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Old 03-13-2007, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by paisjpq
I don't think that article ever made it was in an issue about a month ago (I'm sure saucon has the exact date).

It was the Feburary 10, 2007 issue and it is in
the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic report. It is written
by Steve Haskin and called "Cole's Claims"

It starts on page 902 Echo Farm
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by saucon17
It was the Feburary 10, 2007 issue and it is in
the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic report. It is written
by Steve Haskin and called "Cole's Claims"

It starts on page 902 Echo Farm
"We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth with happiness. We are monkeys with money and guns. " ~ Tom Waits
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:14 PM
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it looks like the shipping ban was extended until march 19th...probably what prompted him being scratched...i think Cole is absolutely greedy enough to run this any level he thinks the horse might possibly get a paycheck.
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Last edited by paisjpq : 03-13-2007 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:27 PM
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OK, here's my take on this situation - and it may not be a popular one....

None of us know what is best for this horse, including me. It's a nice thought to envision him standing in a field full of daisies somewhere and all he has to do is eat. But, that might not be what is "best" for the horse. Isn't it possible that the horse simply enjoys life at the track? Isn't it possible that the horse likes to run? Isn't is possible he could be shipped off to stand in Salzman's field in Carroll County (note - it's spelled with 2 LL's, not one) and hate every minute of it?

Now, before I draw the ire and vitriol of some of you, make sure you understand my point is that NONE of us knows what is BEST for the horse. I'm not a big fan of Cole's as I think he's the second coming of Mike Gill and doesn't do much for the sport except take up stall space. But I'll defend his right to choose what he thinks is best for the horse as long as he is the owner. And if you want to affect the future life of the horse, save your money and go claim him when/if he races again. It's just that simple.

Rest assured, he's getting quality feed, quality bedding, quality vet care, etc in Lake's barn. The horse is being well taken care of. If he could only breathe like he used to.......
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by phystech
OK, here's my take on this situation - and it may not be a popular one....

None of us know what is best for this horse, including me. It's a nice thought to envision him standing in a field full of daisies somewhere and all he has to do is eat. But, that might not be what is "best" for the horse. Isn't it possible that the horse simply enjoys life at the track? Isn't it possible that the horse likes to run? Isn't is possible he could be shipped off to stand in Salzman's field in Carroll County (note - it's spelled with 2 LL's, not one) and hate every minute of it?

Now, before I draw the ire and vitriol of some of you, make sure you understand my point is that NONE of us knows what is BEST for the horse. I'm not a big fan of Cole's as I think he's the second coming of Mike Gill and doesn't do much for the sport except take up stall space. But I'll defend his right to choose what he thinks is best for the horse as long as he is the owner. And if you want to affect the future life of the horse, save your money and go claim him when/if he races again. It's just that simple.

Rest assured, he's getting quality feed, quality bedding, quality vet care, etc in Lake's barn. The horse is being well taken care of. If he could only breathe like he used to.......
He's a gelding. LOL
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:34 PM
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i've heard the argument a lot that horses just like to run and so they should keep racing. Sorry but it doesn't work for me. I agree that horses like to have a job to do but there comes a time when the body doesn't have what it takes to withstand the rigors of racing and be successful...IMO while I may not know better than Cole what is best for his back account I think i do know what would be better for his horse.
The horse certainly could be a very happy animal doing another (less stressful or demanding job). I am not a proponant of just retiring him to let him stand in a field but if he can't find the winners circle at some of the lowest levels of racing don't you think that the time has come to find him a more suitable way to earn his living?
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:54 PM
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If he were my horse, I'd have him "standing" in a field - or I guess he could lay down in the field too, if he wanted.

But he's not my horse and I'll let his owner decide what he feels is best. If I felt that strongly about the issue, I'd go and claim him since I'm licensed in both WV and MD. But I don't, so I won't.....
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Old 03-13-2007, 12:56 PM
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There are plenty of "jobs" he could do. Hell, they could make a pony horse out of him if he loves the track so much. It worked for Kona Gold, 'cept he likes to get loose and out run the yound wipper snappers on the track sometime, just to let them know he still has it!
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Old 03-13-2007, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by phystech
If he were my horse, I'd have him "standing" in a field - or I guess he could lay down in the field too, if he wanted.

But he's not my horse and I'll let his owner decide what he feels is best. If I felt that strongly about the issue, I'd go and claim him since I'm licensed in both WV and MD. But I don't, so I won't.....
Sorry... read that wrong originally.
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Old 03-13-2007, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by phystech
OK, here's my take on this situation - and it may not be a popular one....

None of us know what is best for this horse, including me. It's a nice thought to envision him standing in a field full of daisies somewhere and all he has to do is eat. But, that might not be what is "best" for the horse. Isn't it possible that the horse simply enjoys life at the track? Isn't it possible that the horse likes to run? Isn't is possible he could be shipped off to stand in Salzman's field in Carroll County (note - it's spelled with 2 LL's, not one) and hate every minute of it?

Now, before I draw the ire and vitriol of some of you, make sure you understand my point is that NONE of us knows what is BEST for the horse. I'm not a big fan of Cole's as I think he's the second coming of Mike Gill and doesn't do much for the sport except take up stall space. But I'll defend his right to choose what he thinks is best for the horse as long as he is the owner. And if you want to affect the future life of the horse, save your money and go claim him when/if he races again. It's just that simple.

