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Old 08-21-2012, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
I work, I'm single, I have kids, I have paid my own insurance for my family for over a decade, I don't receive any child support and I don't ask anyone for anything. I would help my friends in a heartbeat. I handle my finances, I'm charitable when I can be and I'm grateful to have been born here.

I have every right to say the things I do about either / both of them and to be disgusted and **** anyone who turns my words around to make it like I am somehow saying the things I do because I live in fear.

The kind of person I am or try to be reflects the country I was brought up in so it angers and saddens me to think of the push here and there to become United Socialist States of America.

This is not who we are. He needs to go and take Eleanore Roosevelt oops I mean Michelle, with him (get them mixed up, sorry).

Dum spiro spero. While I breathe, I hope.
Well . . . I know I feel bettah!
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Old 08-21-2012, 08:10 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
I'm sorry but what? Where did this come from? I said nothing to deserve this and really all it does is to underline why people like me feel like they have to stay in the closet about such things and keep out mouths shut.

My God I've said wouldn't it be nice to not have to preface the word jockeys with the word female and it's the same here...

He's black and that is not the issue but because he's black people make wild assumption and that is really very unfair.

... and it's unfair to him too, isn't it? Would he want that preface for all of eternity... the black President?

I laughed.

I am not throwing hate at his family. I would never say anything about his children.

You're appalled by what I said? Sorry that was tame.

Helping children? That tells me you probably don't have kids.

How dare she insinuate that parents need her to help us in choosing what to feed out kids.

I mean how did we even manage before her? We're so stupid and all..

What about her telling children to talk to "the wrong people" and go to go knock on doors, etc.?

So wrong on so many levels.

Which is worse... that it's exploitation or her brilliant advice to go knock on doors?

Hey kids there's a white van over there and the word ice cream is scribbled on the side in sharpie.

Don't forget to knock on that one!

Did you happen to see what this fashion icon wore to Teddy Kennedy's funeral? I mean she fell asleep during it but still... her outfit was probably more offensive than even that.

What about when she touched the Queen which I guess maybe wasn't so shocking to Her Majesty as she was still recovering from the gift from the President but then even that wasn't as bad as the 20 or so dvd's he bestowed up the Prime Minister. So what if American dvd's don't work over there?

I know these things are scattered and random and may not matter one by one by one but if you total it up the equation is she is a Nanny Nazi Buffoon and I resent it any time the government thinks they can intrude in peoples lives and on top of all of that they represent us and that is ****ing embarrassing.

My God school lunches? Yes that is the single most important thing happening in this country right now.

Remember when the two of them and Oprah and a bunch of other self-important and smug assholes went to see if Chicago would get the Olympics and, in what might well be my favorite memory of his Presidency, they didn't?

I wish all those people would get back on the plane and take their cronies and go somewhere else and maybe once again she can let the world know she is proud of her new country wherever that is for the first time.

I work, I'm single, I have kids, I have paid my own insurance for my family for over a decade, I don't receive any child support and I don't ask anyone for anything. I would help my friends in a heartbeat. I handle my finances, I'm charitable when I can be and I'm grateful to have been born here.

I have every right to say the things I do about either / both of them and to be disgusted and **** anyone who turns my words around to make it like I am somehow saying the things I do because I live in fear.

The kind of person I am or try to be reflects the country I was brought up in so it angers and saddens me to think of the push here and there to become United Socialist States of America.
This is not who we are. He needs to go and take Eleanore Roosevelt oops I mean Michelle, with him (get them mixed up, sorry).

Dum spiro spero. While I breathe, I hope.
Wow..Socialism. I guess I will just go away becuse the hysteria and paranoia is just beyond belief around here. I guess as Hoss said, this is a PA sub thread now. The ironic part is all the right hysteria is IN THE MINORITY...Bye Bye..Congrats...You win...another Liberal will disappear from DT along with Miraja, Hoss, Spenser, god etc...
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
hi im god quote
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Old 08-21-2012, 08:28 PM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
Wow..Socialism. I guess I will just go away becuse the hysteria and paranoia is just beyond belief around here. I guess as Hoss said, this is a PA sub thread now. The ironic part is all the right hysteria is IN THE MINORITY...Bye Bye..Congrats...You win...another Liberal will disappear from DT along with Miraja, Hoss, Spenser, god etc...
Quite frankly two of those three you mentioned are no different than the extremists you b.itch about. Those two are smug as.sholes like the rest of us that will never change their opinion.

I left for about two months. I haven't changed. You won't either.

Have a nice break.
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Old 08-21-2012, 08:39 PM
Thepaindispenser Thepaindispenser is offline
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Riot you never show anything to back up your wild fantasies, since I have already caught you in lies, you writing that church members said that Wright didn't become hateful and racist until after he became senile is not going to cut it Show me one quote by a church member besides those filthy lying Obamas or even show me one story from a credible source that says Wight is senile.

Obama didn't even write his own books and has even admitted he made stuff up.

You can't lie your way out of this one.
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Old 08-21-2012, 09:16 PM
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my miss storm cat my miss storm cat is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Well . . . I know I feel bettah!

Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
Wow..Socialism. I guess I will just go away becuse the hysteria and paranoia is just beyond belief around here. I guess as Hoss said, this is a PA sub thread now. The ironic part is all the right hysteria is IN THE MINORITY...Bye Bye..Congrats...You win...another Liberal will disappear from DT along with Miraja, Hoss, Spenser, god etc...
I have made 23 posts in politics since the beginning of the year.

Four on the dolphin thread, one on the Dr. MLK statue thread, one on the internet strike thread, one on the Memorial Day thread and of the remaining one was just a stupid joke about Blame (the horse, not the other kind).

The rest were political one of which I admitted to being a lifelong Democrat up until last year.

My point is saying this is I have no idea why you chose my post to announce your break but i felt like I should say something so I'll echo Coach and wish you a happy break.

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Gee, so very sorry, my goodness gosh!

I was looking back through the archives today, it must be hold over from all the times I was initially attacked and called "c.un.t" "f.ucking idiot", etc. when I first started daring to post down in Hate-Obama-Land, and I would just ignore it and put up with it.

Now, of course, because I no longer put up with it, I'm the problem in this forum

Or maybe it was your gentile, objective description of our First Lady. Nanny Nazi Buffoon! Heavens! The words! I don't know what she did to deserve that, but what the hell, huh?

You call them assholes, etc. and you have the vapors over language! Heavens ! You are such a good person!

So, do tell: if you are afraid of the influence of Rev. Wright on President Obama, characterize that influence that you fear.

Others here have said it is the "angry black man that hates whites" meme because that's what Wright said in a couple sermons that everyone is so concerned about - so that is why I said it.

Tell me what you fear, and then tell me why you think Obama is hiding it and not showing it throughout his last years of public life under the microscope.

And you can continue to laugh at things like the actual numbers of jobs created, the actual direction of our GDP, the actual status of the financial situation of our country. It's easier than giving a president you obviously dislike in spite of any factual accomplishment credit for what he's actually, measurably, accomplished.

And if you think your vitriolic rant of "Nanny Nazi Buffoon" isn't non-objective "hate" towards the First Lady, then that explains why the conspiracy theorists, bigots, racists, birthers, Kenyan-Muslim-Communist-President haters are so very dominant on this forum.

Heavens! They are so afraid to post! Someone may point at them, and call them out on their words and behaviour!

Well, get used to it, assorted Obama-haters, racists, Muslim haters, conspiracy theorists, birthers and general uneducated loons - people who read the news, try to be informed by reality (not conspiracy theory) and voted for the president - and who didn't vote for the president - get to post here, too. And if you don't like it, leave, or cover your poor eyes so you don't need your fainting couch because someone objects to your calling the First Lady a Nanny Nazi Buffoon
I'll try to respond to this in order...

Yeah Riot I know exactly what you've been called but you said you were looking through the archives... I have never called you anything.

For the record I've been called names too.

I've had people I like very much disagree with me and that's just life.

I have disagreed with you and pointed out why I think you're being unfair and ridiculous and sure that is just my opinion.

I've backed up a few reasons for not being a fan of FLOTUS... I don't like being embarrassed and find her as such.

I wasn't meaning to say I am such a wonderful person... I guess I didn't make that really clear. I am or try to be how Americans are. Charitable, giving, hard working, taking care of loved ones, that kind of thing.

Some people need help, sure, and other just get used to having their hands out.

You talk about the actual number of jobs created? Ummm sorry but no. Not buying that one. It's about tweeking numbers and not including certain groups who have given up even looking, etc.

You have asked about what i fear twice in your post after I had just said this...

Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
I have every right to say the things I do about either / both of them and to be disgusted and **** anyone who turns my words around to make it like I am somehow saying the things I do because I live in fear.
If i didn't explain myself well I apologize.

It's not about living in's about having concerns of any kind because the most powerful person in the world has what seems to some, myself included, questionable judgement.

The accusations you made and continue to make bother me a lot.

I changed my party for many reasons. One was that it is no long the party of inclusion. If you disagree there is something wrong with you or you have an agenda.


I'm done here for now and am going back to look at the racing threads.

I don't know how some people do this every day... I find it draining when you speak but people refuse to hear your words and that's how I feel with you.

I've had nothing but nice little conversations with you on other threads about other stuff.

I have a hard time understanding your thoughts and reactions though and I just don't like bullying of any kind and accusations of racism... that's when I don't want to keep quiet any more.

Think what you want of me. That's fine.

The country has suffered at the hands of this President and I can't wait to give anyone else the chance to begin to try to fix things.
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Old 08-21-2012, 09:30 PM
Thepaindispenser Thepaindispenser is offline
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It is no coincidence that Riot made up the number of years as seven that the Obama's allegedly lapsed in their church attendance. Since Obama less-than-convincingly denounced Wright in 2008 that would take us back to 2001 when some of Wright's most vicious and hateful sermons occurred, which was right after 9/11. Never mind that she hasn't shown one shred of evidence to back up her lies while I produced a 2004 interview with Obama where he said he never misses a Sunday at Wright's church.

Riot is just like Obama, she thinks people will take her at her word while she is lying through her teeth.
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Old 08-21-2012, 11:09 PM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
I've seen people here change their opinions over the past 3-4 years.
No need to keep justifying yourself to me.
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Old 08-22-2012, 07:09 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Dahoss View Post
There are very few actual discussions here. Mostly because people rarely change their opinions on things and I would say it's even rarer people change their opinions because of something someone wrote in the off topic room of a horse racing message board.
yeah, i try. they usually either are too 'boring' and no one bothers to engage, or not a hot button issue, or threads degenerate into your momma wears combat boots type posts. it's too bad that some don't post. i feel if more people would discuss, perhaps it would change the air in the room?
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