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Old 11-19-2014, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Sightseek View Post
I know!
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Old 11-20-2014, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A jibe from Clyde

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Lots of snot faces to answer.

First off.....Old Wuffie:I found your mad face HIGHLY AMUSING! Fine work.Your new clip;would rather replay the funeral clip.

Dob-E-Dob:Thanks so much for referring me to Section 377C of Rule 465.Slipped my mind.I know you love you,and am aware of you balancing problems.I do,however,admire your vicarious musings through my life as a male prostitute.The thing is;you never would pay for it.

BIGrun:Mighty white a ya.Not so bad here.Others have it much worse.We have mid January weather in mid November,that's all.You know, I kind of prefer the term "gifted" to "whacky".Also, I would like the phone number of your sister as long as she is under the age of 30.Otherwise, forget it.

L'Arletta: You could have said I experienced serendipity although what I found as opposed to what I was looking for wasn't exactly just as good or bettah.

But noooooOOOO.

You had to say "whacky."

But....oh never mind.

You could have said I was experiencing massive stigmata.


That doesn't work so well either.

I really hate you.

Let us close with this chordful phone:

She's 31 but don't think you will mind...her number is 1-800-getlost.
Check this link she's on page 1
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 11-20-2014, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
She's 31 but don't think you will mind...her number is 1-800-getlost.
Check this link she's on page 1
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Old 11-21-2014, 08:24 AM
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A coffee break from ~ Clyde


Oh my God ,Sporty Fans

It is so inadequate to say NoAdvantage is the gift that keeps on giving.It's eye popping,jaw dropping entertainment value is so beyond words.You may want to take a listen to the "Why was this Thread Locked?" topic in the very first Gen. Disc. room.You will soon see someone named ....JC,I think----same guy? Nah.Couldn't be.Anyways, that person locked it up and the reason was petty weak.

I should say" pretty" weak.And maybe I shouldn't.

Too late now.

That's because the same sort of thing goes on there all the time and what it really does is underline the thought,"It's not what is said;it's who says it."

Why the few who are ordinary yet are not,frozen,dead or stupid post there is impossible to express in any language of this planet.Maybe it's because although they are pretty sane otherwise----they do have that penchant for pain.Honest,I cannot imagine a better definition of hypocrisy than NA.It's more funny to me than anything else.I don't expect many will find it amusing,but I really do.It's hyper extension of the American political scene is what I enjoy best.

So there ya go.

It's winter and right now in most parts it's the mid January experience.

Not a whole lot to yak about.

I do like watching old Laurel&Hardy(like there's "new" )stuff.But boy NA gets closer all the time.Stevie, have to tell you:You have it all over that place.A thought is,"What if there was a NoAdvantage.....and nobody came?"But there is---- and they did.I think the creator must have gone to horsey board webs sites to recruit with this plea:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to expel hot air,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

This is my fine work for today.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me.

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Old 11-21-2014, 01:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A coffee break from ~ Clyde


Oh my God ,Sporty Fans

It is so inadequate to say NoAdvantage is the gift that keeps on giving.It's eye popping,jaw dropping entertainment value is so beyond words.You may want to take a listen to the "Why was this Thread Locked?" topic in the very first Gen. Disc. room.You will soon see someone named ....JC,I think----same guy? Nah.Couldn't be.Anyways, that person locked it up and the reason was petty weak.

I should say" pretty" weak.And maybe I shouldn't.

Too late now.

That's because the same sort of thing goes on there all the time and what it really does is underline the thought,"It's not what is said;it's who says it."

Why the few who are ordinary yet are not,frozen,dead or stupid post there is impossible to express in any language of this planet.Maybe it's because although they are pretty sane otherwise----they do have that penchant for pain.Honest,I cannot imagine a better definition of hypocrisy than NA.It's more funny to me than anything else.I don't expect many will find it amusing,but I really do.It's hyper extension of the American political scene is what I enjoy best.

So there ya go.

It's winter and right now in most parts it's the mid January experience.

Not a whole lot to yak about.

I do like watching old Laurel&Hardy(like there's "new" )stuff.But boy NA gets closer all the time.Stevie, have to tell you:You have it all over that place.A thought is,"What if there was a NoAdvantage.....and nobody came?"But there is---- and they did.I think the creator must have gone to horsey board webs sites to recruit with this plea:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to expel hot air,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

This is my fine work for today.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me.


Hey Gifted sis got a call from some whacky guy was that you?...Did you like her picture?...
Anyways, i was an early member at PA when he started up dozen years ago, my old handle no longer works but i have followed some links and read some posts..buncha whackos there...but they really cleaned out trackchampion, it's near a ghost town now...anyhoo stay warm my friend and lay off the juice
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 11-21-2014, 05:15 PM
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To you from ~ Clyde


Sorry I forgot to answer you,MediumRun.

But no, did not ringy dingy her.I did note her photo and have to tell you that huge dupa would kill me.Much rather the petite,well rounded types.Nothing against her at all.

Boy that don't sound right.

Anyhooo-----glad you resigned from the Land that God Forgot.NA may have emptied TC,but I think even UpInFlames could have emptied that place.Noticed Drainos in that Thread Locked?.... thread? The guy, when he puts down his abacus......he does see things much clearer than the brood.Some people are inherent dupa smoochers.NA really magnifies that human genetic malfunction.

I must now run as I have opened up a female bush shaving shop at Kent State.

It's called Bush Artistry by Clyde.

My first customer wants her bush to spell "BURY ME BABY!"
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Old 11-23-2014, 09:01 AM
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From Clyde

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Well this is certainly exciting.

Must it always be me the one creating controversial excitement?

Why, yes....yes it does!!

Let's start off today with a fairly benign stinger.I just popped in over at NA....and in a way,that's always a mistake.Why is it dart men are often the ones most in need of power? Headlines:"CRAZED DART MAN WALKS INTO THREAD AND BANS 4,DELETES 4 OTHERS."How often must we see headlines as quoted?What is wrong with this world?Yet at NA;the Religious thread goes on in perpetuity.Why----I don't know.That thing ,10,000 posts ago, should have been locked with a large steel crucifix welded to the lock.How long can you keep on keepin' on in arguing,"DOES! DOESN'T!----DID! DIDN'T!"....? A simple comment like "precious" gets a thread locked,but the Religious thread goes on.

But it all makes sense at NoAdvantage.

That's why it's called No Advantage.

It's why the frozen,dead and stupid populate the place.

"Secrets of the Arcane where even the Arcane Don't Know What They're Talking About!!" Probably a better name for it.BAH! Enough of NA.

Myself,I'm in a bad place.Something is up because God( who just don't like me) tried to reach me by calling my name.Surprised me.But I responded with,"Uhm.....will you kindly stop bothering me?"Which was really dumb because He must have called me for a mighty good reason,but now I don't know.I should have waited to hear what He had to say.I'm pretty paranoid about that deal.

What if He intended to give me another Giacomo exacta for the 2015 derby? Very unsettling.Probably was exactly that....and now he'll probably give it to Ms.Deborah Ann Longerie.No wonder I hate her.

If I was SharedBelief,there is no way I would accept any packages with baffert shown as the sender.

"He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to make the first carnage out of the gate."

-Chief Steward just before the start of the 2014 BCC-

"God! I was just kidding!"

-Chief Steward after the start of the 2014 BCC-

Uhm,I think I'm turning into Dracula.Little different twist on him ,though.Whacky.What's happening is----oh none of you would ever belief restraint.The thing is...I'm-------nah. Really;it is quite beyond belief.

Skip it.

