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Old 09-09-2010, 08:03 PM
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5 more minutes,Danny....then I am through waiting on your phony boo-bees.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:05 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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wm. saletan, slate...

Two days ago, hundreds of Afghans gathered in Kabul to denounce the United States for burning the Quran. They torched American flags, chanted "Death to America," and carried signs calling for the death of President Obama. Some of them hurled rocks at U.S. troops. A student in the crowd said of the planned Quran burning: "We know this is not just the decision of a church. It is the decision of the president and the entire United States."

This is how it feels to be judged by the sins of others who destroy in the name of your faith. You're no more responsible for 30 Christian extremists in Florida than Muslims are for the 19 hijackers of 9/11. Yet most of us, when polled, say that no Muslim house of worship should be built near the site of the 9/11 attacks. In saying this, we implicitly hold all Muslims accountable for the crime of those 19 people.

Now you know how it feels to be judged that way. It's inaccurate, and it's wrong.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by clyde View Post
5 more minutes,Danny....then I am through waiting on your phony boo-bees.
i do not have phony boo-bees.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:16 PM
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And I have NO proof.

Off it goes.
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by clyde View Post
And I have NO proof.

Off it goes.

just from talking about boo-bees?!?! wow....
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Old 09-09-2010, 08:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
just from talking about boo-bees?!?! wow....

The PM!

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Old 09-09-2010, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
we already know the 'true number'-just ask scuds. according to him, every muslim is a radical. get rid of the lot of them, and all our problems are solved. it's that simple, right? it's almost....hitler-esque, isn't it, when you look at it that way? nah...can't be. because hitler was a bad guy, and we're not bad guys.
If some other group of people praised a murdering butcher, you wouldn't give them this free pass. You're the one here that is overlooking immoral stuff. Not me. I didn't say kill them. I said don't trust them. Mainly, don't be scared of their retribution. See, this whole thing this week? We don't need to be running around worrying about how they feel about a legal act being done, but look how many did worry about how they felt. This group uses fear and intimidation to get what they want. They didn't want him to do a legal act. They threatened to do such n' such. Our gov't said they feared such n' such would be done by these people "if" this was done. I object to us living our lives thinking about whether something will offend them. Fk them. I am not gunna kill anyone, but we need to stop giving a shyt what they want, or don't want. They aren't the majority in this country, or on this earth. They can eat my hole.
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Old 09-09-2010, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
wm. saletan, slate...

Two days ago, hundreds of Afghans gathered in Kabul to denounce the United States for burning the Quran. They torched American flags, chanted "Death to America," and carried signs calling for the death of President Obama. Some of them hurled rocks at U.S. troops. A student in the crowd said of the planned Quran burning: "We know this is not just the decision of a church. It is the decision of the president and the entire United States."

This is how it feels to be judged by the sins of others who destroy in the name of your faith. You're no more responsible for 30 Christian extremists in Florida than Muslims are for the 19 hijackers of 9/11. Yet most of us, when polled, say that no Muslim house of worship should be built near the site of the 9/11 attacks. In saying this, we implicitly hold all Muslims accountable for the crime of those 19 people.

Now you know how it feels to be judged that way. It's inaccurate, and it's wrong.
They aren't morally innocent. They follow a butcher's teachings. Anyone who does that will have to deal with the dislike that comes with it. They aren't being accused of murder. They are the followers of a terrorist. They are the fans of a butcher, and most moral people will never respect someone like this.
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Old 09-09-2010, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by clyde View Post
The PM!


you mean you didn't get the pm with the pics? hmm, wonder what happened...
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Old 09-10-2010, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
They aren't morally innocent. They follow a butcher's teachings. Anyone who does that will have to deal with the dislike that comes with it. They aren't being accused of murder. They are the followers of a terrorist. They are the fans of a butcher, and most moral people will never respect someone like this.
It's like you just channel Pamela Geller directly.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 09-10-2010, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
It's like you just channel Pamela Geller directly.
Honey, I am better. See here at 5:50:

She should of said that he was a butcher, and showing him as a pig is giving him far too much credit. When that witch asked her about respect, she should of said:

" Look, I was born to Jewish parents. This guy cut the heads off 600-900 Jews that surrendered to him. I have no respect for him, and if someone drew a picture of him as a pig, then they are too kind."

Notice that she did own her on the fact the witch was scared of Muslims. What's the witch scared of? If Muslims are so non-violent , then, why the fear? She says she wasn't scared to show the photo? It's a free speech right to show it. Reporters aren't supposed to withold stuff that they are asking someone about. She's let Muslims get in the way of her job as a reporter. The group deals in fear, and intimidation (always has.) The reason the reporter had a double standard (in the treatment of the 2 prophets) is because the people in one of the religions are indeed violent, threatening, and intolerant.
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Old 09-10-2010, 02:22 AM
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"The back-and-forth over the mosque location and the meeting continued into the evening Thursday. Jones insisted he had been told of a deal on moving the center, but Musri said instead he was brokering a meeting with Rauf.
"We are canceling the event because they have agreed to move the ground zero mosque," Jones said, claiming his announcement was based on several conversations with Musri.

