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Old 06-12-2009, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
Full house is a funny term to use cause the house is the functional part of our government right now and I don't trust any of them. We have a senate that Golisano just bought and is now being battled in court, along with a Governor who has a lower approval rating than Elliott Spitzer right now. You thought you were corrupt in Illinois, we are dominating you in New York.
here's the cards we've shown so far in the 'battle of corrupt'

A former Governor in the Pen for selling commercial licenses one of which ended up in a truck driver's hand who in turn caused the burning deaths of a mnister's kids.

Another Governor under indictment for 'selling a senate seat' vacated by the now President.

A current US senator under investigation for purgery in relation to obtaining his seat (and he was known as Mr. Clean)

our hold cards are a congressman who may have been involved in bidding for a Senate seat and his father a former Presidential Candidate

A Mayor who has had half of his staff put away for fixing anything from snow removal to favorable zoning laws. Now the supposed front runner as Olympic's host.

A former congressman now the President's Chief of Staff who was knee deep in the Fannie May debacle.

and a host of Obama fundraisers one of who has pled guilty and is now awaiting sentencing and cooperating, who sold the Pres a lot adjoining his home at a reduced rate though admittedly OB says they were only casual friends.

You may have us beat but with the hand we're holding I'm pretty sure we'll 'call'
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:42 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
here's the cards we've shown so far in the 'battle of corrupt'

A former Governor in the Pen for selling commercial licenses one of which ended up in a truck driver's hand who in turn caused the burning deaths of a mnister's kids.

Another Governor under indictment for 'selling a senate seat' vacated by the now President.

A current US senator under investigation for purgery in relation to obtaining his seat (and he was known as Mr. Clean)

our hold cards are a congressman who may have been involved in bidding for a Senate seat and his father a former Presidential Candidate

A Mayor who has had half of his staff put away for fixing anything from snow removal to favorable zoning laws. Now the supposed front runner as Olympic's host.

A former congressman now the President's Chief of Staff who was knee deep in the Fannie May debacle.

and a host of Obama fundraisers one of who has pled guilty and is now awaiting sentencing and cooperating, who sold the Pres a lot adjoining his home at a reduced rate though admittedly OB says they were only casual friends.

You may have us beat but with the hand we're holding I'm pretty sure we'll 'call'

did you forget to mention my favorite Dick Durbin?
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:50 AM
Coach Pants
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It's not like Letterman actually knew which daughter was with Mrs. Mouthbreather and Mr. Tater Salad on their trip to New York.

Obviously the writer of said joke didn't do their research. Obviously the joke was intended for Bristol since she is the one getting all of the media attention and she is the one who is a dirty slut masquerading as a supporter of abstinence.
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Old 06-12-2009, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
did you forget to mention my favorite Dick Durbin?
so far he's been OK as far as I know. I did leave out the old stuff like Rostenkowski stealing stamps and the fact murder trials were once fixed in good ole Cook County and we have the distinction of being the only court to retry a man for murder after he had been found innocent since the Judge was bribed. That Judge ended up blowing his brains out.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:09 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
so far he's been OK as far as I know. I did leave out the old stuff like Rostenkowski stealing stamps and the fact murder trials were once fixed in good ole Cook County and we have the distinction of being the only court to retry a man for murder after he had been found innocent since the Judge was bribed. That Judge ended up blowing his brains out.
dell who fixed the election of 1960 in Ill was it Daley - gotta give us the blow by blow on that
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
dell who fixed the election of 1960 in Ill was it Daley - gotta give us the blow by blow on that
wow from what I've heard Daley had a slew of 'dead Democratic voters' but downstate there were the same amount of 'dead Republican voters' so it was a essentially a wash. He also tried to bring in a huge early lead for Kennedy to disuade Cal voters from going to the polls but that looks like it backfired a bit.

Old Man Daley was loved for sure and did a heck of a lot of good for the city. Unlike his son he was the cop and fireman's friend. Dealing with hoods etc. was just part being 'Da Mayor' Never was greedy for money though he loved power and was honest IMO after all he was quoted, something like "if you can't help a family member who can you help"

some other good ones

The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder.

Television and radio do a wonderful job in focusing attention on the problems of our society.

Look at our Lords disciples. One denied Him; one doubted Him; one betrayed Him. If our Lord couldn't have perfection, how are you going to have it in city government?

No poll can equal the day-to-day visits of the men and women of the Democratic Party.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
It is ridiculous NOW.
You have a short memory.

Are you seriously telling me the Republicans
have not courted the Christian Right in the past?
Because if you are, you dont know your own party.
So all Christians are nut jobs? I would tend to think that a great majority of christians would not consider themselves nuts.
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Old 06-12-2009, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
Well who got preggo..not the 14 but Bristol, right?..and she's 18, so...

I agree 14 yr old should be off limits, until she....NEVER MIND
Actually everyones family should be off limits. This is the problem with these threads, they rarely actually deal with the issues but the mindless crap that is 99.8% insignificant.
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Old 06-12-2009, 12:28 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
So all Christians are nut jobs? I would tend to think that a great majority of christians would not consider themselves nuts.

My friend thinks I'm nuts (well I am but thats besides the point) because I believe in evolution. She says science is basically bogus and never been proven.

Well she believe's in Adam and Eve... I asked her, you think I'm nuts!?!?! Science is bogus but fairytale land is completely true??

I always ask her what happened to the dinosaurs.. can never figure out where they fit in the Bible. Though I'm sure if they were aware of the Pri-historic ages when dino's were on the earth back when the Roman government was releasing its new best seller (the Bible), they would have figured out a way to incorporate them into the Old Testament.

My friend is fairly sane though, and I dont hold her beliefs against her... she calls it FAITH, which I respect.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-12-2009, 12:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
So all Christians are nut jobs? I would tend to think that a great majority of christians would not consider themselves nuts.
Were Jerry Falwell and his followers not major players
in the Republican party? Do you deny this...?

And there were plenty of Christians (Catholic friends
I have anyway) that despised the man and following.

Darn it...
Stop with the misquotes also. Where did I say all Christians?
You should join the press corps.

Last edited by pgardn : 06-12-2009 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
Were Jerry Falwell and his followers not major players
in the Republican party? Do you deny this...?

And there were plenty of Christians (Catholic friends
I have anyway) that despised the man and following.

Darn it...
Stop with the misquotes also. Where did I say all Christians?
You should join the press corps.
Falwell brought a large amount of votes yes. Just as the parties court prominent black, hispanic, gay, jewish, etc leaders most of whom are less than stellar individuals.

When you make sweeping statements you are not being misquoted. When you say that the GOP recruits the Christian right without qualification then it is assumed that you are including the entire demographic.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
There's always the exception I guess...

I'll drop out of this point isn't the best..I should have just said that it's ok to call the President a Muslim terrorist supporter, but not ok to make a joke about a 16 year old who got knocked up and whose mother is a member of the Right Wing, Morally correct bad
That would be the over 18-year-old daughter whose mother famously hauled the child around in public showing her off when she was previously knocked up, said now legally adult daughter recently being on her own minor public tour preaching abstinence.

Don't worry, Palin the Disingenuous Hypocrite this morning on TV called for the public to "Rise up!" against Letterman and child rapists and woman abusers and not take crap from folks like him any more.

And, for added hysteria, you betcha, Palin managed to follow her own warped six degrees of separation and publically blamed it on Obama!
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Falwell brought a large amount of votes yes. Just as the parties court prominent black, hispanic, gay, jewish, etc leaders most of whom are less than stellar individuals.
When you make sweeping statements you are not being misquoted. When you say that the GOP recruits the Christian right without qualification then it is assumed that you are including the entire demographic.
Most black, hispanic, gay, jewish leaders are less than stellar individuals...

ok then.

I am trying to find the prominent gay and Jewish leaders
that are scum... Mainly because I dont know who their major spokespeople are.
So you are thinking of Jessie Jackson and
Al Sharpton. Hispanic... Alberto Gonzales?

Sweeping statements...
Jerry Falwell got a heck of a lot of right wing Christians to
vote conservative. The Republican party fully embraced Falwell.

So from this you derive that I said all Christians...
ok then again.

Just say it.
I wish my party would stay away from the social issues and
stick with the economic principles.
You can do it.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
Most black, hispanic, gay, jewish leaders are less than stellar individuals...

ok then.

I am trying to find the prominent gay and Jewish leaders
that are scum... Mainly because I dont know who their major spokespeople are.
So you are thinking of Jessie Jackson and
Al Sharpton. Hispanic... Alberto Gonzales?

Sweeping statements...
Jerry Falwell got a heck of a lot of right wing Christians to
vote conservative. The Republican party fully embraced Falwell.

So from this you derive that I said all Christians...
ok then again.

Just say it.
I wish my party would stay away from the social issues and
stick with the economic principles.
You can do it.
It isnt MY party. I have issues with the GOP and some of it tactics. But they are so much the lesser of two evils...
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:30 PM
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My friend thinks I'm nuts (well I am but thats besides the point) because I believe in evolution. She says science is basically bogus and never been proven.
Push her out a first-floor window a few times - proves that "gravity theory" to the most ardent skeptic, every time

I always ask her what happened to the dinosaurs.. can never figure out where they fit in the Bible. Though I'm sure if they were aware of the Pri-historic ages when dino's were on the earth back when the Roman government was releasing its new best seller (the Bible), they would have figured out a way to incorporate them into the Old Testament.
Come to the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. There, you will see that dinosaurs walked the earth together with man and prehistoric man and all other creatures on earth at once. Conundrum neatly solved.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
It isnt MY party. I have issues with the GOP and some of it tactics. But they are so much the lesser of two evils...
ok then.

I thought you were a Republican.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
You may have us beat but with the hand we're holding I'm pretty sure we'll 'call'
The first Mayor Daley never would have let all that get so ... messy
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:37 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot
Push her out a first-floor window a few times - proves that "gravity theory" to the most ardent skeptic, every time

Come to the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. There, you will see that dinosaurs walked the earth together with man and prehistoric man and all other creatures on earth at once. Conundrum neatly solved.

She's pregnant so I'll wait a few months to push her over

Now I really want to go to that museum... thats awesome. Cept I may be killed by someone when I'm in there arguing ever single thing. I cant keep my mouth shut when there is a good argument to be had... especially between evolution and creationism or whatever its called.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:40 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot
Push her out a first-floor window a few times - proves that "gravity theory" to the most ardent skeptic, every time

Come to the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. There, you will see that dinosaurs walked the earth together with man and prehistoric man and all other creatures on earth at once. Conundrum neatly solved.

oh..this is priceless...screw Disney.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:42 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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i saw the 'creation museum' on t.v. when it first opened. i thought it sounded hilarious.
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