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Old 01-07-2009, 12:34 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
I would help the girl because my actions would actually mean something.

What is going to happen in the Middle East to change anything.

Please tell me, and while you are at it tell every Secretary or State and President this country has ever known. None of them have done a thing except throw billions of dollars into the cesspool of a region.
apparently you're refusing to believe that anything has happened over the years to change things. do the names sadat and begin mean anything at all to you?
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
I'm sure that they would have been fine citizens of the USSR.
Yeah, last I checked the country of Afghanistan is virtually impossible to take over. If you think differently, go spend a few weeks there and explore the terrain. It is an impossible country to take over, which the idiots in our government are about to find out. Our intelligence agencies have said for decades that Afghanistan is a dead end for anyone that tries to occupy it.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
apparently you're refusing to believe that anything has happened over the years to change things. do the names sadat and begin mean anything at all to you?

Nothing has changed. Last I checked they were still killing each other this weekend.

The crazy people always take a few years off to regroup and pretend they will have a sustained peace and in exchange they get more US tax dollars.

I can assure you in 1000 years they still will be killing each other because that is what crazy religious people do.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
All I know is history is on my side, not yours. The Middle East has been a cesspool for centuries. That is what happens when religious wackos run every country in the region.

Let me know when they get a sustained peace there, then you can tell me the billions and billions of dollars we have sent into the cesspool of a region actually has worked. Keep waiting, it isn't ever going to happen. Crazy religious people are just that, crazy.
Great argument. So we should have let Hitler win in Europe? Let Japan take Eastern Asia? Let Russia park missiles in Cuba? Let Korea become Communist? The World would be a better place then? The middle East may be a pain in the ass but last I looked some of those wacko religious countries were sponsoring terrorism and developing nuclear bombs. Should we just let Isreal take them out first and worry about the fallout later?
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
Yeah, last I checked the country of Afghanistan is virtually impossible to take over. If you think differently, go spend a few weeks there and explore the terrain. It is an impossible country to take over, which the idiots in our government are about to find out. Our intelligence agencies have said for decades that Afghanistan is a dead end for anyone that tries to occupy it.
Do us a favor. You do it. Enjoy it and stay there.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

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Old 01-07-2009, 12:39 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Great argument. So we should have let Hitler win in Europe? Let Japan take Eastern Asia? Let Russia park missiles in Cuba? Let Korea become Communist? The World would be a better place then? The middle East may be a pain in the ass but last I looked some of those wacko religious countries were sponsoring terrorism and developing nuclear bombs. Should we just let Isreal take them out first and worry about the fallout later?
c'mon cannon, most of those folks were just whackos...but not religious whackos. no comparison.
thankfully, not the well travelled intelligentsia like QC mapping out our foreign policy.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
Great. So they should raise their taxes and pay for the military they need to protect them. This is not my problem or any taxpayer in americas problem.

Why should I be paying higher taxes so Israelis and Egyptians can pay lower taxes?

We have a situation where some working class americans are paying taxes to give aid to countries like Israel and Egypt, and there are plenty of wealthy people in their countries living better lives than working class americans. Let their people buy their own weapons. Not my problem.
Well, the Saudis are raising money all the time to give to those willing to destroy Israel. Are we supposed to sit back like the world did when the Nazis killed all those Jews for being of a specific race? Would you have been willing to fight to stop that from taking place? They don't want you to, but I think a little help for actual friends is money well spent. Whether we like it or not, we have a common enemy(Islam is not a friend of those who value freedom.)
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
or, you could look at our aid to the afgans as one tool in our fight to win the cold war. you do know we won that, right?
We didn't need to give aid to Afghanistan and we still would have won the cold war. Afghanistan is impossible to take over.

Go watch a movie like Charlie Wilson's War and you will see how the US never wanted the Afghans to win the war, they just wanted the Russians bogged down there.

And you still don't address the fact that our aid to Afghanistan created the Taliban. I guess you just like to look past that part.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Well, the Saudis are raising money all the time to give to those willing to destroy Israel. Are we supposed to sit back like the world did when the Nazis killed all those Jews for being of a specific race? Would you have been willing to fight to stop that from taking place? They don't want you to, but I think a little help for actual friends is money well spent. Whether we like it or not, we have a common enemy(Islam is not a friend of those who value freedom.)
yep, apparently that's exactly what we're supposed to do. same as in darfur, has nothing to do with us. or somalia, bosnia, etc....
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Great argument. So we should have let Hitler win in Europe? Let Japan take Eastern Asia? Let Russia park missiles in Cuba? Let Korea become Communist? The World would be a better place then? The middle East may be a pain in the ass but last I looked some of those wacko religious countries were sponsoring terrorism and developing nuclear bombs. Should we just let Isreal take them out first and worry about the fallout later?
No. Because those battles involved American interests. There were real powers involved that were a threat to the US. Not some little crazy middle east countries that are full of religious wackos.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:44 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
We didn't need to give aid to Afghanistan and we still would have won the cold war. Afghanistan is impossible to take over.