Rest assured, he's getting quality feed, quality bedding, quality vet care, etc in Lake's barn. The horse is being well taken care of. If he could only breathe like he used to.......
Oh there's no question the absolute best thing for this horse, or any horse, is not racing, the issue is if THIS particular horse has done enough to deserve the life of riley so to speak, and the overwhelming conclusion on this board is that he has. I love racing and understand the risk versus rewards of racing, but to deny the inherent dangers to the horse's participating is clearly putting your head in the sand, add an older warrior like Shake you Down with a lot of wear and tear and the risks are that much greater. Than there's the issue of degrading the old boy by throwing him in a low level claimer, no doubt just to cash in, thats the gratitude for earning you over a million dollars, far more than enough to ensure a nice dignified retirement. If he truly loves being around the track than they could use him as a pony while maintaining his dignity and protecting him from harm.
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Old 03-13-2007, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by LARHAGE
I love racing and understand the risk versus rewards of racing, but to deny the inherent dangers to the horse's participating is clearly putting your head in the sand,
Please show me where I've "clearly put my head in the sand"? I am fully aware of the dangers of racing.

Originally Posted by LARHAGE
add an older warrior like Shake you Down with a lot of wear and tear and the risks are that much greater.
And there's a good point we can debate until we're blue in the face and neither of us would be right or wrong. My stance there is an old warrior like SYD is more apt to protect himself from severe injury as compared to a fresh, lightly raced horse that only knows to go out there and run his/her eyeballs out. I believe the newer horse is more apt to suffer a career ending injury than an old grizzled vet like SYD.

Originally Posted by LARHAGE
If he truly loves being around the track than they could use him as a pony while maintaining his dignity and protecting him from harm.
I couldn't agree with you more on that point. But, it's up to his owner, not us, to make that decision.
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Old 03-13-2007, 03:44 PM
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While I do agree it's sad to see a G1 winner sink to this level......

I don't get why no one cares about how degrading it is for regular low level claimers to race at those prices for their whole careers. I know Shake You Down accomplished more than the other claimers but.....they are all horses. If you think Shake You Down should be done, then so should thousands of claimers across the country.
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Old 03-13-2007, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by letswastemoney
While I do agree it's sad to see a G1 winner sink to this level......

I don't get why no one cares about how degrading it is for regular low level claimers to race at those prices for their whole careers. I know Shake You Down accomplished more than the other claimers but.....they are all horses. If you think Shake You Down should be done, then so should thousands of claimers across the country.
actually I do ...but that's another argument for another day.
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Old 03-13-2007, 06:23 PM
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Default I have the Answer!!

OK, we all have opinions but here's mine. Get rid of cars and we all go back to riding horses. Saves gas and I'll trade my car for SYD. I mean why go through the trouble of making gas from corn, wheat, etc. when you can cut the food chain down to feed horse....ride. That way all these horses we're whining about can be used and enjoyed.

I can see pulling up to a restaurant and seeing The Green Monkey valet parked while the low level claimers would be left in the back row.

Yea, I'm crazy!

Spyder from SC
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Old 03-13-2007, 06:50 PM
Who Doctor Who Who Doctor Who is offline
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When this chain started, SYD was suppose to run in a 7k claimer at Charlestown I believe. I know he was scratched that night, did they run him back soon after? Has he run recently?
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Old 03-13-2007, 07:10 PM
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i read that with anticipation is now ridden to the hounds, he's a fox hunter (the fox is NOT killed, they just chase him to his hole according to the article). kelso was another who did the same thing.
no doubt someone would be proud to have shake you down-whether a casual rider, or even a police mount-there are former racers who have gone on the force.
i just think it's a shame to see him where he is, with that guy as his owner.
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Old 03-16-2007, 04:30 PM
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Buy him and old Spooky Mulder and give them a fitting retirement

Originally Posted by Danzig188
shame we don't have money left over, we could buy this guy and retire him.
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Old 03-16-2007, 04:56 PM
POINTGIVEN1985 POINTGIVEN1985 is offline
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Spooky Mulder can definitly still run, i cashed on him multiple times last year, on bets ranging from win place, exactas, singled in pick 4's and 6's, i think this old guy has at least another year in him
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Old 03-16-2007, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Who Doctor Who
When this chain started, SYD was suppose to run in a 7k claimer at Charlestown I believe. I know he was scratched that night, did they run him back soon after? Has he run recently?
He last raced January 18, (I have his DRF PPs thru a March 3 workout at Laurel Park.

He has been entered at least 3 times since. One race didn't happen due to weather (and possibly a scratch too) the other times he was scratched. Scratches due to the shipping ban from MD, I believe.

The last 3 times he was entered tag was for $7500 2/15, $10,000 2/25 & $7500 3/15.

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Old 03-16-2007, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by POINTGIVEN1985
Spooky Mulder can definitly still run, i cashed on him multiple times last year, on bets ranging from win place, exactas, singled in pick 4's and 6's, i think this old guy has at least another year in him
I agree with this...Spooky is still in the game...SYD...well, he just isn't.
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