a big deal? Did he not "get" Iran? C'mon tell me with a straight face that the rise of the mullahs in Iran hasnt been the single most destabilizing force in the region.
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Yes, the Camp David Accords were a complete failure. Read his current book about the middle east, then we can talk about it.
Gets it like this?

CARTER: So the persecution of the Palestinians now, under the occupying territories—under the occupation forces—is one of the worst examples of human rights deprivation that I know. And I think it‘s—

SHUSTER: Even worse, though, than a place like Rwanda?

CARTER: Yes. I think—yes. You mean, now?



SHUSTER: The oppression now of the Israelis—of the Palestinians by the Israelis is worse than the situation in Africa like the oppression of Rwanda and the civil war?

CARTER: I‘m not going back into ancient history about Rwanda, but right now, the persecution of the Palestinians is one of the worst examples of human rights abuse I know, because the Palestinians—

SHUSTER: You‘re talking about right now, you‘re not talking about say, a few years ago.

CARTER: I‘m not talking about ancient history, no.

SHUSTER: Rwanda wasn‘t ancient history; it was just a few years ago.

CARTER: You can talk about Rwanda if you want to. I want to talk

about Palestine. What is being done to the Palestinians now is horrendous

in their own territory, by the occupying powers, which is Israel.

I know right-wing msnbc
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Old 06-12-2009, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
yeah tell those hostages that he "got it". The middle East became far more dangerous on his watch.

You might also mention Reagan putting up 200 marines
in a hotel in Lebanon as a show of force in the region
against the advice of a number of generals.
200 marines died in that hotel.

The hostage situation in Iran was bad but we did not lose 200
good people in one swift action. Iran was going to crumble.
The writing was on the wall before Carter. Carter did not help
the situation however. The Shah just fell faster than under
Carter than he would have anyway.
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Old 06-12-2009, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
The press has been overwhelmingly supportive of Obama
As any new president is and more so because he is black.
Or he says he is black. But overwhelming supportive of his
economic policies... no frggn way. The press is interviewing
numerous economists and bankers etc... that are all pointing
out what they think to be huge flaws. Almost everyday.

And its easy because Obama is moving at lightning speed.
Car companies, banks, carbon emission standards, so much
is taking place... its all over. Including criticism.

If you think the average Joe in the US is just fine okdokie
with all these new things being rushed through I dont think
you are reading the public or the press that I am reading.

They clearly are fawning over him and family personally.
But NOT his economic policies.
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