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Old 06-11-2009, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Just more of the same pathetic focus on Obama being a secret Muslim. As if being Muslim in America were bad.

The half-azzed, snide comparison to Hitler is the typical touch of the fear-monger.

Crinkle. Trash.

Edit: But I do like where, in the very first paragraph, Gaffney unwittingly admits his examination is just pandering to special interests <vbg>
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:13 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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chuck - by the way we in the empire state have a senator that has done a 360 on 2 key issues

the pro gun , pro life senator from saratoga cty now after a few months with uncle chuck (not simon, the other one) is now anti gun and pro choice - my my ....i guess she dances pretty good
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:33 PM
mclem0822 mclem0822 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot
Death at the Holocaust Museum and the Degradation of the American Dialogue
By Michael Rowe June 11, 2009

Ann Coulter, the self-described "conservative Christian" right-wing talking head, is much on my mind as I contemplate the horrifying images that came out of Washington from the Holocaust Museum, where white supremacist James von Brunn opened fire in an attempted mass-murder of Jews. His killing spree was cut short by security guard Stephen Tyrone Jones who put himself in the line of fire and died so others might live.

I am remembering an October 2007 segment of the Donny Deutsch Show where Coulter asserted that America would be better off if everyone was Christian and that "the Jews" merely needed to be "perfected" through conversion.

Coulter has made her fortune by generating, fanning, and nurturing hatred and contempt for a variety of people, including liberals, Democrats, gays, foreign nationals, 9/11 widows, feminists, single mothers, Muslims, and any other group she could throw to her disenfranchised readership as shark bait.

To Coulter, referring to Jews as "imperfect" on a talk show hosted by an observant Jewish host must have seemed like just another day at the office. Coulter shook her blond hair and tittered, as though waiting to be found witty, charming, and adorably irascible. Oh Ann, you minx! You're just pushing everyone's buttons, aren't you? Shame on you, you dead-sexy fascist pin-up. Stop teasing. You don't really mean that. I mean, not really, right? Right?

Deutsch, clearly appalled, pointed out that the comment was not only patently absurd, but also hateful. Coulter giggled. A gold crucifix gleamed against her bony clavicle. "No," she said, "it's not hateful at all."

This week, nearly two years later, James von Brunn, driven by his own twisted version of Coulter's publicly-proclaimed perspectives regarding the "imperfection" of Jews, entered the Holocaust Museum in Washington and put them into action, with tragic and deadly consequences.

Much the same thing happened on May 31st when Scott Roeder entered the Reformation Lutheran Church during Sunday services and slaughtered abortion provider provider Dr. George Tiller. Media analysts continue to explore a possible continuum between Tiller's murder and FOX host Bill O'Reilly's well-documented on-air tirades against the doctor, whom he repeatedly called "Tiller the Baby Killer." O'Reilly broadcast his vendetta to millions and millions of FOX viewers already infected with evangelical superstitions and a horror of science, especially science as it applies to a woman's right to choose.

If O'Reilly had been a serious journalist or broadcaster instead of a sclerotic, chronically-aggravated right-wing rage pimp, he might have had the professional self-awareness or ethical sense to realize that he was putting George Tiller's life in danger over the more than 28 broadcasts in which he used Tiller's name. But O'Reilly, like, for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and indeed Coulter herself (to name only the gratin of that particular food chain) is neither of those things.

As a group, they are the pop culture equivalent of necrotic carrion beetles, crawling with insectile determination from one infected open wound in the American psyche to another. The wounds include fear of race, fear of foreigners, fear of sexuality, fear of difference, hysterical religious fundamentalism, violent nationalism, and paranoia. They lay their eggs in the infected abrasion, then scuttle away. When the eggs hatch, disgorging rage and discontent, they start counting money.

When challenged on the inherently destructive nature of their enterprise, they invariably claim that their First Amendment right to free speech is being abrogated. Or, like Ann Coulter defensively does in those instances, they cite their place on the New York Times bestseller list. Or the ratings. In other words, since people buy it, watch it, or listen to it in huge numbers, it must have merit, and it must be right.

The difference between John McCain and Sarah Palin became clearest to me in the middle of the campaign last summer.

At a town hall meeting, McCain was confronted by an elderly woman who told McCain that she was a supporter of his because Obama was "an Arab." McCain was clearly uncomfortable, and it was patently obvious why. It had nothing to do with McCain's feelings about Arabs. It had to do with an old-school Republican accidentally moving the rock, and coming face to face with what actually lived beneath it. He recognized that the woman was making an unambiguously racist statement about his opponent, and he was mortified to be asked to answer it. Even though McCain famously and horribly bungled his answer ("No ma'am, he isn't. He's a decent family man.") I knew when he meant. He was addressing the intended racial slur and disavowing it, however badly.

In that moment, I felt deeply for my Republican friends who, on some level, must also be experiencing the embarrassment and discontent of recognizing that their party had been hijacked by racists and religious fanatics who derided education and achievement as "elitist."

Sarah "Screw the Political Correctness" Palin, on the other hand, seemed right at home. She marched into those same crowds grinning and winking, and "Yoo betcha-ing" like she was onstage at the Miss Alaska pageant. While her supporters waved watermelon slices and stuffed monkeys, Palin talked about who the "real Americans" were, and who was "palling around with terrorists." She refused to address the blatant racism of her fans, or address the obvious exploitation of Obama's middle name, Hussein, and the implication she herself was making with her "terrorist" comments.

She was, after all, playing to the accurately-named Republican "base," the same crowd to whom George Bush had sold his second presidential term by pandering to their darkest and most cowardly aspect. This time out it was fear of gay marriage and adoption, carefully tended fear of another 9/11, fear of more fallout from a war they still didn't believe he'd lied about.

One can almost appreciate the horrible honesty of the racists among the McCain-Palin supporters who were able to admit what the others obfuscated: that they didn't want a black man in the White House. Certain videos from their rallies are deeply disturbing. They showcase the seething racism of her most ardent followers.

History has already recorded their obsession with Obama's origins, his religious background, and his citizenship, which remains an obsession among them today.

Obama's citizenship was reportedly also something of an obsession for von Brunn, and likely very much on his mind when he walked into the museum and opened fire to make a statement about what "his" America ought to look like. I have no trouble imagining which radio stations he listened to, or which pundits best represented his baseline political ideology. And why. Even FOX's Shep Smith has said he's disturbed by the escalating virulence and menace of the anti-Obama emails the station is receiving.

There was a time when decency, even honor, was an essential part of the American dialogue in its most ideal form, and part of its very identity. There was a time when our culture would have recoiled in horror at the vituperation flowing unchecked from radios, televisions, and the Internet, instead of applauding it as "common sense," "free speech," or "mavericky," or "a spin-free zone."

There was a time when intellectual honesty was not considered unpatriotic; when compassion for, and understanding of, your fellow man was a sign of strength, not weakness. There was a time when the phrase Have you no shame? meant something, and the First Amendment was not used as toilet paper to wipe up the excremental verbal degradation of vulnerable segments of the American population. A time when it was expected that citizens would understand the difference between free speech and irresponsible speech.

There is no Environmental Protection Agency to measure hate pollution in national dialogue, and no mechanism in place to warn us when the poisonous rage spewed into the national consciousness by shock-jocks, poisonous television pundits, megachurch leaders, and oh-so-subtle politicians, has reached dangerously toxic levels.

No, there is only the result: widows, orphans, collective grief, and an absolute refusal on the part of our loudest, coarsest voices to take any responsibility for their part in the carnage.
You make a ton of good points Riot. I feel like Scum like the Von Brunn who are already totally disturbed, doesn't need any added fuel to his fire! Whether the ilk highlighted above are trying to sell books, or keep their 50 million a year radio gig, they do spread hate! Under the freedom of speech they have the right to air their collective views. However, with that freedom of speech comes responsibility for the words they use, a resposibility which these right-wing kooks (among others), could care less about!
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Jerry Falwell and Saddam Hussein side by side. God saying, "You guys had a chance" as he slams the door to hell. I like it **

** Note - vengence and rightousness is a telltale Republican trait!'re not aware of Nancy Pelosi?
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan're not aware of Nancy Pelosi?
I try not to be aware of her. Not a fan.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
chuck - by the way we in the empire state have a senator that has done a 360 on 2 key issues

the pro gun , pro life senator from saratoga cty now after a few months with uncle chuck (not simon, the other one) is now anti gun and pro choice - my my ....i guess she dances pretty good
its NY, they all suck
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
Either you're "all in" or you're a....gasp...Liberal

that's what i've heard.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by SOREHOOF
Letterman is way more insulting joking about Palin's 14 yr old daughter being "knocked up" by A-Rod. A-Rod should ask Madonna for his b@lls back so he can sue for slander.
i think when letterman was told her daughter was with her that they were talking about the oldest one. i doubt he was advocating having sex with a 14 year old.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:16 PM
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[quote=Cannon Shell]Yes but I dont pretend to be a liberal yet talk the conservative talk.[/QUOT

Bush pretended to be conservative and did everything you said about Obama yet you still supported to Bush.

What is the difference between someone being republican and supporting either one of them in regards to how in line they are/were with traditional republican views?

Bush was the king of big government...and was in most cases the antithesis of the classic conservative but yet you still supported him.

Why can't RIOT support Obama?
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
chuck - by the way we in the empire state have a senator that has done a 360 on 2 key issues

the pro gun , pro life senator from saratoga cty now after a few months with uncle chuck (not simon, the other one) is now anti gun and pro choice - my my ....i guess she dances pretty good
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Yes but I dont pretend to be a liberal yet talk the conservative talk.[/QUOT

Bush pretended to be conservative and did everything you said about Obama yet you still supported to Bush.

What is the difference between someone being republican and supporting either one of them in regards to how in line they are/were with traditional republican views?

Bush was the king of big government...and was in most cases the antithesis of the classic conservative but yet you still supported him.

Why can't RIOT support Obama?
You know that this is bs.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:27 PM
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[quote=Cannon Shell]
Originally Posted by dalakhani
You know that this is bs.
Why? Go back and read the quote that is bolded that you made. I know real conservatives, im talking the hardline nazis(just an expression), that as far back as 2002 were calling for Bush's head for how far left he leaned...and he went more and more to the left as he got into his second term.

But yet you supported him even though he was against much of what you believe besides taxation and its not that he was against spending to save taxes its just that he was against taxes.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:31 PM
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This is your quote and obama is replaced with Bush:

"Since you seem to adore Bush so much it is hard to believe that you could be a Republican especially since he has done virtually nothing that the party as a whole believes in and is moving the entire countrys system of govt and private industry towards the left."

How is that statement BS???????
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell

Why? Go back and read the quote that is bolded that you made. I know real conservatives, im talking the hardline nazis(just an expression), that as far back as 2002 were calling for Bush's head for how far left he leaned...and he went more and more to the left as he got into his second term.

But yet you supported him even though he was against much of what you believe besides taxation and its not that he was against spending to save taxes its just that he was against taxes.
Comparing the situations is silly. Taking one issue and making a broad case is stupid. It is like saying I am firmly behind Obama because I think he is correct in...well something...I'm sure there is one area in which I agree with obama with but that doesnt mean I support him. If you believe in most of the general principles of being a republican, then Obama is pretty close to the anti-Christ. No one said you have to have a hardcore constitute in order to be a Republican but it is hypocritical to say you are one if you support this Presidents agenda. You may think you are one but you are living a lie. This aint the Army. You can convert without penalty.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
This is your quote and obama is replaced with Bush:

"Since you seem to adore Bush so much it is hard to believe that you could be a Republican especially since he has done virtually nothing that the party as a whole believes in and is moving the entire countrys system of govt and private industry towards the left."

How is that statement BS???????
because that statement isnt accurate when Bush is substituted for Obama.
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
because that statement isnt accurate when Bush is substituted for Obama.
Oh yes it is and you know it. Think about what occurred during his administration.

Thats the reason the party is so fractured. Classic conservatives HATED bush.
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:21 PM
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Clinton was a scapegoat too. Same thing.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob

Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
I think he likes to point out all the issues with Obama but I never sensed any hatred of the man.


Give me a break! Check ur PM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:26 PM
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[quote=Cannon Shell]
Originally Posted by dalakhani
Comparing the situations is silly. Taking one issue and making a broad case is stupid. It is like saying I am firmly behind Obama because I think he is correct in...well something...I'm sure there is one area in which I agree with obama with but that doesnt mean I support him. If you believe in most of the general principles of being a republican, then Obama is pretty close to the anti-Christ. No one said you have to have a hardcore constitute in order to be a Republican but it is hypocritical to say you are one if you support this Presidents agenda. You may think you are one but you are living a lie. This aint the Army. You can convert without penalty.
If only you were as correct as you think you are.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Yeah, except Letterman wasn't talking about the 14-year-old daughter, he was talking about the over-18-undwed and pregnant in her past Bristol.

Hee, hee, funny about A-rods balls ....
There was only one daughter at the Stadium. This is insane ,did he somehow "knock up" the one that was in Alaska? What if Rush or Coulter called one of H's kids a nappy headed Ho? Be-head them?
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