My History
The first of my bloodline that stepped foot in this country was a servant aboard a ship headed to Jamestown.
His son and his son had to grovel and work like slaves for their freedom. So loyal to the crown that it stayed with my family until the late 1700's until there was no longer much choice to support. So pardon me while I roll my eyes when I read and/or hear about the hardships of the ancestors of others and how they need to be compensated/respected for it. The problem with most whites is they don't truly know what their ancestors went through and accomplished to have freedom. I'll be damned if I'm going to willfully give it up for a subset of people from various backgrounds that have been nothing but takers throughout their bloodline. F.uck them. That's life. You think I wanted my ancestors to be servants?
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |