Today January 31 in the Gulfstream 4th. You will be hard pressed to find a more boneheaded ride than Rafael Hernandez gave this animal.
Has the 1 hole and on paper and timeformus pace projector is projected to get the lead. Not only does he not go for the lead but fails to even secure a good spot behind it. Instead he gets shuffled back to last, gets in tight and almost manages to cause the horse to fall down and then is forced to try to rally 8 or 9 wide around the turn. Brutal trip, look for this one next out. |
Runs back today in GP 12th. Gets a big rider change to Lezcano. 12-1 morning line. Good Luck. I'm definitely using him.
I'd like to use him but not out of the 12 hole with early speed to his inside plus the 30/1 AE to his outside who will be on the gun early. I may be wrong but most likely look inside for a price
"Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something" - Plato |