Go watch a movie like Charlie Wilson's War and you will see how the US never wanted the Afghans to win the war, they just wanted the Russians bogged down there.

And you still don't address the fact that our aid to Afghanistan created the Taliban. I guess you just like to look past that part.
you're barking up the wrong tree if you think i will go watch a movie to get an actual, usable history lesson. do you think the movie jfk was real too? and i would disagree that we didn't need to give aid. if the ussr was for something, generally it would be bad for the u.s. you do remember that we were their sworn enemy?
we also backed iraq when they fought iran-that probably gives you the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
yep, apparently that's exactly what we're supposed to do. same as in darfur, has nothing to do with us. or somalia, bosnia, etc....
Oh yes. Let me guess, you wanted to send people like my brother to go fight in crazy African countries, but I am going to guess you never joined the military to go help.

Give me a break. All that happens when you help these crazy people is good american men and women who serve their country get killed for nothing.

Darfur is not an American problem. It is an African problem.

Please explain to me what America is supposed to do. I love all you people with all the ideas but with no solutions.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
I would help the girl because my actions would actually mean something.

What is going to happen in the Middle East to change anything.

Please tell me, and while you are at it tell every Secretary or State and President this country has ever known. None of them have done a thing except throw billions of dollars into the cesspool of a region.
Maybe the fact that the majority of the worlds oil and refineries are there makes it a bit important? Despite your comments about oil independence the reality of the situation is that the worlds modern economies run on oil. If you drastically cut the supply from the middle east then the wonderful people from Venezuela and Russia gain power. Is that a good thing? Think Russia and old Hugo will sell us bargin rate oil? Think the Russians may use the extra money they get in becoming the worlds leading oil producer to rebuild their military and nuclear programs? Is that a good thing?
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
No. Because those battles involved American interests. There were real powers involved that were a threat to the US. Not some little crazy middle east countries that are full of religious wackos. what you just wrote. if you think that these middle eastern countries, iran and syria for instance, post no threat, and don't involve american interests, you're out of your gourd.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
We didn't need to give aid to Afghanistan and we still would have won the cold war. Afghanistan is impossible to take over.

Go watch a movie like Charlie Wilson's War and you will see how the US never wanted the Afghans to win the war, they just wanted the Russians bogged down there.

And you still don't address the fact that our aid to Afghanistan created the Taliban. I guess you just like to look past that part.
Kind of like you and my question of what we are to do as a country if and when the Israelis and Palestinians blow each other off the map??

Sit back and finish off our cheddar fries?
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

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Old 01-07-2009, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
you're barking up the wrong tree if you think i will go watch a movie to get an actual, usable history lesson. do you think the movie jfk was real too? and i would disagree that we didn't need to give aid. if the ussr was for something, generally it would be bad for the u.s. you do remember that we were their sworn enemy?
we also backed iraq when they fought iran-that probably gives you the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.
The US built up Saddam. And thousands of members of the military died in a pointless war to get rid of him.

I love all you people who have nobody in the military in your family that love to use the military like it is your little game of chess.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
We didn't need to give aid to Afghanistan and we still would have won the cold war. Afghanistan is impossible to take over.

Go watch a movie like Charlie Wilson's War and you will see how the US never wanted the Afghans to win the war, they just wanted the Russians bogged down there.

And you still don't address the fact that our aid to Afghanistan created the Taliban. I guess you just like to look past that part.
I suppose our aid to Iraq created Saddam and our aid to Iran created the ayatollahs too?
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:47 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
Oh yes. Let me guess, you wanted to send people like my brother to go fight in crazy African countries, but I am going to guess you never joined the military to go help.

Give me a break. All that happens when you help these crazy people is good american men and women who serve their country get killed for nothing.

Darfur is not an American problem. It is an African problem.

Please explain to me what America is supposed to do. I love all you people with all the ideas but with no solutions.
so glad you pay attention. my husband and i are both navy veterans, and my son is currently a sailor-he just re-enlisted. my other son is also probably going in-he wants to get an appointment to the naval academy. what branch of the military are/were you in?
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:48 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Quiet Chris
The US built up Saddam. And thousands of members of the military died in a pointless war to get rid of him.

I love all you people who have nobody in the military in your family that love to use the military like it is your little game of chess.
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Old 01-07-2009, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig what you just wrote. if you think that these middle eastern countries, iran and syria for instance, post no threat, and don't involve american interests, you're out of your gourd.
This thread alone leaves us, without a shred of doubt, that the print in bold is the case.

Who gives a $hit about the religious whacko's?? Let them be by themselves...Stop monitoring them, and let them give us their best shot.
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