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http://gothamist.com/2013/10/24/mcdo...paid_worke.php i am disgusted. |
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they made a four freaking BILLION dollar profit last year. it's horseshit that they can't afford to pay more. i think we should remove their tax breaks and other incentives, etc that they receive to equal the amount of federal aid their employees receive. the woman in the link above, has worked for mcd's ten years-not one raise in that entire time. |
![]() and then there's this:
McDonald's leaves taxpayers responsible for $1.2 billion annually (on a national scale) with YUM! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, etc.) costing taxpayers $648 million annually. Even more staggering, the McDonald's corporation raked in $5.46 billion last year in profits with an extra $5.5 billion in dividends and stock buyback; they also pay their CEO Donald Thompson $13.7 million per year. so, with the dividend portion, their profit was 11 billion?! in one year. poor mcdonalds, they just can't afford to pay their employees more. i bet if they ran one less commercial a day, they could scrape up some extra cash. |
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever." hi im god quote |
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When there are too many unskilled laborers than there are unskilled jobs, the wages are lower. They should be. That's how it's supposed to work. How about addressing the problem, rather than blaming employers for it? It is not an employer's responsibility to float the economy by overcharging their customers for products and services in order to make sure someone working the fryer at Mcdonalds in Queens can afford to live in an apartment. This has been going on for almost 50 years, yet it has just been in recent times (the last 10 years or so) that there has been this clamoring of entitlement. Somehow people who make irresponsible choices and who then provide little to no value to the society they occupy need to be compensated on the same level as those that take responsibility for themselves. I'll say it again - NOBODY worked these jobs expecting to raise a family or even take care of themselves off the wages. As a kid, I worked countless minimum wage jobs - KFC to Golden Corral to stock boy in a grocery to lot attendant on car lots. EVERYBODY, with the exception of the managers, were there to make a few bucks - never in a million years expecting that the wages would sustain us - it's laughable. They were part time jobs, after school and on the weekends. the college students worked their class schedule and filled in when they didn't have class or needed to study. The Retirees typically worked the day shifts when the rest of us were in school. Now, you have a generation of people, that have decided that this is all they want to do with themselves, and the onus is now on the employers to compensate them at an absurd rate in order for them to do so. Let's try this - instead of demanding that employers overpay for your unskilled services, how about get an education, learn a trade, serve in the military to learn relateable civilian job skills and actually improve your life instead of forcing someone to give you a hand out? Last edited by Rudeboyelvis : 11-20-2013 at 12:31 PM. |
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$5.46 billion was the net income on sales. There is no 'extra'. If you go down MCD Annual Income Statement http://www.marketwatch.com/investing...mcd/financials you'll also see they paid $1.32 billion in domestic income tax with another $150.4 million deferred. Now you want to count extra's? McD's did $27.5 billion in sales. With the aggregate of say 5% sales tax added that's another $1.375 billion in taxes. There are 13,000 locations in the U.S. With a annual real estate tax on each store of at least $30K that's another 390 million. Now with the average owner reportedly taking home $200K per year and of course having to pay income tax of 34% that's another $68K a store or another $884 million per year. So while a 'study' shows McDonalds employees receive $1.2 billion in benefits because of low wages, facts show McDonald's pays over $4.1 billion a year in taxes (not even considering capital gains tax for McD's investors) Furthermore 5.46 billion profit on $27.57 billion in sales is 19.8 cents for every dollar collected. Meanwhile $4.1 billion in taxes represents 14.8 cents for every dollar collected. McDonalds, develops, buys, transports, prepares, sells and cleans up for their 20 cents. What does the government do for their 15 cents? Nice living collecting $4.1 billion, giving back $1.2 billion and doing nothing but billing for it. With a whole legion of misinformed cheering for more. And McD's is evil. ![]()
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson |
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you'd also know that all wages, not just minimum wages are less than they should be. i don't find 10 an hour to be absurd at all. we demand people work, they get jobs that pay squat, and then they still get federal aid because their corporations don't pay more than is required. which means we support them. you decry people needing support, and then you defend their low pay. my husband works at the paper mill. lots of production hands there who make good money, and are no more educated or skilled than the guy working the fryer at mcdonalds. but they make good money. they watch toilet paper go by. the machine does all the work. i doubt there's some sort of magic going on that says if you watch toilet paper get made, your company can afford to pay you almost triple minimum wage, but if you make a burger, they can't afford to pay you...while making billions upon billions in profit, while us taxpayers take up the slack between a wage just above poverty and one below. and little to no value? if people didn't work at mcd's and all these other places-tell me, who would cook millions of peoples meals every day? the study discusses at length the positive impacts a min. wage hike would have on the economy. Last edited by Danzig : 11-20-2013 at 01:29 PM. |
![]() let's put this another way.
mcdonalds makes billions in profits. i don't. i don't even make millions, not even tens of thousands in profit. mcdonalds shouldn't have to pay a living wage. i should be happy subsidizing their employees by paying taxes that fund food stamps, housing assistance, medicaid, etc? really? i vehemently disagree. but that is the current system. people defend billionaires and their pay scales. i guess this is the same mindset that says let's pay farmers not to grow crops, and then wonder how to feed the hungry. |
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Obama/the government spent $2 billion destroying cars over a two month period. A billion a year to Pakistan, another couple billion to Egypt, and a unknown amount to Al Qaida linked Syrian rebels and you're mad at Mickey D's? ![]() Ever hear of the Ronald McDonald house(s)? BTW How much are we still out on the GM deal?
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson |
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“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson |
![]() Going to do McDonald's for lunch today for a first hand look as honestly other than a drive-thru coffee once every two months (love my Dunkin coffee) I don't visit.
Anxious to order from a person with some college rather than just some high school. ![]()
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson |
![]() Dunkin coffee tastes like chemicals
![]() If that McDonald's is in Florida, you will have about a 99% chance of being served by a HS drop out with a neck tattoo, than a college grad that "hasn't found their niche" yet.
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i'd love to see a citation on that 99% chance. ■Over 88 percent of workers who would benefit are at least 20 years old. ■About 44 percent of affected workers have at least some college education. or you can ignore the facts and stick with your preconceived notions of who works in fast food. Minimum-wage workers are older and, as discussed later, have greater family responsibilities than commonly portrayed. The facts do not support the perception of minimum-wage workers as primarily teenagers working for spending money (though even if true, it would not justify paying teens subpoverty wages). the corresponding chart showed that 11.7% of workers who would be affected by a min. wage increase are under age 20. that means 88.3% aren't teens. Data on educational attainment of those who would be affected by a minimum-wage increase further dispel the misperception of minimum-wage workers as high school students. In fact, nationally just 21.3 percent of those who would be affected have less than a high school degree, while fully 43.8 percent have some college education, an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree or higher. |
![]() The immediate benefits of a minimum-wage increase are in the boosted earnings of the lowest-paid workers, but its positive effects would far exceed this extra income. Recent research reveals that, despite skeptics’ claims, raising the minimum wage does not cause job loss.6 In fact, throughout the nation, a minimum-wage increase under current labor market conditions would create jobs. Like unemployment insurance benefits or tax breaks for low- and middle-income workers, raising the minimum wage puts more money in the pockets of working families when they need it most, thereby augmenting their spending power. Economists generally recognize that low-wage workers are more likely than any other income group to spend any extra earnings immediately on previously unaffordable basic needs or services.
Increasing the federal minimum wage to $10.10 by July 1, 2015, would give an additional $51.5 billion over the phase-in period to directly and indirectly affected workers,7 who would, in turn, spend those extra earnings. Indirectly affected workers—those earning close to, but still above, the proposed new minimum wage—would likely receive a boost in earnings due to the “spillover” effect (Shierholz 2009), giving them more to spend on necessities. This projected rise in consumer spending is critical to any recovery, especially when weak consumer demand is one of the most significant factors holding back new hiring (Izzo 2011).8 Though the stimulus from a minimum-wage increase is smaller than the boost created by, for example, unemployment insurance benefits, it has the crucial advantage of not imposing costs on the public sector. |
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Please feel free to revisit my previous posts. I compared minimum wage jobs of 30 years ago to the current climate. Of course there are more adults working these jobs but that directly correlates to the number of adults that chose to forgo their education. Only 3/4ths of kids in high school graduate. The number of those that go on to higher education, compared to other developed nations, is staggeringly low. That is not McDonald's nor Walmart's nor anyone else who employs minimum wage worker's fault. They should not be required to increase the prices of their goods and services to inflate the compensation of these folks that made these choices. When I go to McDonalds, I see a couple of shift managers (who most likely graduated HS and possibly attended Community College), a bunch of kids, and an equal amount of 20 somethings that don't look like they even know what day it is, but have managed to earn enough cash to tattoo every inch of their bodies. Hey, your world, who am i to judge? Sorry, but that is the impression that is left. Walmart is not much different. Though more uneducated middle aged people than teenagers appear to work there. I see people who were probably day laborers during the construction boom stocking shelves, low level office workers during the mortgage boom manning the cash registers, etc. - now working these jobs. They, by and large, have no formal education and obviously did not excel when they did have a menial office job nor impress a construction foreman to be brought back when work began to slowly trickle back in. Which is fine. this is their fit, and they are most likely excelling at it. But that is what it is - it is not a 10.00 an hour job. and employers needn't be held hostage with a proverbial gun to their head to give that to them. When the market dictates that wages increase, then you will see it. When Walmart can't run a store because they are losing employees to a competitor due to wages, they will increase wages. How it works. Unfortunately you have a generation of unskilled labor at the ready, so i doubt it happens anytime soon. |
![]() again, rude, would you rather a multi billion dollar corporation pay a living wage, like they used to, or would you prefer we continue to subsidize these workers with rent assistance, housing allowances, food stamps, etc? gun to it's head. that's hilarious.
as for impressions...i'll take cold, hard facts from people who study this over impressions, bias, feelings and beliefs any day. as for the market-i doubt the market has ever dictated. these companies for the most part will try to get away with everything they possibly can. i think it's a disgrace, for example, that the base wage for a tipped employee hasn't been changed since it was set in 1991. 22 years ago. you telling me the market bears out keeping that amount? you can't go by what you think, and one should never judge a book by its cover. i'd imagine people i deal with think i have a college degree plus. i don't. corporations have seen taxes lowered, subsidies granted, etc, etc. in turn, with all the breaks they've gotten from the pols they pay off, they in turn should pay a correct wage, based on years of indicators and facts. but yeah, let mcdonalds and the like keep making billions of dollars while the middle class keeps supporting everyone. that's fair. |
![]() Well maybe not that bad..but to my old taster Mc's is still best coffee and Hardee's is close since they went to 100% columbian.. ![]() Been to starbucks 2 or 3 times in my life. don't like exotics they serve or their regular...and 50c mcs vs 3 bucks starbucks..nolo contesto IMVHO..
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938) When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets. Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680) |