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Old 07-24-2006, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
I'm delusional?? Read a book once in a while!
What book? The Old Testament? Next you will tell me there was an Ark that saved all the animals and people from a world flood.

Maybe those minerals are right next to the tablets of the ten commandments.

If there are trillions in minerals why do you need my tax dollar to defend yourself?
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Ummm ... weren't you in an earlier post inveighing over how expensive oil is?

And I already answered the question as to what we get from giving money to Israel ... but I'll do it again since you didn't understand it the first time ...

What we get is ... the satisfaction of knowing that we've lived up to our American principles ... of defending freedom from tyranny. That may seem less important to you than having gas for your Yugo ... but to people who understand the importance firm principles play in determining the destiny of nations ... it's really much more important than the price of oil.

I love the "satisfaction of knowing that we've lived up to our American principles", is that from a hallmark card?

American principles are doing what is best for america. So I guess giving millions to Sadaam Hussein years ago and propping up dictators like those in Saudi Arabia is living up to american principles?

You might be the most delusional person on earth. Who taught you this nonsense, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh? Learn to think for yourself.

You keep failing to answer why they need my tax dollar. Is Israel short on cash or would they just prefer to raise my taxes instead of their own?

Last edited by boldruler : 07-24-2006 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:50 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by boldruler
We aided countries because it benefitted us. Israel should defend itself, just not with my money. Why should a poor/middle class person in america give money to Israel? So a rich person in Israel doesn't have to pay as much in taxes? The US gets nothing for its aid.
First of all ... it isn't necessary to use boldface type to make a point. If your ideas are sound ... they'll come through without the boldface.

Now ... having said that ... can you explain how spending a fortune ... and sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives and enduring hundreds of thousands more of wounded ... defending France, Belgium, China ... and countless other nations ... benefitted us more than just sending relatively piddling amounts of money ... a few billion per year ... to Israel?

And by the way ... poor and middle class people don't pay income taxes in the United States. 100% of income taxes are paid by the top 47% of income earners. In fact ... 75% of all income taxes are paid by the top 10% of income earners. So ... please spare us your crocodile tears for the poor and middle class.
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by boldruler
What book? The Old Testament? Next you will tell me there was an Ark that saved all the animals and people from a world flood.

Maybe those minerals are right next to the tablets of the ten commandments.

If there are trillions in minerals why do you need my tax dollar to defend yourself? unwashed among us?? Please read post # 83 for the answer! It'll probably be over your head..but you gotta start somewhere,huh?
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
First of all ... it isn't necessary to use boldface type to make a point. If your ideas are sound ... they'll come through without the boldface.

Now ... having said that ... can you explain how spending a fortune ... and sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives and enduring hundreds of thousands more of wounded ... defending France, Belgium, China ... and countless other nations ... benefitted us more than just sending relatively piddling amounts of money ... a few billion per year ... to Israel?

And by the way ... poor and middle class people don't pay income taxes in the United States. 100% of income taxes are paid by the top 47% of income earners. In fact ... 75% of all income taxes are paid by the top 10% of income earners. So ... please spare us your crocodile tears for the poor and middle class.
I am done talking to you. You are insane. Everyone in American that earns a living pays income taxes you fool. Did Sean Hannity fail to explain that to you. If we send billions to Israel every year, it means that is billions taken away from education in america. It means it is less taxes that Israelis have to pay to defend themselves. Why are americans paying more in taxes so Israelis can pay less? How hard is that for you to figure out?

The US government isn't funding mental help for soldiers returning for war, but we have money for the Israeli Army? I suspect that doesn't bother you because I see where your allegiance is. This is why dual citizenship should go out the door.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan unwashed among us?? Please read post # 83 for the answer! It'll probably be over your head..but you gotta start somewhere,huh?
I am going to just guess that I am a little brighter and better educated than you so nothing you biased people can say is going to go over my head.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:02 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by boldruler
I love the "satisfaction of knowing that we've lived up to our American principles", is that from a hallmark card?
No ... our principles are stated in the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution.

Abiding by those principles ... not having "oil" or "minerals" ... is why the United States has been the most successful nation in the history of the world.

You may scoff at abstract concepts ... most ignorant people do ... but fortunately the very wise founders of this country ... and the majority of the citizenry which has formed its government for the past 230 years ... do understand the importance of ideas and principles ... and the importance of sticking with them.

You may not realize it ... but you've spent your entire life benefitting from the ideas and principles of others who are considerably more enlightened than you are.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
No ... our principles are stated in the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution.

Abiding by those principles ... not having "oil" or "minerals" ... is why the United States has been the most successful nation in the history of the world.

You may scoff at abstract concepts ... most ignorant people do ... but fortunately the very wise founders of this country ... and the majority of the citizenry which has formed its government for the past 230 years ... do understand the importance of ideas and principles ... and the importance of sticking with them.

You may not realize it ... but you've spent your entire life benefitting from the ideas and priciples of others who are considerably more enlightened than you are.
Yeah, they forgot to teach me that in Con Law. Those very wise founders were primarily deists and warned against getting involved with other countries.

I have done more for members of our military than you have ever done, although I suspect you probably would side with Israel over my country anyway.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:10 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by boldruler
I am done talking to you. You are insane. Everyone in American that earns a living pays income taxes you fool.
This isn't a matter of opinion ... it's a matter of fact.

The top 1% of income earners pay 50% of all income income taxes. The top 10% pay 75% of all income taxes. The top 47% pay 100% of all income taxes. The bottom 53% of income earners pay no income tax at all.

You may call someone who knows these facts a fool ... but in the end ... it's crystal clear who the real fool is.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:11 PM
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I'll tell you what. If i were Bold Brooklynite, i would realize when i was totally outclassed and get on down the road. You cant handle this Bold Ruler.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:12 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by boldruler
Yeah, they forgot to teach me that in Con Law.
Con Law ... isn't that what they teach in prison to inmates who are trying to plea their way out?
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:13 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
I'll tell you what. If i were Bold Brooklynite, i would realize when i was totally outclassed and get on down the road. You cant handle this Bold Ruler.
But very fortunately for me ... you aren't me ...

... and I couldn't be more pleased.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
But very fortunately for me ... you aren't me ...

... and I couldn't be more pleased.
Weak...try again. Perhaps you can cut and paste an insult that might have a little more bite. It seems that you are pretty good at cutting and pasting as has been previously demonstrated.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
This isn't a matter of opinion ... it's a matter of fact.

The top 1% of income earners pay 50% of all income income taxes. The top 10% pay 75% of all income taxes. The top 47% pay 100% of all income taxes. The bottom 53% of income earners pay no income tax at all.

You may call someone who knows these facts a fool ... but in the end ... it's crystal clear who the real fool is.
You are wrong. Who teaches you this garbage? I am sure it is Rush Limbaugh.

Here I will bold it for you so maybe you will answer it.

The fact is that even if that were true, why should I be paying more taxes so that people in Israel can pay less? You keep avoiding this question.

Are you saying the people in Israel deserve to have more money in their pocket and I should be paying for their military instead of paying for it themselves? Why don't I just pay it directly to them from my paycheck. Our government runs huge deficits so we can pay for another coutries military. Makes sense to me. LOL.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:16 PM
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Poor, poor Brooklynite. Found someone "bolder" and much more polished on the issues and cant stand that his poor little ego got smashed to ribbons.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Weak...try again. Perhaps you can cut and paste an insult that might have a little more bite. It seems that you are pretty good at cutting and pasting as has been previously demonstrated.
He can't handle anything when he is on the wrong side of an issue.

No rational person can defend me paying higher taxes so that people in another country don't have to pay for their own military. Basically I am allowing them to pay less in taxes, so I am paying more in taxes so they can have nicer cars and go on vacation. Sounds like a great deal to me.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by boldruler
He can't handle anything when he is on the wrong side of an issue.

No rational person can defend me paying higher taxes so that people in another country don't have to pay for their own military. Basically I am allowing them to pay less in taxes, so I am paying more in taxes so they can have nicer cars and go on vacation. Sounds like a great deal to me.
Well, he just started the full scale retreat. He is now spending the next few hours immersing himself in those great thinkers named Hannity, Limbaugh and O'reilly. Perhaps he is googling every neo-conservative spin artist in the country in an attempt to find a worthy article to cut and paste.

Poor Brooklynite. He's kind of like Bush. If he gets off the script one iota he ends up looking like the utter buffoon that he is.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:36 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Really? I can think of a number of other countries that couldnt find their way against worse tyrannies and bullies than the ones that Israel faces.

Why didnt we help the people of Cambodia against Pol Pot or there oppressive neighbors? All we did was bomb them.

Why didnt we help all of those eastern bloc countries in the fifties when all they had were rocks?

Why dont we help the palestinians whose land is being constantly encroached upon by...Israeli settlers????LOL

Why dont we help some of the neighbors to china?

