could you folks with all your making sense, having your facts straight, using complete sentences with all the words included and being semi-respectful to each other please let nascar back in here for those of us that are waiting to hear what he has to say. I just pray he doesn't have me on his "ignore" list so he can see that I, at least, like reading his comments. As long as he's around, I won't be the stupiderest one in the room.
I would never put you on the ignore list. |
You have alot room calling someone stupid. Are you going to mentor me?
The current Vice President and Secretary of State both agreed with Dubya and the current in fact in her speech said it was the right thing to do for the commander in chief and that she knew what Bush was going through becuase she hap spent 8 yrs on the other side of Penn ave and sometimes you have to make decisions without all of the facts and information available. I wonder how many of you would have voted agaisnt the 1st gulf war back Bush Sr 's term...........well i know one senator who did ...........it's the current VP You can't have it both ways , Joe Biden blew the 2 biggest votes in his senate history , yet Obama is smart for picking Uncle Joe as VP with his stellar record Picking Biden who is a supposed expert and got both Iraq WAR votes wrong , makes Obama pretty smart hey? |
You are pretty wrong there buddy.
actually I believe SNL made up that word, and Bush used it as a joke.
you mentioned gulf one....no one was against it. iraq brought that on themself when they invaded kuwait. that was probably the highest point for the u.s. in years-that coalition was quite an achievement. you might want to go back to all that happened during that time, and see the reaction when bush sr suggested taking down hussein then. and why we didn't invade iraq then. what changed in the years since then, i don't know (nothing did)? bush jr ignored everything in his rush to connect iraq to 9/11, or to something, and invade. it was an astronomical blunder. the reason the senate bit is that bush and his minions sold everyone hook, line and sinker on why to invade. it was a huge lie. we elect these people to make crucial decisions. they may not always be the most popular decision. but they should be the right one. question: when in history has a president of this country asked for a war vote and not gotten it? before you go to war, you're supposed to make sure that it's a righteous war, also that it's a winnable war, and that it will leave you in a better position than you were before. can you say any of those fit iraq or afganistan? |
they are also the ones behind 'you can see russia from my house'. things is, no one can say that they couldn't really picture either of them saying those things!
If I'm making a bet on who has a higher IQ, I'll take Obama no doubt. They still both suck as presidents, Obama to me is like G.W. Bush II, still as much in love with spending as the last guy, and both have no clue about what the fucl< they are doing.
Well replace it with misunderestimated.
senior leaders in the senate of the democratic side voted agaisnt the war ..byrd and kennedy come to mind , why didn't theses junior democratic senators listen to the elders in the party who as it turned out knew better blame bush all you want , but if the democratic senators follwed kennedy and byrd and he only had a slim majority he probably wouldn't have gone as for the minions selling this theory , hillary clinton's speech when she voted totally nullifies that theory , she lauded herself is a strong willed independent women who had been on both sides of the aisle penn ave and knew that decisions had to be made that were going to be tough and sometimes had to be "gut"calls kerry was on the armed forces comittee , he saw all the reports for over a decade and knew what the deal was these key democrats , the current VP included , all came to their own opinions and even cited data that they looked at prior to bush even being president As for the 1st gulf war , there was a vote , and the current vp , voted against operation desert storm ....brilliant guy that joe , hey barack |
or about 50 other words.
Roger Clemons still has the best one with misremembered.
just his "no" vote on the 1st iraq war should have disqualified uncle joe from any executive office obama for picking this guy shows his lack of intellingence plain and simple |
and yeah, i don't care for biden. his vote against gulf one was a mistake. i don't understand why obama chose him, surely there could have been someone better? why did obama choose him for vp? |
A smart man could see Joe's voting record and see he doesn't have a clue that was a dumb pick , and it's his most important pick to date Cheny was a better pick for VP based upon his record prior to becoming vice presdient than Biden , but , somehow bush is the dumb one |
Stop using facts, it flusters them, they'd much rather stick with their spoonfed "news" from FoxNews.