Originally Posted by HaloWishingwell
a fair race call? Call the action taking place on the track not the action effecting your wallet
Are you a parrot for the lunatic fringe on this site that has this irrational bias against Vic? Until you can show proof of this supposed bias towards Rosario's mounts (post a list of races where Vic's call has an obvious slant), it just sounds like all of you are junior high school girls trying to knock down the head cheerleader by pointing out she put cover up on a pimple
I am not implying that Vic is, or ever has been, a cheerleader, either in junior high or any other time in his life.... you haven't, have you Vic?
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
- Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping