Say what you will about Durkin, but he treats a potential upset like the exciting (if not always pleasant) event that it is. His call of Birdstone's win over Smarty was one of the best I've ever heard. He conveyed the dejection of the crowd without sounding like his dog got shot. Denman's call was a joke.
Good thing Gayego/Geeyago/Goyoogo/Galaga wasn't in the race. He might've caught on fire. |
Try mute...
That must've been awkward when you busted a nut at the 1/16 and she didn't get there.
Durkin is a 1000 times better race caller than Trevor. He should have the BC.
There are reports of a man on a bridge.
You know your great, when people take the time to hate you... If people hate on, your doing something right. |
He's been one of the most obnoxious Zenyattards there is. She ran well. That has nothing to do with what I said to him.
What is the exact definition of a Zenyattard?
You really want to start?
Im asking a serious question, no starting. Would I be considered one, because of my feelings towards her? Also... You never answered my PM. |
Walk away. My comment had nothing to do with you. And I'm not greenlighting anything for you. Use your head.
I thought Denman's call was fine.
How often do you get your ass kicked? Or are you a giant ***** and only talk like a bad ass behind your monitor?
Typing through tears must suck. I didn't make Zenyatta lose. Get over it.
I dont understand why people B itch and complain about everything?? Great 2 days of racing and nothing good to say about it??????????
What exactly did denman do to give you a rash? seriously. You must be mentally retarded to complain about something so mundane about a track anouncers race call. If you dont like it, turn off the TV and play the dog races or jai alai. |
Something tells me your problem with my criticism of the call doesn't have to do with it being mundane. Mentally retarded? Another Zenyatta fan lashing out at nothing in particular. It's going to be OK. |