Why is all of this money pouring into Israel?

Question still unanswered.
It's simply not possible for the US to be a one stop solution to every despotic regime. If ideology alone is your guide you'll end up being pushed into entanglements everywhere in the world at once that would surely bankrupt us. This one solution fits all approach is reckless and could lead to horrible results. When the bullies and tyrants are actually clients of nuclear powers you do not rush in to topple these regimes unless you're ready for an all out world war. No, foreign policy has to be more pragmatic using policies crafted specifically for the situation especially when it comes under the spheres of influence of China and the former Soviet Union.

Supporting Israel like we have is cheap and effective compared to the alternatives. This was not an option in the fifties in eastern europe.

And supporting China's neighboring states like we do Israel, just because we do not like everything China does, is not an option at this point unless we just want to chuck our entire relations with China. No we're in an ecomomic war with China and we need for our own benefit to be engaged with them directly and not trying to set a neighboring state against them.

There are always bullies and thugs around and sometimes there are no better solutions than to be cozy with them for strategic reasons. Its not always clear what the better alternative is and sitting on the sideline without a chip in the game or any influence has it's drawbacks as well.

That's my $.02 anyway.
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Old 07-24-2006, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
It's simply not possible for the US to be a one stop solution to every despotic regime. If ideology alone is your guide you'll end up being pushed into entanglements everywhere in the world at once that would surely bankrupt us. This one solution fits all approach is reckless and could lead to horrible results. When the bullies and tyrants are actually clients of nuclear powers you do not rush in to topple these regimes unless you're ready for an all out world war. No, foreign policy has to be more pragmatic using policies crafted specifically for the situation especially when it comes under the spheres of influence of China and the former Soviet Union.

Supporting Israel like we have is cheap and effective compared to the alternatives. This was not an option in the fifties in eastern europe.

And supporting China's neighboring states like we do Israel, just because we do not like everything China does, is not an option at this point unless we just want to chuck our entire relations with China. No we're in an ecomomic war with China and we need for our own benefit to be engaged with them directly and not trying to set a neighboring state against them.

There are always bullies and thugs around and sometimes there are no better solutions than to be cozy with them for strategic reasons. Its not always clear what the better alternative is and sitting on the sideline without a chip in the game or any influence has it's drawbacks as well.

That's my $.02 anyway.
Solution for Despotic rulers? We've created more despotic rulers than any country in the last two hundred years.

How can our support of Israel be viewed in any way as "cheap". I dont get that. Help me here. Arent we over 100 billion into them yet?

Im still waiting for an answer- why do we send so much money to Israel? And if we have to send money out, if it is our duty, why so much more to them? How do they help us?????
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Old 07-24-2006, 08:47 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Well, he just started the full scale retreat. He is now spending the next few hours immersing himself in those great thinkers named Hannity, Limbaugh and O'reilly. Perhaps he is googling every neo-conservative spin artist in the country in an attempt to find a worthy article to cut and paste.

Poor Brooklynite. He's kind of like Bush. If he gets off the script one iota he ends up looking like the utter buffoon that he is.
Actually ...

... I took a short break because Mrs. Brooklynite ... who is a gourmet cook ... prepared a meal of spaghetti alle vongole verace ... spinaci alla siciliana ... and insalata mista ... which we washed down with a sleek soave bianco. Very refreshing.

OK now ... let's get on with it ...

You seem to think that your boy is doing well ... so .. let's look at his record so far on this thread ---

• Says people in small countries are sub-human ... gets slapped down.
• Thinks the Star of David is a religious symbol ... gets humiliated.
• Thinks a country's success depends on "oil" and "minerals" ... another slapdown.
• Doesn't know American values are stated in the Declaration and Constitution ... another humiliation.
• Confronts Dixie ... gets b-slapped.
• Doesn't know the Israeli war is part of the global war on terror ... blatant ignorance.
• Thinks all Israelis are orthodox Jews ... at least he was 10% right.
• Quotes Pat Buchanan ... at least it wasn't David Duke.
• Doesn't know who pays income taxes ... gets slapped down again.
• Thinks terrorists are "freedom fighters" ... still another slapdown.
• Forgot we liberated France, Belgium, and China ... hits the canvas more than Frazier vs. Foreman.
• Doesn't know Iraq has a democratically elected government ... more public ignorance.
• Says oil is "expensive" then says oil is "cheap" ... more self-humiliation.

Hmmm ... if the real Bold Ruler did as well as your boy ... he'd have been gelded and shipped to Nebraska.
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