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Old 10-14-2014, 03:21 PM
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golfer golfer is offline
The Curragh
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
I just found out about it yesterday - I didn't even go. Looks like 4-5 tri tickets split the pot, but can't find any details. Tri paid 337.00 and it looks like the 4-5 winners split the super pot which paid 13,797 each.

I believe you have to be on track to place the bet. If you hit the tri in the 5th race, you put in a cold superfecta bet for each winning tri ticket in the 7th race

Hit the super, you get the pot, if not it rolls over until it has to be mandatorily be paid out. Then if no one cold decks it, the pot get divided among the winning tri ticket holders.

Oh, and that is why I've refused to move to NC.
Yesterday was a Mandatory payout for whatever reason (I don't know the rules involving that). When the pool is large enough, buying the tri is the way to go. I don't think it costs more than $400, and as long as the tri pays close to that, you are guaranteed to break even, with a chance at the entire pool. If no one has the Super, everyone who had a turn-in gets a conso.

If no one had the super yesterday, and that was the conso payout, then I guess I'm a day late with this info

I think you can play the bet at any OTB that simulcasts dog racing. I know we can bet it here in Jax. But I don't think ADW's take the bet (though I'm not sure).
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Old 10-14-2014, 03:45 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
Belmont Park
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Originally Posted by golfer View Post
Yesterday was a Mandatory payout for whatever reason (I don't know the rules involving that). When the pool is large enough, buying the tri is the way to go. I don't think it costs more than $400, and as long as the tri pays close to that, you are guaranteed to break even, with a chance at the entire pool. If no one has the Super, everyone who had a turn-in gets a conso.

If no one had the super yesterday, and that was the conso payout, then I guess I'm a day late with this info

I think you can play the bet at any OTB that simulcasts dog racing. I know we can bet it here in Jax. But I don't think ADW's take the bet (though I'm not sure).
The carryover was 27,594 going in - no idea how much was bet into it yesterday, nor what the takeout on that money was.

That makes since - 8 dog field - if my math is right, for a buck ALL/ALL/ALL (8X7X6 = 336.00) and you get your superfecta lotto ticket (plus you would have been cash positive on the bet to boot).
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