An old story
i always wanted to tell this story and I don't want to go without telling it.
In the 1970's I lived in Upper Darby, PA near 69th Street for those familiar with the area. I lived in a cut up house in a one room apartment for $135 a month. Back in those days, 69th Street was very Greek and I had great neighbors who saw me as a young guy on his own and used to give me pot dinners and invite me over for a Sunday meal. I had this guy who lived in the other half of my place who I thought was insane. He was older than me, maybe 60 or 65 when I was 25 and he would yell and scream this unintelligible stuff. It was like grunts and snorts. The guy scared the crap out of me. I thought he was a raving maniac. However, I'm up at Philly Park and ther he is. I go over and he recognizes me as his neighbor and I come to realize he is a Deaf-Mute. He's also Greek. I spoke with my other neighbor and learned all this. He looked at the program and looked at me and pointed at a PP and said "OOMH". That is how we communicated for years forward. He was a great handicapper and I suspect he made his living at it. His finger was a good thing. I regret I never knew his name or anything about him. He never could tell me. And also he never knew about me, because he couldn't hear. He used to have a "red light" doorbell and I'd ring it and point my finger up and that meant go to Philly Park and he'd nod "OK". Good Handicapper, he helped me cash some tickets for sure. We'd go down to the paddock at Philly Park and he would grunt like Frankenstein at some horses. That was a good sign. That was strange, but really not for anybody who is a horseplayer. I just want to let my recollections exist here. |
My favorite local venue to see a show at is The Tower Theatre right there on 69th.
I also sell a good amount of investment properties in an around Upper Darby. Delco has been very kind to us. Greek it is no more though. haha
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital" - Nathan Israel |