Originally Posted by oracle80
Well I'd like you to find me the guys who wanna race on it. Sure the gyp trainers and guys who train cheap horses held together with bandages and a paryer wanna race on it because to them they can jam the sore horses in more often. But the dog wags the tail, the tail doesn't wag the dog. This game, whether anyone likes it or not(and most don't) is predicated on the performance and success of the breeders and the breeding market. Noone can doubt that. WHy do you think people pay millions for horses who have virtually no chance ever of winning back that money on the track? Because they can make it on the back end in the shed. You wanna see this game go bad, and I mean REAL bad? Just go ahead and cause a catastrophic disruption in the breeding market and watch the devestation trickle down. Its quite simple, a healthy breeding market attracts more owners and means more money spent on horses which means more farms who are solvent and more trainers who have horses to train. You go and make 300-500 grand sires worthless and see what happens to the rest of the business, because quite frankly the American breeding market is predicated on speed. This is a serious matter.
Yeah, but Oracle, businesses go down the toilet every day of the year-- it's part of a capitalistic economy. Breeding has only been the name of the game for the past what, 20 or 30 years? And yet somehow the sport managed for centuries before it. Yes, if for some reason there becomes a major push for Polytrack horses, some breeding farms will go down, while other ones will spring up. If 300,000 to 500,000 sires become worthless, then the very small number of people benefiting from AP Indy and Storm Cat will suffer financially. But AP Indy and Storm Cat are going to die someday anyway, aren't they?
I can see where it will make for a difficult few years as breeding people adapt to the shift in the market, but that's capitalism. The smart and the lucky will succeed and the dumb and the unlucky will fail. That's business. I can't see how a new track surface will lead to the gloom and doom for racing in its entirety that you seem to fear. (Always happy to be shown the light, but right now I don't see it.)