I realize a ban won't stop crime with semi automatic weapons. But I'm still waiting for someone...anyone to give me a reasonable explanation why they need a semi automatic weapon. Sorry, I doubt our founding fathers could see this far into the future and thought people would have access to these kinds of guns. They realized they were imperfect, which is why we have amendments. (I stole that from the movie With Honors.) |
Sure, Hossy. Which talking point is more ridiculous? Hmm? People will lose their jobs and definitely their income will decline. That's a fact. An absolute fact backed by the law of averages. Do I need to list the reasons why? I can go balls deep on a conservative talking point if need be. Quite frankly the assumption that our founding fathers didn't have vision and belief in progress, the same ones who crossed an ocean for the chance at freedom, is insulting to my intelligence. For shame. You should get an autographed picture of Piers Morgan for that one. Of course people shouldn't have big bad weapons. But real life isn't a f.ucking Disney movie and sometimes life doesn't have a happy ending...because asian massage parlors are being shut down. |
So you thought our founding fathers envisioned the world as it is today? People shooting up malls and schools with semi automatic weapons? Really? They were smart, but not that smart.
Sorry, we'll just agree to disagree on this. People will lose their jobs and income will decline if we shut tracks down (which I happen to agree with your point of view) but you are okay with that. But you're concerned about the possible income loss by gun dealers if we ban semi automatic rifles? I don't get it. |
You asked this... Quote:
Holy f.uck turds, Piers. Let's get Nick Cage on the case. Maybe there is an asterisk that faded on the Constitution. |
The state-run media at its finest. Say hello to Piers Morgan...champion of bad trolling and flawed logic.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9z1wfgNf9E |
http://www.lookintoit.org/DHS-Prepar...an-People.html A coincidence I'm sure that this is never mentioned on the state-run media. Meanwhile, they just arrested two guys in Tampa for planning to set off a bomb in NYC in retaliation for the 100's if not 1,000's of innocent children killed in front of their parents, by this presidents illegal drone war. {looking for a link, was reported on the news once this morning and has mysteriously disappeared from their scroll on-line} Not a tear shed by the American people for these kids or their families. |
Americans still have faith in law enforcement. Well here is an authority figure asking relevant questions.
If you care about what happened to these children and adults in Sandy Hook then take 20 minutes of your time and give this a listen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=greuYvcMLDk |
Where do you come up with this stuff? First, you call me a right-winger, then you call me a"bleeding heart liberal", then you accuse me of being a pot smoker, and now you think I want assault weapons banned. So far you've been wrong on every single one of your assumptions. I look at every individual issue separately. I'm basically a moderate Republican but you're going to have a hard time guessing where I stand on issues based on that. I'm left of center on certain issues and right of center on others. The fact that I like all animals doesn't make me a bleeding heart liberal. The fact that I'm not a big fan of hunters doesn't mean I want to ban assault weapons. The fact that I think marijuana should be legal doesn't mean that I smoke marijuana.The fact that I'm a registered Republican doesn't mean that I don't want Boehner to compromise a liitle more and make a deal with the President on the Fiscal Cliff.
Of course, if you are the only one reading "a history book that isn't state run," maybe you are privy to special information that the rest of us don't have. |
Just to touch on something I was talking about in the other thread, if a guy hunts to feed his family because he does not like regular meat and he doesn't think regular meat is healthy, I don't really have a problem with that. But what percentage of hunters do it for that reason? I think the percentage is very small. I think most hunters hunt because they think it's fun. I don't know how anyone could look at a deer or any other animal, and think it's fun to kill them. Do you understand why I would be critical of someone who gets a thrill out of shooting an animal? As I said before, if I lived out in the wilderness and every type of food option was available, I would probably catch some fish. I wouldn't enjoy it. I wouldn't do it for fun. I would do it out of necessity. If a hunter hunts out of necessity, I don't have a problem with that. |
What happened to all of those trips to France? Did the founders of our country travel by dragons? See I don't like you and you don't care for me at all. Unlike you I don't approach my ENEMY (you) playing semantics with a few lines out of many to win some e-debate. Saul Alinsky tactics don't work on me. Get bold and challenge me like a man otherwise f. off. Or keep poking me with a stick. I've got resources. Come at me. Last edited by Kasept : 12-19-2012 at 09:27 PM. |
What I don't understand is people who think hunting is disgusting and/or immoral but then go to the grocery store or a restaurant and buy up meat to consume and think that's perfectly fine. That seems odd. Personally I don't hunt. But it seems weird for me to criticize those who do while I'm inhaling my chicken sandwich. |
We certainly disagree on a number of topics, that's true. I believe we agree on some others. I'm fine with debating politics with you (or anyone) any time on here. The only two things that annoy me about your style is that you tend to fly into wild overreaction about stuff and you seem to get really hostile when its pretty unwarranted. "Get bold and challenge me like a man." Ummm....we're in a discussion on the politics page of a horse racing forum. Its probably not that big of a deal. |
Man up and mention the other ignorant things I said. Why not address all of them? I SEE THROUGH YOU. You are the hostile person. Passive-aggressive behavior is bookmarked on your browser. I'm not wrong about people. Look what happened to Riot. You have always been on my radar because of your posting style. You're a snippy little progressive loser who hides behind fake manners. Last edited by Kasept : 12-19-2012 at 09:28 PM. |
If we ever wake up as a populace these progressives with their snipping powers on forums will come to an abrupt end.
No one likes a person who crowbars back into a debate by taking one paragraph out of context to prove someone is wrong. Especially when they're the enemy. Do you like being a traitor and enemy to the country you live in? Because since you play semantics then I'll play. That's what you are. It's time to stop being nice to the ENEMY. You are the one calling for fundamental change to our constitution. Therefore, you have the motherfu.cking problem. If you don't like it then move to a country with stricter gun laws. Stop making my fellow Americans criminals. Stop taking their livelihoods away, ENEMY. It's not my fault most people are too stupid or scared to call it like it is. LEAVE THIS COUNTRY NOW. |