The Starship is doing swell.I had to transverse( love doing that an icy streets) interesting roads and blvds. to reach my assigned destination and it was a lot of fun.Soaring through Shaker Heights along Shaker Blvd and South Park.,I was locked onto the grand ,stately mansions that repeated for many blocks.Very graceful and impressive display of how True Swine live off the shattered dreams of the masses.I almost cried.But then a very shrill, loud"AAAAHHHH!!!!" happened.It was the Starship screaming.I queried,"Starship baby! What's wrong!?" She replied,"STOP ME! STOP ME!! " I slammed the brakes on as I saw the source of her angst;I had almost run a red light at Coventry.Very busy intersection."Oh my God,honey.You saved our lives!" She refused to answer as she was quite peeved at my lapse of road attention.I just patted her dash and said,"Thank you baby.You're the best."

You know that song ,"Wailing Wall"? Rewrote the words to that one.It was one of my finest works,but not for publication. Only mention it to to make you angry.It's kind of like ....Jimmy cracked corn,and I don't care.

Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto:

You know, when you are slammed into a whole big bunch of likes----but you, you are unlike although the sorters did not really know you were unlike......then sometimes that can be a really,really good deal for the likes.This is because some of the likes can sort of see they too can be unlikes.Well not ALL of them of course.....but some.As for the rest,in one way it may be too late but in the most important way it is not at all too late.If you ever look into a catatonic's eyes;can you really tell for a certainty .....they aren't having the time of their lives inside their noodle? By the way, this has nothing to do with me turning into an abstract Dracula.

I'm going too fast, are'unt I?

What has all this to do with horsey racing?

Well, what has NerdyTrail to do with horsey racing?

The answer to both is:Just a little.

the stars are above me
this is good
because if they were below me
i would either be upside down
or the planet would be
it's how i keep myself grounded

I know what most if not all of you are saying to me.....and that is:

"Fucl< Off."

Very well! Off I fucl< then!!
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Old 11-23-2014, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
From Clyde

================================================== ================

Well this is certainly exciting.

Must it always be me the one creating controversial excitement?

Why, yes....yes it does!!

Let's start off today with a fairly benign stinger.I just popped in over at NA....and in a way,that's always a mistake.Why is it dart men are often the ones most in need of power? Headlines:"CRAZED DART MAN WALKS INTO THREAD AND BANS 4,DELETES 4 OTHERS."How often must we see headlines as quoted?What is wrong with this world?Yet at NA;the Religious thread goes on in perpetuity.Why----I don't know.That thing ,10,000 posts ago, should have been locked with a large steel crucifix welded to the lock.How long can you keep on keepin' on in arguing,"DOES! DOESN'T!----DID! DIDN'T!"....? A simple comment like "precious" gets a thread locked,but the Religious thread goes on.

But it all makes sense at NoAdvantage.

That's why it's called No Advantage.

It's why the frozen,dead and stupid populate the place.

"Secrets of the Arcane where even the Arcane Don't Know What They're Talking About!!" Probably a better name for it.BAH! Enough of NA.

Myself,I'm in a bad place.Something is up because God( who just don't like me) tried to reach me by calling my name.Surprised me.But I responded with,"Uhm.....will you kindly stop bothering me?"Which was really dumb because He must have called me for a mighty good reason,but now I don't know.I should have waited to hear what He had to say.I'm pretty paranoid about that deal.

What if He intended to give me another Giacomo exacta for the 2015 derby? Very unsettling.Probably was exactly that....and now he'll probably give it to Ms.Deborah Ann Longerie.No wonder I hate her.

If I was SharedBelief,there is no way I would accept any packages with baffert shown as the sender.

"He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to make the first carnage out of the gate."

-Chief Steward just before the start of the 2014 BCC-

"God! I was just kidding!"

-Chief Steward after the start of the 2014 BCC-

Uhm,I think I'm turning into Dracula.Little different twist on him ,though.Whacky.What's happening is----oh none of you would ever belief restraint.The thing is...I'm-------nah. Really;it is quite beyond belief.

Skip it.

The Starship is doing swell.I had to transverse( love doing that an icy streets) interesting roads and blvds. to reach my assigned destination and it was a lot of fun.Soaring through Shaker Heights along Shaker Blvd and South Park.,I was locked onto the grand ,stately mansions that repeated for many blocks.Very graceful and impressive display of how True Swine live off the shattered dreams of the masses.I almost cried.But then a very shrill, loud"AAAAHHHH!!!!" happened.It was the Starship screaming.I queried,"Starship baby! What's wrong!?" She replied,"STOP ME! STOP ME!! " I slammed the brakes on as I saw the source of her angst;I had almost run a red light at Coventry.Very busy intersection."Oh my God,honey.You saved our lives!" She refused to answer as she was quite peeved at my lapse of road attention.I just patted her dash and said,"Thank you baby.You're the best."

You know that song ,"Wailing Wall"? Rewrote the words to that one.It was one of my finest works,but not for publication. Only mention it to to make you angry.It's kind of like ....Jimmy cracked corn,and I don't care.

Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto:

You know, when you are slammed into a whole big bunch of likes----but you, you are unlike although the sorters did not really know you were unlike......then sometimes that can be a really,really good deal for the likes.This is because some of the likes can sort of see they too can be unlikes.Well not ALL of them of course.....but some.As for the rest,in one way it may be too late but in the most important way it is not at all too late.If you ever look into a catatonic's eyes;can you really tell for a certainty .....they aren't having the time of their lives inside their noodle? By the way, this has nothing to do with me turning into an abstract Dracula.

I'm going too fast, are'unt I?

What has all this to do with horsey racing?

Well, what has NerdyTrail to do with horsey racing?

The answer to both is:Just a little.

the stars are above me
this is good
because if they were below me
i would either be upside down
or the planet would be
it's how i keep myself grounded

I know what most if not all of you are saying to me.....and that is:

"Fucl< Off."

Very well! Off I fucl< then!!
Thank you for giving me the 2015 Derby exacta!!!!
I'm going to box Giacomo with all!!!!

I especially enjoyed your Steward's quotes.
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs!
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Old 11-23-2014, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Rileyoriley View Post
Thank you for giving me the 2015 Derby exacta!!!!
I'm going to box Giacomo with all!!!!
Will you be doing an all / all / all / all super as well? Gee I should consider doing that too.

Anyhoo I have a special Thanksgiving (please don't call it turkey day as, according to PETA, over 45 MILLION are killed each year for Thanksgiving) message for Clydie P.K.

I have decided on Tibbott and would hope that he might choose one to befriend as well:

Aren't they just so sweet?
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Old 11-23-2014, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by my miss storm cat View Post
Will you be doing an all / all / all / all super as well? Gee I should consider doing that too.

Anyhoo I have a special Thanksgiving (please don't call it turkey day as, according to PETA, over 45 MILLION are killed each year for Thanksgiving) message for Clydie P.K.

I have decided on Tibbott and would hope that he might choose one to befriend as well:

Aren't they just so sweet?

Females prefer the longest snoot
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Old 11-24-2014, 06:19 PM
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I used to get attacked by a turkey every time I visited that not so nice horsey.

I say these things only for Clydepookins' amusement.
Tod Marks Photo - Daybreak over Oklahoma
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Old 11-24-2014, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
I've always preferred quality over quanity myself.
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs!
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Old 11-24-2014, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Rileyoriley View Post
I've always preferred quality over quanity myself.
In this case the quantity = quality
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Old 11-27-2014, 04:14 PM
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A Thanksgiving message from - Clyde

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Oh my God.

The posts here since my last are----inconcarneable.

At some ,I laughed;at some;I cried.

A few made me vomit.

Now out of the way,let us move on.

I feel the doom of opaqueness.Usually,obliqueness strikes me.Sometimes,ellipsesness.Sometimes,all three.Oh boy.Now I'm giving myself a headache.Perhaps I should explain.

Not the headache;the reason for my feeling squished.

That's what I mean.

Today we give thanks.Fine and dandy.It's a good thing.....a good holiday reason.And, I think.....we thank things that are outward.The three "f's",if you will.And ,if you will, consider the three f's are the following:Freedom,food and fellatio-poo.Needful,admirable things.Different people will add more to that list of outward things for which they are most thankful.But all tend to be outward even if the thankfulness is directed to people such as family and friends.It's a day that,if we are out for last minute Eskeemo Pies or repugnant cranberries....and pass by an obvious homeless person,we might actually give them something.Maybe 10 dollars.No.That's too much.A quarter.Nah.Too little.Five dollars? Still too much? Maybe a buck.Oh let's give them 10 dollars.It's Thanksgiving.

Whereas on a day other than Thanksgiving, we spot them and call our friends over and proceed to beat the dickens out of that poor homeless person.But not an Thanksgiving.

Why do we rarely if ever be thankful inwardly? Kin ya hep me here?Do you know what I mean?Not thankful for your belly or your vas deferens or your heart still a pumping( almost felt the 12 Days of Christmas on that one,did you?).To say another way;shouldn't we consider Plato's strange idea about the unexamined life as being unworthy of living?What?.....we're supposed to kill ourselves if we are not examining our lives? Probably stretching it out a bit far.I'm thinking ,it's a good idea to examine one's own life with the hope one gets a high score so one can be thankful for one's philosophies and philanthropies.....and yer so forth.Sounds a little aloof but if we are honest about all that inward thinking,one would deserve thanks.Of course, that's given one knows who to thank.Who are we thanking?Many thank their God.Then again, this is the Era of the Atheist ad I wonder who they might be thanking.

DO they thank?Oh that's another question for another day.Who do we thank if we are thankful for our mind's(souls?) output? Would we be patting ourselves on the back?Thanking ourselves?I don't know, but the twist on Plato's no doubt LSD influenced thought would be the counter thought offered up by Vonnegot which is:Then if we do examine our life only to find it woeful,then what?

Maybe that puts all this back to square one.

I just wish I could remember square one.

I do recall....opaqueness.

Well it's another huge horsey racing day on Saturday at the Aqueducts featuring the one mile long Cigar Mile.I noticed the race over at Equibase(comes naturally,being gifted).Do you think Secret Circle will barge out of the gate and immediately mow down everyone to his left ,assuring himself that It'sMyLuckyDay's and Private Zone's potential placement at the end of this race are not compromised? I think that's the way the rules read.The California stewards did make that clear to us.Anyhoo-----lots of my faves in here like IMD,NobleMoon and RegallyReady.I recommend taking one of those three.Observe how I am really going out on a limb picking just 3 horsey's.

Excuse me while I check back for misspellings.


Lots of 'em.
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Old 11-27-2014, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A Thanksgiving message from - Clyde

================================================== ==========

Oh my God.

The posts here since my last are----inconcarneable.

At some ,I laughed;at some;I cried.

A few made me vomit.

Now out of the way,let us move on.

I feel the doom of opaqueness.Usually,obliqueness strikes me.Sometimes,ellipsesness.Sometimes,all three.Oh boy.Now I'm giving myself a headache.Perhaps I should explain.

Not the headache;the reason for my feeling squished.

That's what I mean.

Today we give thanks.Fine and dandy.It's a good thing.....a good holiday reason.And, I think.....we thank things that are outward.The three "f's",if you will.And ,if you will, consider the three f's are the following:Freedom,food and fellatio-poo.Needful,admirable things.Different people will add more to that list of outward things for which they are most thankful.But all tend to be outward even if the thankfulness is directed to people such as family and friends.It's a day that,if we are out for last minute Eskeemo Pies or repugnant cranberries....and pass by an obvious homeless person,we might actually give them something.Maybe 10 dollars.No.That's too much.A quarter.Nah.Too little.Five dollars? Still too much? Maybe a buck.Oh let's give them 10 dollars.It's Thanksgiving.

