Which is a statistic that has no relevance to the election at all. Trump and Shillary both campaigned where it counted, in the swing states and Trump crushed her.
Time to wake up and realize that you live in a Republic and the result is what Americans have been calling for 240 years "Democracy." Tired of idiotic liberals tossing out ridiculous irrelevant statistics and conspiracy theories as to why they lost instead of realizing that they had a failing agenda and the worst candidate in history to run for President who wanted to give us more of what a failing administration has for 8 years. If you don't like the result get yourself a box of Kleenex and move to one of the many failing leftest countries out there, there are plenty of options. Please make sure to take Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Lena Dunham, Al Sharpton, Barbara Striesand, the staffs of MSNBC and CNN and every other moronic limousine liberal with you. |
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
Funny seems like just yesterday when Al Gore won the popular vote the argument was "Dems the rules"
Last edited by jms62 : 12-21-2016 at 05:50 AM. |
friend of KGB foe of CIA
More fake news from the left. The hypocrisy is laughable even if it is so illogical. The same people who four years ago laughed at Mitt Romney's suggestion that the Russians were America's biggest geopolitical foe and supported their failing candidate's laughable stunt of presenting a red Staples button to the Russians are now suddenly concerned about the Russians after eight years of ignoring their hacking and a President Elect who believes he can have productive dialogue with Putin.
Keep the nonsense fake talking points of why Hillary lost coming. |
At least liberals seem to be progressing through the five stages of grief.
There was the Denial during the election returns and shortly after the election, though those like steve still appear to be here. That was followed by Anger with the protests and beating of those who they guessed voted for Trump. Then there was the Bargaining whereby they tried to convince electors to not vote for Trump despite the fact that the movement had zero chance, yet they skillfully managed to get more Hillary electors to change their vote than Trump electors. The Depression should come soon after January 20. I have serious doubts that they will get to the fifth stage though, Acceptance. |
wants to rebuild infrastructure but has not paid taxes in 18 years
Find me one person who does not take any and all legal deductions that are available to them. I suppose that Hillary Clinton voluntarily refused to take deductions on the millions she has made from the Clinton Foundation. I am sure that you are willing to release your tax returns to show everyone that you have voluntarily refused to take even one deduction that you are not entitled to. Typical liberal. Do as I say, not as I do. |
he cares for the American worker by importing all those products from overseas
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
What a loser. Lol
loses $9 million bankrupt 3 times but elected to lead the country?
Really wish this country would give a president that is elected the opportunity to shine or fail based upon what he does while in office. Unfortunately with the gang mentality of politics today that doesnt happen. If he succeeds we all succeed. Why root for a failure that can have negative repercussions on yourself? We need to wake up and grow up as a country. You may not have wanted him to win but he did and now we should hope he becomes the best president in history and ends the corporate and 1% owned political system we have in place forever.
Lets put an old lady in charge instead ?
RIP identity politics 1965-2016 |
What a loser. Last edited by Rudeboyelvis : 12-24-2016 at 11:19 AM. |
glad to be of serve