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![]() Well, I guess now he doesn't have to listen to Karl Rove.
Just more nebulous nonsense from BBB |
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![]() I already respected McCain before today. I respect him a little bit more after tonight.
I want to ask what may come as a silly question to some but something I'm curious about. What do you think would have happened had McCain offered the vice-president position to Hillary Clinton? There's probably a 99% chance she would have said no. There's probably a 99% chance that McCain would have prayed she would say no. But what would it have done for his public perception to at least have offered it to her? I'm sure a lot of people would have questioned the sincerity of the move and rightfully so. But I believe there are also plenty that would have thought it was a very bold move and it's my belief that it would have brought him more votes than adding Sarah Palin ended up costing him. I know it's something that was probably discussed at length on here but I never ventured to the threads so I don't know what was said but I think that if I was a woman, I would have been insulted when he pulled Palin's name out of nowhere. It was an obvious ploy to get the women voters that were disappointed by Clinton losing to Obama and I think it was an insult to think he could just pick any woman and that would make them happy. But what if he had offered it to Clinton? He would have been reaching across gender and party lines and I think a lot of people would have been impressed that not only was he saying he would work with the other side of the aisle but now he was proving it. I don't know. Maybe it's just a crazy thought but I wonder what some of you others might have thought about it had he done it?
The real horses of the year (1986-2020) Manila, Java Gold, Alysheba, Sunday Silence, Go for Wand, In Excess, Paseana, Kotashaan, Holy Bull, Cigar, Alphabet Soup, Formal Gold, Skip Away, Artax, Tiznow, Point Given, Azeri, Candy Ride, Smarty Jones, Ghostzapper, Invasor, Curlin, Zenyatta, Zenyatta, Goldikova, Havre de Grace, Wise Dan, Wise Dan, California Chrome, American Pharoah, Arrogate, Gun Runner, Accelerate, Maximum Security, Gamine |
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![]() based on his 2000 primary campaign vs. his 2008 presidential campaign it doesn't look to me like he was calling the shots this time.
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IMO McCain didn't pick Palin. But had he been allowed to make his selection for VP, and picked HILLARY CLINTON the GOP would have made arrangements for Johnny Mac to get his old room back at the Hanoi Hilton !!! |
![]() of course mccain picked palin. she was one of the ones offered, he saw a chance to appeal to women voters, and took it. thing is, i don't think his folks did as good a job checking her out as they claimed, and it turned out to be a horrible choice.
i know some were very concerned when there was talk of lieberman, but i think he'd have been a good choice, and would have shown mccain was what he claimed to be, middle of the road, bipartisan-a lot of indies would have tilted his way. but he and his advisers thought they needed to appeal to the far right, and now he's lost partly because of that strategy. but face it....he mainly lost due to the current financial crisis, and because of the sitting, incredibly unpopular president.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
![]() McCain does not have a backbone----after that assault Rove and Bush hit him with in SC 8 years ago and not fighting back...,i actually changed party's that year to vote for him in he primaries
![]() Boy, you are a trip handicapper all the way!
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. |
![]() I wonder if McCain woke up this morning and any part of him, deep down inside said..
phew....... |
![]() I think McCain was very gracious last night, he understands a undivided America is better than a divided one and his speech took steps in moving the nation fwd.
It will be interesting who Obama picks for his cabinet, his strength is he knows to surround himself with the best people, and that is where McCain lost the election I believe. |
![]() I didn't see McCain's acceptance speech, will have to find on YOUTUBE
I was thinking a few months back that McCain should have asked Hillary Clinton to be his running mate. He would have won this election. I live in Vermont which has Obama 67% to 31%, very liberal. I'm pretty sure a McCain-Clinton ticket would have defeated Obama-Biden The core Republicans would not have voted for McCain With all of CNN's research info and exit polls in each county around the U.S., it would be interesting to come up with a guess on which ticket would ahve won |
![]() Mike...shut up already.
You have displayed the disvirtue of not knowing when to zip it. |
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I am sure Bush is planning a big PHEW. If I was him I would turn the keys over and head off to Texas - and say fucl< it! Then become a Fox consultant.....
We've Gone Delirious |
![]() good to see that people are giving up the kudos to McCain. he always has been a class act, a man of dignity and honor. of course not the best campaigner, you could see he wasn't in his element and that he or his advisors did not have an effective focused strategy after the convention.
I'm not having any of the blame McCain crap that some on the right are doing. there is no current Republican that could have done substantially better than what McCain did. who else gets booed at their own rally? remember that happened to McCain that one time when he had to take the mike away from that nutty lady who was saying something about Arab or terrorist, I'm not sure which. he had to reprimand his own people and say look we're not going there. that kinda shows you the character of the man. I don't have the same opinion of Obama. he has not been forthcoming and imo not suitable for the job. however i'm not the kind that hopes for all kinds of bad things to happen now just to prove that i was right about him. I wouldn't mind being wrong about him, but at the same time I'm not optimistic about our future. |
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mag heem stub |
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You should be proud that YOUR state senator has risen to the highest post in all of the world. His ascension mirrors that of the GREATEST President ever... right down to the state affiliation. |
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You dumb as.s.......Nixon wasn't from Meeny-SOH-tah! |
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Or does CanterburyDownsJim just not have a good ring? |