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![]() Of course I read the article, which included this, which shows Cheney indeed stilll had links, something rupe claims Cheney no longer had. And also in the article it shows haliburton becoming a top contractor during that same time. Coincidence? Lol. Sure.
response to an inquiry from Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service reported last year that an official’s deferred salary and stock options could amount to “a continuing financial interest” in the company involved.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
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By the way, I appreciate the compliment that you think that I at least have the potential to achieve average intelligence. I am going to work on it. I think it is a difficult but achievable goal. I appreciate the encouragement. |
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In response to an inquiry from Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service reported last year that an official’s deferred salary and stock options could amount to “a continuing financial interest” in the company involved. The report did not mention Mr. Cheney by name or say that such an arrangement was improper. To avoid conflict of interest, the service said, any official with a continuing interest in a company should include the relationship in public financial disclosure statements, a step Mr. Cheney has taken. Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 03-22-2015 at 06:22 PM. |
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Rupert. How can you possibly argue that someone doesn't have a continuing financial interest in a company when they have stock options yet to be exercised? |
![]() Stock options surely worth more when a company suddenly moves up about 19 spots on the top contractor list. I'm sure that just happened on its own, that it has nothing whatsoever to do with its former CEO being VP...with money still to come from his former company.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
![]() If you read Danzig's article from the NY Times, it said that the issue was looked into and that no wrongdoing or conflict of interest was found. Until reading the article, I did not know that he still had stock options and that any profit made would go to charity, but according to the article there is nothing improper about that. Cheney did everything by the book in terms making sure that he would not personally profit and in terms of disclosing everything.
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![]() That's not fair. He never claimed to be an expert.
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray |
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Flock of deer....
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
![]() Speaking of relocating animals, they are bringing bison back to Alaska. They should have probably consulted with a few of you first to make sure that it's a good idea and to make sure that they are doing it right. Does this plan have all of your approval?
"The first of 100 wood bison aimed at re-establishing a species that went extinct more than a century ago in Alaska were flown Sunday to a rural village." http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fir...id=mailsignout |
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As I said before, it obviously depends on the number of animals. I never said that it could be done in every case or even in most cases. All I said is that instead of just immediately deciding to kill a deer or any type of animal, they should see if there are other options. When there are other feasible options, then I would not be in favor of killing the animals. So do you approve of the plan to import the wood bison into Alaska? |
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"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938) When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets. Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680) |
![]() Did you answer mine? A discussion or debate is so supposed to be a two-way street. I will always be happy to answer your questions as long as you answer mine.
And yes, I did answer your question. I don't know how I could make my position any more clear. For the 10th time, "It obviously depends on the number of animals. I never said that it could be done in every case or even in most cases. All I said is that instead of just immediately deciding to kill a deer or any type of animal, they should see if there are other options. When there are other feasible options, then I would not be in favor of killing the animals." That is it. I don't how I can make my position any more clear. If here in Los Angeles we had a situation where we ended up with 500 deer in an area where they weren't supposed to be, what would I do if I were in charge? I would get some unbiased experts and see what the options were. I would hope they could somehow be relocated. If it couldn't be done, then it couldn't be done. I would certainly want to hear all the options. If it was immediately suggested that they all be shot, I certainly would not be in favor of that until exploring all other options. |
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![]() why does man drive groups to extinction, or close to it, and then try to save them? it seems....odd.
as for the deer: the whitetail is one of the most adaptable species in this country. the number of deer is far larger than colonial times. they are a nuisance and a danger, and cause thousands of wrecks each year. they should have a herd cull of dramatic proportions and donate all the meat to charities. people move to the suburbs, and go ohhh, look at the pretty deer. and then the pretty deer eat their landscaping. or they attack someone during mating season. An estimated 1.23 million deer-vehicle collisions occurred in the U.S. between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, costing more than $4 billion in vehicle damage, according to State Farm, the nation’s leading auto insurer. also cause 200 fatalities annually. we had about 500k deer at the start of the 19th century...today it's about 20 million.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
![]() I would divert the money from lunch programs for poor children.
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Obama does whatever he wants. He obviously doesn't believe in checks and balances. It was the same thing with immigration. He decided that he didn't need congress. He would just do it on his own. It's lucky for us that Obama is a genius and he is always right. I totally trust him to do whatever he wants. Here is a little info on his great plan. Obama is a great negotiator: http://freebeacon.com/national-secur...omes-together/ And in case any of you were wondering whether I would want a Republican President to just do whatever he wants when it comes to immigration and foreign policy, regardless of whether congress and the majority of US citizens are against the plans, the answer is "no". |
![]() I apologize for only reading the first sentence of your post but anyone that is justifying members of congress reaching out to foreign countries undermine the President of the United States is advocating treason in my mind. We have had many presidents in our history that many disagreed with but this is the first time I can recall something like this happening. Any bullshit propaganda you post for advocating treason doesn't change the facts.