... her name was supposed to be "Condolcezza" ... an Italian musical term meaning "with sweetness" ... but ... ... somehow the "c" got changed to an "e" and it came out "Condoleezza." Not wanting to fight city hall ... her folks left it that way ... and "Condoleezza" it is. She's a brilliant lady ... but I'm not sure she'd be a good president. Politics is a profession ... and running for office ... and winning ... requires a whole different set of skills. It's tough to see how ... in this day and age ... someone can win the presidency in her first try for elected office. |
lets cut the bs, when people speak of minorities in low socioeconomic classifications we should just point out blacks, hispanics, and native americans. Don't clump in the Asians in that category anymore, cause apparently the label "minority" doesnt apply to us in certain instiutions anymore
For the wealthy "minorities" who live on my block ... the answers are ... no ... no ... no ... and no. Come back soon. |
Hey ... it's not tough for "minorities" ... it's tough for the lazy, the slovenly, the substance abuser, and the criminal. Hardworking, persevering, law-abiding, respectful people of all backgrounds get ahead ... but bums don't ... very simple. |
If you want to work hard, dress properly(doesnt have to be designer shirts and 400 dollar shoes, you can get some stuff at TJ Maxx or Marshalls like khakis and a button down shirt real cheap), speak English, and show pride as an American(please don't ask me to speak your language and take a day off for your Holiday, and please don't tell me all about what we do wrong in this country when we were kind enough to accept you into the fold) I can gurantee you that no matter what color or creed you are that you are going to have a better chance at success than a white male who doesnt want to work very hard and dresses like a slob. |
It went to places I never expected..and on an OT thread of a horse racing message board.... Some informed views, some not. At least those that took this thread as an opportunity to expess their ideas have certainly done so. I'm still waiting for Osama's corpse to show up on CNN, as well as the satellite photos of the 80% of WMD's going to Syria. Now, let's get back to discussing enculturation of ethnic groups and discrepancies in the genetic predisposition of melanin in dermal tissue. I can't wait. Carry on! DTS |
She'll be a success at whatever she set's her sights on. |
hey mike they cant help it if they are that way, its the environment thery were raised in its society's fault
Some sociology grad student will be able to sort it out and maybe get a nice paper out of it. Might take some time, but a worthy effort to digest the discourse. It's quite a slice. Last edited by Downthestretch55 : 07-06-2006 at 01:48 PM. |
Heck, disecting this thread could be the subject for a whole semester for a sociology class. |
And I will go a step in a different direction. I think it has to do with family. I believe a stable family where hard work and education are valued, lead to a greater probablility of experiencing the wonderful advanatages this country has to offer. Now another look at the numbers. It is very clear that black families experience a much higher rate of break up. Dad "usually" leaves the kids behind. This is what the numbers say. Most often kids in juuvy, and then jail, come from broken disfunctional families. So why do black families experience a higher rate of breakup, that I personally believe cascades into a number of other problems? And Seattle I think you now have what I believe is the reason for the success of the Asian minority. The family. |
All I'm saying is that it's unfair to come down hard on kids who don't stand much of a chance by accusing them of being lazy/ungrateful as adults. If we're such a pro-life nation, why don't we make sure that every child is able to thrive and be protected until they're old enough to make their own decisions? Life doesn't end at birth...but for some of the kids I knew, it might as well have. Sorry, but I can't even explain how awful some of the stuff was that I saw. You can't control the circumstances into which you're born, and when you're born homeless, in some way you've already fallen out of the social nets that are supposed to catch you. Do some homeless kids wind up doing amazing things? Of course. But a lot don't, and I'll be damned if I'm going to shake my head and say, "If only they worked a little harder..." |
im at work right now, but I will discuss these issues further when I get home. I LOVE THIS! I feel like im in college again, great input from everyone
But many black families bought into the fool's gold of the great society and the welfare state ... government welfare, government housing, government education, government healthcare, government meals ... and proceeded to go right down the drain as all socialists throughout the world have done. The ones who didn't buy into the welfare state ... who were hard-working and self-reliant ... have done just as well as everyone else. Since the welfare law was reformed about ten years ago ... many others have gotten off the plantation and become self-reliant. If you want to read up on this subject ... the world's foremost expert ... who has done massive research using actual census statistics ... is ... ... Thomas Sowell !!! |
Thomas Sowell is black and came from a underprivillaged childhood in NY. One of my favorite intellectuals out there, was introduced to him in my introductory Microeconimics class. Since then ive tried to read everything he puts out, I think he still works at Stanford, and basically gets paid to think
... his latest opinion column ... published today ... is very relevant to this thread ... here it is ... http://www.townhall.com/Columnists/T..._and_blacks_ii |
And I have read the guy. I get very skeptical when a person refers to one "expert". And if you mention Bill O'Reilly in the same sentence as Thomas Sowell, I am going to have huge problems. O'Reilly showed his true stripes already trying to battle a silly comedian. O'Reilly is the actor for the right that need entertainment versus substance. Same with Limbaugh. Same with James Corvell or whatever that I dont listen to anymore for the left. These guys are entertainers. |