Whereas on a day other than Thanksgiving, we spot them and call our friends over and proceed to beat the dickens out of that poor homeless person.But not an Thanksgiving.

Why do we rarely if ever be thankful inwardly? Kin ya hep me here?Do you know what I mean?Not thankful for your belly or your vas deferens or your heart still a pumping( almost felt the 12 Days of Christmas on that one,did you?).To say another way;shouldn't we consider Plato's strange idea about the unexamined life as being unworthy of living?What?.....we're supposed to kill ourselves if we are not examining our lives? Probably stretching it out a bit far.I'm thinking ,it's a good idea to examine one's own life with the hope one gets a high score so one can be thankful for one's philosophies and philanthropies.....and yer so forth.Sounds a little aloof but if we are honest about all that inward thinking,one would deserve thanks.Of course, that's given one knows who to thank.Who are we thanking?Many thank their God.Then again, this is the Era of the Atheist ad I wonder who they might be thanking.

DO they thank?Oh that's another question for another day.Who do we thank if we are thankful for our mind's(souls?) output? Would we be patting ourselves on the back?Thanking ourselves?I don't know, but the twist on Plato's no doubt LSD influenced thought would be the counter thought offered up by Vonnegot which is:Then if we do examine our life only to find it woeful,then what?

Maybe that puts all this back to square one.

I just wish I could remember square one.

I do recall....opaqueness.

Well it's another huge horsey racing day on Saturday at the Aqueducts featuring the one mile long Cigar Mile.I noticed the race over at Equibase(comes naturally,being gifted).Do you think Secret Circle will barge out of the gate and immediately mow down everyone to his left ,assuring himself that It'sMyLuckyDay's and Private Zone's potential placement at the end of this race are not compromised? I think that's the way the rules read.The California stewards did make that clear to us.Anyhoo-----lots of my faves in here like IMD,NobleMoon and RegallyReady.I recommend taking one of those three.Observe how I am really going out on a limb picking just 3 horsey's.

Excuse me while I check back for misspellings.


Lots of 'em.

That first link came back 'not available'...i wasted one minute on that and 5 reading this whacky post...i can't afford to lose that many minutes, don't have much left..

"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 11-29-2014, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
That first link came back 'not available'...i wasted one minute on that and 5 reading this whacky post...i can't afford to lose that many minutes, don't have much left..

A reply from ~ Clyde

================================================== ====

Oh shut up MediumRun.

That was fun!

All the same,just a short note;I promise.

Apparently SueyCide lives for one reason and that admire with great envy the pud of CaliforniaAluminum.

It is now time to hope awards go the way of anyone except PayBob and SallyChrome.
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Old 11-29-2014, 08:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
A reply from ~ Clyde

================================================== ====

Oh shut up MediumRun.

That was fun!

All the same,just a short note;I promise.

Apparently SueyCide lives for one reason and that admire with great envy the pud of CaliforniaAluminum.

It is now time to hope awards go the way of anyone except PayBob and SallyChrome.

Ok i accept youse apology


"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 11-29-2014, 08:31 PM
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Arletta Arletta is offline
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
Ok i accept youse apology


Have you been hitting the sauce?
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Old 11-30-2014, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Arletta View Post
Have you been hitting the sauce?

Yeah, my fav jalapeno sauce in Mcdonalds jalapeno burger.
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 12-02-2014, 05:40 AM
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From Clyde

================================================== =============

I forgot all the rules of this contest ,primarily because there are too many.

It seems the races our Multiples( BIG round of applause!) and Imaginaries ( let's hear it!) are picking are limited to those races held between 12-3 and 12-something.

That being so, I would like to announce the selections for my VERY good friend....Bobby "44 Magnum" StingRay of porn film fame.

December 3rd at THE Mahonings Downs.

I think it's #2 in the 2nd,StickyMusic.

Bob also picks the other horses to win.
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