But the latter said he had not spoken with Rauf and was not authorized to say the Islamic center would be moved. Jones may have "stretched" their conversations to say there was a deal, Musri told CNN."

Welcome to Islam, Terry!!.....Hello!! They lie to non-believers. That's quite a difference in stories about what took place. This couldn't be an American Muslim leader that outright lied to ya. Oh, no. Zig n' Riot say they are people of the utmost quality....Now, if you go through with the burning, they will accuse you of being a liar. ...Consider it lesson 1 in Muslim Trix, Lies, n' Deception. By an American Muslim? Oh, Zig, say it ain't so. They couldn't do such things. They are better than the ones in other countries.

--- > <---

This is RICH!!!!!!!!! I love the last few seconds of it.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-10-2010 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:22 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i wonder that sometimes! i just don't get the logic that burning the flag is wrong, but burning the koran- a similar act-is just peachy. i really wish someone would give me a good reason why it's acceptable to do so. if one is offended at burning something, why is burning something else an adequate or justified reply?
why are people offended by burning herb?
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 09-10-2010, 08:32 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
If some other group of people praised a murdering butcher, you wouldn't give them this free pass. You're the one here that is overlooking immoral stuff. Not me. I didn't say kill them. I said don't trust them. Mainly, don't be scared of their retribution. See, this whole thing this week? We don't need to be running around worrying about how they feel about a legal act being done, but look how many did worry about how they felt. This group uses fear and intimidation to get what they want. They didn't want him to do a legal act. They threatened to do such n' such. Our gov't said they feared such n' such would be done by these people "if" this was done. I object to us living our lives thinking about whether something will offend them. Fk them. I am not gunna kill anyone, but we need to stop giving a shyt what they want, or don't want. They aren't the majority in this country, or on this earth. They can eat my hole.

Here's my thing. I dont care about how Muslims feel about seeing the Koran burning. I could care less about that terrible religion. I cared about the REACTION that the savages would have. aka killing American soilders or recruiting more extremists.

If they werent absolute savages to begin with, this wouldnt be a big deal. Could care less about the Muslim savages (evident by Danzigs post about how they reacted to just the story of the Koran burning), do care about our Americans that are over there.

Thats why I have such a problem with the burning. We already know how those animals react. Why provoke when you know the outcome? It makes the pastor almost just as bad as they are.

- and for you PC guys - not all Muslims are savages of course, a lot are though (100,000,000)
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 09-10-2010, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
Here's my thing. I dont care about how Muslims feel about seeing the Koran burning. I could care less about that terrible religion. I cared about the REACTION that the savages would have. aka killing American soilders or recruiting more extremists.

If they werent absolute savages to begin with, this wouldnt be a big deal. Could care less about the Muslim savages (evident by Danzigs post about how they reacted to just the story of the Koran burning), do care about our Americans that are over there.

Thats why I have such a problem with the burning. We already know how those animals react. Why provoke when you know the outcome? It makes the pastor almost just as bad as they are.

- and for you PC guys - not all Muslims are savages of course, a lot are though (100,000,000)
You make some good observations, but if we follow this to the extreme, then it is the religion, or faction, with the worst reactions that gets the most deference. And the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or others of a more peaceful temperament get ignored, persecuted or worse.

Though not your intention or how you got there, the end result is indistinguishable from cowardice. It will be viewed that way by the world, and most notably by the very enemies whom we will appear the most terrified of.

It's the macroscopic equivalent of "ignore the bully and he'll get tired of beating you". It doesn't work. Kicking the crap out of the bully does work.
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Old 09-10-2010, 12:14 PM
alysheba4 alysheba4 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
If some other group of people praised a murdering butcher, you wouldn't give them this free pass. You're the one here that is overlooking immoral stuff. Not me. I didn't say kill them. I said don't trust them. Mainly, don't be scared of their retribution. See, this whole thing this week? We don't need to be running around worrying about how they feel about a legal act being done, but look how many did worry about how they felt. This group uses fear and intimidation to get what they want. They didn't want him to do a legal act. They threatened to do such n' such. Our gov't said they feared such n' such would be done by these people "if" this was done. I object to us living our lives thinking about whether something will offend them. Fk them. I am not gunna kill anyone, but we need to stop giving a shyt what they want, or don't want. They aren't the majority in this country, or on this earth. They can eat my hole.
.......right on, let jed clampitt have a giant bonfire.
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Old 09-10-2010, 01:37 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
why are people offended by burning herb?
good question
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Old 09-10-2010, 02:44 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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small world
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Old 09-10-2010, 02:44 PM
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This whole thing is just a money/publicity grab by a bunch of yokels trying to increase their flock and pad their pockets.. Once again under the guise of religion.. Guys are no different than Bernie Madoff, fu<cking con artists.
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Old 09-10-2010, 03:45 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob View Post

Rush is right on with this issue. Its the media that turned this into a huge circus for someone just out looking for attention.

Ignore the nut to begin with, and this is a non issue.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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